So, we have discovered the reason behind the unholy blockage of doom in the kitchen waste pipe. After using two industrial strength drain cleaners on that puppy, we finally stood back and decided to look at the waste pipe itself. It seems that the original kitchen fitters had a really strange idea of water flow, since our waste pipe actually flows upwards. The U bend goes down quite a way, and then the waste water has to flow up a 40 or so degree angle! This explains why the waste from the washing machine inevitably goes up into the kitchen sink first, and why the government workmen from when this was a rented house used to sigh and tut about how these flats had been built.
I have averted disaster tonight fortunately. My DIY genius husband had decided that it was a five minute job with a hole saw to realign the pipe. I thought about this for a moment and worked out a few scenarios in my mind.
1. The pipe is currently full of high strength caustic drain cleaner.
2. My husband, while wonderful in many ways, is not historically great at DIY.
3. I can't drive him to the hospital.
4. I can't drag his ass into the bath to get the caustic drain cleaner out of his face and off his skin.
5. I am not sure what the ambulances are like at this time of night.
6. In the meantime the waste and burny shit will be pissing all over my floor unchecked.
So instead, I have convinced him to wait until I have cleared out the kitchen. This means that his parents will be here by then and his father can at the very least supervise him while his mother warms up the car for the drive to the hospital.
In the meantime I am going to try to chill and get on with my uber big horrible scary painting project, and hope that home owning doesn't get any worse than this. We have had one waste water and two clean water floods already in the past year, one of which has wrecked the floor, I have to organise a gas safety check on the heating system which I am convinced will end up with us having it condemned because the universe has it in for me this year, and the house seems to have become a haven for every winged bug in existence. If anyone here is into bugs, come to my home sometime. You will probably find a hitherto undiscovered species somewhere in the zoo that has taken up refuge in my bathroom.
Today I have been feeling pretty burned out. It seems like everything that could go wrong has. Therefore, earlier, I decided the day was a bust and went to bed. It is amazing what a few stolen hours of sleep in the middle of the day can do.
I woke up feeling rested and happy, grabbed some fresh (free) grapes out of the fridge, some oatmeal cookies and coffee and am now back to painting in a much better mood.
The grapes were free, along with fresh mushrooms, because for a change the food delivery service fucked up in my favour. I got everything I ordered plus those two items. I didn't realise til about half an hour after the driver left, so I figure I am keeping them to make up for the cherries they lost from my order the time before last:P
♥ I adore grapes.
Jehova Jireh...God provides. The yummy provision of stolen nap time and unexpected food. You must have done something he's affirming...gee, I wonder what that might be!
I'm so glad you got PAINT! Der Commissar ees behind you! WALK! PAINT! PAINT MORE!
Yargh, back up to 267, but I am bloating like a mofo with water at the moment so it isn't from me being piglike. I know my weight seems to yoyo a lot, but it does get lower every time so I am still confident that I will make my goal. I also now have rockbreaker leg muscles, and when time permits I will be going to the gym to work on the rest of me.
I am working on a really huge, huge project at the moment which is consuming my time almost wholesale and a personal important one that is eating up the rest of it. I also have an annoying hip injury which has prevented me from using the dreadmill, but as soon as that is done with I will be back on track with a vengeance:)
I have just finished reading Occams latest journal entry and I swear I nearly voided my bladder all over my chair. I don't think I have laughed this hard in months. I guess I haven't been treating him right because he was bored enough to actually go trawling journals for entertainment.
It is extremely educational too! I have discovered something amazing. If you have enough medical complaints, people will give you stuff for free!
I am seriously sick, woe is me, pity me! Since I am way too sick to make it to the door to collect parcels of goodies though, send them along to Jo's centre instead:) I will reap good karma for just existing.
Did I mention I am seriously sick? I have it on good authority that I will die one day:( Your gifts are the only thing that will stop me from cutting myself I swear. Woe:(
Thousands of Bic razors salute you for your charitable work.
Thank you, it is good to know that having a horrible life changing illness can be a good thing. Yay for free stuff! By the way... want to send some of those bics my way? I feel some woe coming on because no one has sent any free shit yet:(
How could they not hear your plea for Free Stuff? Fucking philistines.
Yeah! It's been like, 10 minutes and no one has paid me any fucking attention in the form of giftage:(
*dies twice and again too* ok ok ... wow good laugh.
I would send you a gift, but I'm laughing too hard to make it to the post office.
Well I met me a bastard in V.R.
That boy Occam never knew his pa
Kinda like to bust his jaw
Or see him sicken real soon ya'll
Sick and lonely and scared ma
That'd be one big laugh, huh?
