Today I am mainly rating profiles. That is if I can get started on it at least.
Do not want.
I am mainly rating vampire articles. It beats rating poetry but is not as nice as looking at cute shoes:)
I am going to lay some serious hurt on my OS in a minute. All I want to do is work on some projects, but noooo... 'upgrade' apparently means refusal to work in the way that I need it tol:( Stupid upgrades. I had just got used to Vista as well and at least that worked with my graphics tablet. This always happens when I have a deadline!
It is 1.17am. My neighbours are doing DIY loudly.
Sometimes I hate my life.
No more rating and no more staring at pages. I have a headache:( If I ever see another fake fang as long as I live, it will be too soon.
And do NOT talk to me about those stupid dumb popup windows that greet you on profiles *grumbles*
Jo, do not even THINK of looking at this. This is also probably not good for parents.
There is no death. The child was pretty much completely unscathed, but I am still shaking with the "What if..." factor.
Today I have not been rating at all. I have been mainly staring at the VR manual finding out lots of nifty stuff about everything.
I meant to do some rating, but somehow I never quite got around to it. Anyone would think that it was somehow intensely boring and not at all a thing someone would want to do for hours at a time. I can't imagine why:P
Yes, this post is lacking in quality and meaning. I am very sleep deprived and my food is only lightly vacationing in my stomach. Apparently extreme exhaustion and fatigue manifests as something approaching a cross between ebola and gastric enteritis.
Jo, email me at some point as it seems like VR messages are not being announced to me, so I am missing them. I check my email every day and I promise not to send you e-plague or anything nasty like that:)
I am mainly rating poetry. I finished with masks and costumes earlier (it was not fun) and now I sifting for pearls in the poetry section.
For the most part I am mainly hitting the 10 unless I happen to see something that just exudes ugly. I am a love it or hate it kind of girl so do not judge me!
I did see some of Birra's work on there though a few moments ago which was very cool. I stopped to read that, and one by Rudyard Kipling too. There was also a nice one that had been inspired by Shakespeare but I forget who wrote it.
I hate rating:(
*edit. Fuck poetry, I am going to rate shoes instead. Mmmm shoes...
Having finished with fang ratings, I am now onto jewellery. Jewellery is normally a thing I like to look at, but not so much today.
I have discovered that people on etsy often overcharge (though not all, to be fair) and that anything that has "Swarovski" in the description is going to be unholy crap.
Ok, I am actually rating the stuff in the vampire database at the moment and I have had to take a break just to share some thoughts with you.
Why do people feel the need to wear plastic flashing LED fangs?
What possesses people to spend $679 on gold fangs with diamonds in when they just make you look like the worst kind of hick? And the chick modelling them should not be wearing a 70's fro to top off the effect, seriously!
Dayglo pink fangs, not a good look.
Neither is anything where the model is covered in grey makeup and blood.
Facial prosthetics are for Star Trek conventions people! Not for going to nightclubs with. You are going to look really really dumb with the buffy get up.
If I am going to have to sit and rate for all I am worth, you can expect me to bitch about it every so often when the stupid gets too much for me to take.