Hey Borked, you have the wrong journal here. All comments towards Ockham should go to his journal. It is fine to say you want to punch ME in the mouth as I get sicker and die, that would be appropriate in here as it would be directed towards me. I will be sure to pass on your love note to the man himself though, just don't make a habit of using me as a postal service.
Journal comment poetry is really something that should only be done by adults or under adult supervision, kids. Otherwise you might fuck up and look like a moron, like poor little Borked here. Now he's getting mocked by all the other school kids for having no ability to write poetry. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle!
I thought I'd re-write your little ditty, as an object lesson.
I met a bastard on V.R,
Ockham never knew his pa,
I'd kinda like to bust his jaw,
See him catch death flu, hurrah,
He's sick, and lonely, and scared, ma,
That'd be one big laugh, ha ha!
Firstly, I've fixed your wretched stuttering and nigh-illiterate syllable pattern. We now have a consistent 8 / 7 flow. I've also changed a few words so that there's a consistent rhyme scheme. If you're doing rhyming, do it right, kids.
However, it's still garbage, one can only work so far with refuse before you have to throw the whole thing out and start again.
My turn! It is entitled "Occam, King of the Bastards"
I met a bastard in V.R,
That boy had never known his pa.
I'd rather like to break his jaw,
Or see him sick and in deaths maw.
Lonely, sick, crying for his ma,
Oh, that would be one big laugh, yah?
Now that's flattery. ♥♥♥
Yet another bastard in V.R.
Whose rhymes were never on par
He poked fun at my friend
But looked dumb in the end
Wow! Borked, the Vampire Rave Star!
I probably woke the husband creature with my laughing. I love it!
I hear the thumbcat hurling itself against my window with regular determined thumps. He has been doing it for the last ten minutes. I know it is him because I hear the bell around his neck. He will be thwarted tonight as my windows are firmly shut, though I really wouldn't put it past the little bastard to find a brick and throw it through.
I may have to flip through the Wil E Coyote ACME catalogue and pick out some nifty and overly complicated traps. Perhaps some turret guns and landmines would be in order too.
Leave him a pair of shiny new ACME rocket skates. Everyone knows the rocket skates don't have brakes.
It's always handy to have INTSTA-HOLE ready, too.
Mmmm, I wonder if I could get the insta hole to drop it directly into an active volcano:D I bet its poltergeist would haunt me then though and claw my nether regions in the night:(
Yes! But a smarter version that will not get caught :D
I liked this one so much I have decided to keep it:)
How to keep your girlfriend happy ...
Click here
In the table is unchanged. Andolians. Pagealmond as should
show her at once he was in possession on as best i could,
come what might. Wild animalsan wonderful but dangerous
lay before us. Creeping he nominated himself for the hall
of fame and would never marry him. This evening he had his
of patronage: our friend arthur liked to do everything he
received. As his friend complied, poirot shook came after
that of stephen babbington. Looking as a final salute, and
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heart could ill when i thought how anxious you would all
be about while scott was thus discoursing, we were passing
ancient swordcut on the and bruised and bronzed, he was
standing now in captain trevelyan's study.
Jo and Ockham were being my personal cheering squad while I was punishing myself on the dreadmill, and, as they are wont to do, the conversation turned poetic:)
There once was a girl with red hair,
Though it's not so red now, it's still fair,
And she walked like a queen,
And she became all lean,
And on her finger my heart she does wear,
Listen up, lass,
You must walk off that ass,
For the homeless of good old Orleans,
There is cash on your bum,
Walk walk walk! It's, uhm, fun?
And you're helping the poor by turning lean
There once was a girl named Nicky
Who walked very quickly
She moved her ass
To remove some mass
Damn, she’s a fine little chicky
I love that girl with all my heart
She gave the devil machine quite a start
She walked in her slippers
They have furry toe grippers
I may get myself a pair at Wal Mart
Oh god her bathroom blew up
And her husband flew up
Thank god, she exclaimed
No poo this time, she proclaimed
Last time so nawsty I threw up!
Ockham has a crush on our girl
He tries to make her head twirl
He’s pretty damn corny
And you should see him get horny
When she breathes heavy on her stationary whirl
Nicky eats yogurt and tacos
And oh god, her bathroom has back flows
She’ll get a kayak and paddle
While the rest of us twaddle
And damn her rack GOES!
Today I am feeling strong enough to talk about my unexpected remodelling experience from a couple of days ago. The people who know me well know that I have not had the best of luck with bathrooms. We didn't have one at all for two and a half years (long story, not going there), we had a waste water flood in there that made me cry and vomit and a cold water pipe burst which caused a beautiful indoor water feature.
I thought all this was over now. I was wrong.
I was watching a movie with Ockham and was feeling pretty chilled and happy. The only thing that was marring it was that I desperately needed to pee, but didn't want to miss any of the movie. Therefore I waited til the credits and did my normal strangulated cry of "Need to peee! Be right back!"
I was not right back, I did not pee. Instead the whole street and at least part of America got to hear a strangulated scream as I stepped out into my hallway and fell into an unexpected water feature. This time the hot water pipe had burst and I was standing there, trembling, in the middle of a warm expanse of indoor swimming pool. This was at maybe 3am, and my husband shot out of bed like a greased whippet and dove under the sink to turn off the mains water. He is getting good at doing this for some reason.
Then we stood and surveyed the damage. Well, he surveyed anyways; I was staring blankly ahead of me as the water lapped around my toes, imagining for a moment that I was not in a flooded out flat in England. No, I was in Barbados, the water was a friendly sea and I was about to have a maitai. Unfortunately my husband snapped me out of this reverie and brought me abruptly back to reality. He could have waited for me to at least finish said maitai:(
I then remembered that I had got up for a reason in the first place, and had to shoo him out of the pseudo impluvium so that I could actually use it. I felt quite ridiculous sitting on my toilet while idly kicking my feet in the water, but life has to go on and my over tiny bladder waits for no man.
I have discovered a few things about getting water out of the house.
1. You can get a few gallons out of the front door with a normal broom.
2. A dustpan is really good for scooping up water from flat surfaces.
3. Every house needs to have a bucket.
4. A mop is bugger all use for emptying out what is essentially a fishpond sans fish.
5. Floods really do leave the floor looking very clean indeed.
6. Your feet get shiny too.
7. If you have a nice wood laminate floor that has been laid on top of padding, that padding acts as a wonderful incontinence pad. Unfortunately, every footstep on said floor after the surface appears to be dry, will pump several pints of locked in water into the kitchen.
8. Wood laminate does not dry so well. The laminate part decides that it would much prefer to escape its confines, see some of the world and attempt to peel away.
It is two days later and I am still wandering around forlornly picking up soaked towels and bits of paper that were probably once really important but now more resemble grey porridge pulp. Tomorrow I get to visit my insurance brokers and give them the bad news. I am probably going to need tranquillisers for my next insurance quote after this:P
On the very bright side, all the cleaning up in the aftermath of this is going to burn off precious, precious ass fat, so for all the people sponsoring me, be prepared for me to weigh about as much as a flea after this is all over:D
Obviously God wants you to have an indoor goldfish pond. Thumbcats HATE water. Buy a raft, grab a mai tai, and relax with it.
Oh, and rowing is awesome for burning could kayak to the bathroom quick as a flash, no toe grippy worries. It's a blessing, woman!
I never thought of it that way! A permanent thumbcat repellent, plus being able to kayak through the house. Now that is a real feature:D
... =/
1. I must apologize. I did not do that to your water, but I almost peed laughing at the way you explained it. (It would serve me right to have an incontinent giggle fest while watching my toilet explode or something, now.)
2. Isn't insurance amazing? It sucks to make the payment every year, but it's fabulous when, in a case like this, it pays for a few years of itself at one go.
3. *hands you a bucket, and a few tranquilizers*
I would love to have your insurance. When the main sewer backed up in my place in Seattle, their comment to myself and my mother, "if the pipe broke it's covered, but we do not cover backages caused by the city". Unfortunately for us as well, when the roof got a hole in it that caused a waterfall from said roof to the basement (hard woods don't hold water well, neither does plaster) we were told that, "Moose damage" would be covered.
"You mean that if a Moose charges my roof or falls through my roof it is covered?"
"Yes, that would be covered."
As for kayaking- it only burns about 150 calories per hour, I'll show you how to properly row so that you can burn 300-400 calories per hour.
My scales finally moved in the right direction!
260lbs! 20lbs down:D All this work is FINALLY paying off:D
Congratulations! I am so proud of you :)
You are an amazing woman. =) (Send me a message and remind me how one "pledges" - I am sometimes lazy and at this very moment - I want hand feeding and I (to quote Stabb) "Can't be arsed" to find research.
Help a lazy bizzle out? *wink*
Ok, thanks for the note!
Put me down fo' two dolla per pound!
And get wigglin'. ;-)
Thank you! Consider me wiggling right now:D
272 *grumble*
Calves of stone and thighs of steel though. I am going to do a hardcore revamp of my food habits to see if I can break this plateau. Normally I would be thrilled to be gaining this much muscle, but I am on a deadline here.
Sorry for no update yesterday, I am caught up in a really huge painting project that I am also on a deadline for. I will try to be more on time next week. I was still painting at 5am this morning! I wish that burned up lots of calories. My right arm would be an athlete in its own right by now:D
Consider it all ground-work for your weight loss, the muscle buildup is going to help increase your base metabolism anyways :)
The painting is coming along amazingly well, too, it will be so much more than the guy expects to be getting. :)
"revamp" hee hee hee.
Ok, I have discovered something quite alarming to me. Walking several times a day on the doom mill has not helped me lose weight yet. What it has done is given me calf muscles you could break rocks on. I was admiring them for ten minutes in the shower.
I am going to assume that once my body has finished deciding to be Schwarznegger it will get round to dropping some of the poundage. To do otherwise would be a breach of the laws of science and nature.
It would also prove my long held theory that the universe is fuelled by schadenfreude.
Weight update tomorrow, for better or for worse:) Just trust me when I say I am absolutely not slacking:)
More muscle= more calories burned even in non-activity. Keep it up, and I'm sure you'll get a pay off :)
Besides muscle tissue is denser than fat, so even if there is a minimal gain it means you are on the right track :)
Yeah...I wouldn't go on the weight alone. Go by your measurements instead. Muscle is heavier than fat. If you're super-muscly yet really slim you could weigh more than a chubb-butt :-P
I am having the WORST day! It started last night and has slowly snowballed into a big heap of slurry. I think I could probably be snappish at Bambi right now.
The drier managed to break this morning, with my fucking bedsheets inside it. I now have to lay on a blanket until I can rig up some kind of line through the house. I have to wait til the 18th for the new one to arrive.
Every single muscle in my upper body has decided to spasm all at once, nearly every person with a couple of notable exceptions I have had to interact with today has been irritating, some bastard decided to do a knock and run on my window, the phone bill was huge and the bank account is not.
Even the goddamn scales refuse to budge in the right direction. I have been working on it I promise. Occam was giving me moral support on the treadmill this morning, making me picture a really hopeful commissar behind me as I walked.
I am thinking of filing this day under "complete fucking bust" and putting my energies into tomorrow instead. I am going to the cinema for the first time in forever (assuming we can find non damp pants for the husband creature since his jeans were in the fucking drier) and I am considering a day of doing nothing at all. Maybe a book or something as I laze on my unmade bed:)
I would gladly be the kommisar for all of the people who have frustrated you. They will not be spared.
I will be the commissar's commissar. He will not be spared.
Are you saying you want to commissar me, and that [i]I[/i] am not to be spared? Jo, I thought we were ok :(
ffffffffffff too much time on real message boards.
Zilaheteb is going to sponsor me $1 a pound which brings my total up to $300. I need to get cracking some more with the treadmill!
Talking of the doom machine, I found out today that the husband creature had set it up to be on a permanent 7% incline, so I have been doing way more exercise than I thought:D This would explain why I ooze off rather than step off when I am done with my workout:P
2$ a pound, from me.
Wow, I am overwhelmed, thank you! :))))
With as hot as it's been and as much as I've been sweating lately I've dropped 5 pounds since making my pledge.
It helps that I've been walking to and from the office almost every day too.
And the swimming with the kids.
And walking the dog at the soccer park...
...eating less... eating healthier...
...except the cookies.. I love my chocolate chip cookies!
I am still full of water, though you would think I would have sweated off 90% of my body weight by now. I really do drip on the floor when I am done! I need to see some real progress for myself soon or I may cry!
You guys are amazing! And I love me some that thang, m'girl!
If you ever own an ocelot,
You'll find that it gets lost a lot
And causes endless trouble when you
try to seek it out.
It hides in closets, sinks and drawers,
Beneath the stairs, behind the doors--Or
even in a coffeepot, emerging from the spout!
Before you buy an ocelot,
Remember it'll cost a lot
To buy the types of food that every
ocelot demands.
If you don't get him steaks and chops
And apple pies and lemon drops,
You're sure to have a most unhappy creature
on your hands.
When he's not fed, an ocelot
Gets hungry, mean and cross a lot
And doesn't do a single thing but sulk
and pout and fret
But when you feed your ocelot
(He sure likes applesauce a lot!)
You'll find he makes a most delightful,
happy little pet.
John Duffie
272 today, but I am bleeding from the crotch and have enough water retention to actually resemble an inflatable sumo wrestler. I can either get a team of oompa loompas to squeeze out said water, or wait a week and have a more accurate weight.
I am too lazy to find oompa loompas. Come back in a week:P
I bet oompa loompas go good upon a rocket.
eeeesh.. Seeing one of those 1971 oompa loompas in real life would scare the living shit out of me.
When people say Stephen King's IT movie was scary, I point them to the '71 Willy Wonka.
See short terror incarnate.
I have bleeding from the crotch, too.
Blergh for all the other stuff that happens then.
Oh noes! We are synched. Perhaps we should team up and terrorise people:D
Ockham took this test earlier, and being a test addict myself, I decided to give it a go:) The results are not far off and I get a kick out of sharing a mind type with Stephen Hawking:)
From a conversation with my friend. The first two are his, the last mine from when I was a child. I will leave you to guess at the originals, they are pretty easy:)
O proud left foot, that ventures quick within
Then soon upon a backward journey lithe.
Anon, once more the gesture, then begin:
Command sinistral pedestal to writhe.
Commence thou then the fervid Hokey-Poke,
A mad gyration, hips in wanton swirl.
To spin! A wilde release from heavens yoke.
Blessed dervish! Surely canst go, girl.
The Hoke, the poke--banish now thy doubt
Verily, I say, 'tis what it's all about.
Three myopic rodents,
Three myopic rodents,
Observe how they perambulate,
Observe how they perambulate,
They all circumnavigated the agriculturist’s spouse.
She excised their extremities with a carving utinsel.
Have you ever observed such an occurance in your existance
As three myopic rodents,
Three myopic rodents.
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific!
In vain do I ponder thy nature specific--
Precariously poised in the ether capacious,
Closely resembling a gem carbonaceous;
Scintillate, scintillate, globule vivific,
In vain do I ponder thy nature specific!
I know I have not been updating and there has been a reason behind it. Since my landwhale medications have been kicking my arse, or rather padding it out, I decided to stop doing it until I had my treadmill of doom up and running. Now I seem to be back on track and have lost the medication caused gain. I will be updating on sundays again, but as a sneak peek, I was at 271 this morning.
Your money is definitely not going to be safely staying in your wallets even if I have to do a marathon every day to ensure it;)
For anyone who doesn't know yet, I am doing a sponsored get the weight off my fat ass for Jo's centre. My challenge is to lose 50lbs by christmas. I have already lost 9lbs, just so you know I am serious about this:D
If you feel like your wallets are too heavy, it is a good cause. If you just like the idea of my torturing myself on the treadmill of death every single day til christmas, that is a good cause too. So far I have $200 riding on this from some incredibly awesome people, so go on, make me suffer!
I love you and have every confidence that you will be taking my $50 for the cause.
Just make sure it's in USD...I can't afford your bloody pounds!
Get it? Get it?!
Don't be stealing my puns Jo.
I'll chip in a dollar a pound for how much you lose from July 1st to December 31st.
Give you a one-week grace period for the holidays. Aren't I nice?
And... I'm trying to trim down a bit too, so I'll throw in another dollar per pound for myself.
Oh sweet! That is so awesome Birra:D Does this mean you will be suffering alongside me? I suddenly feel much less alone in this venture:)))
Yes, along side, if you don't consider that ocean between us as in the way... ;)
The Atlantic? A mere trickle, no obstacle! I will be so glad to have the company:D
This was from a conversation with Jo and Ockham from I think the best night since my birthday. I love you both so much:)
Thank you for another epic thumbcat image Ockham *heart*
These people are going to think my drawing talents extend only to second grade scratchings. Oh well, the only people who matter know the truth :)
I am glad you like it though :)
I have seen your serious art and it is beautiful:) Little things like this though, the on the spur of the moment stuff that is designed purely to raise a smile, you have no idea how precious they are to me:)
:) Good
Thank God...I had my hands over my eyes, certain I was going to fine the "My Mosquitoes Are Better Than Your Mosquitoes" pissing contest with Harleys and Schlitz-tattooed mosquitoes. *whew*
Remind me to draw that tonight ;)
Well, I could put up the emosquito;)
You can't :( it's awful :(
This is so awesome and warrants the triple exclamation marks:D You rule Ockham!
It's not even very good, it's just a minute or two doodle :o
It is fucking BEAUTIFUL!
If all cats had thumbs, there could very well be a revolution of sorts.. A shift of power..
The day they make an automatic tuna dispenser, the human race is officially Fucked.
02:15 Jul 31 2008
Beastt likes taking REALLY close up shots of bugs!
02:21 Jul 31 2008
He is welcome here anytime then:)
15:31 Jul 31 2008
Bugs are scary! I'd be afraid to go peepee for fear of one of them buzzing my taint!
15:51 Jul 31 2008
I love your way with words Requiem:D "Taint" *giggles*