Irony's Journal

Irony's Journal


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5 entries this month


11:06 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 672

My grandparents in law have sent us a gift card this year for christmas. They never normally send any gift at all. I am quite blown away. Perhaps this means that I am growing on them.

I am going to be floaty for the rest of the week on the strength of this:) It is amazing the difference small kindnesses can make:)




A good day

17:19 Dec 13 2007
Times Read: 676

Apparently I am a real pleasure to talk to. What was meant to be an appointment with a health professional turned into an animated conversation which lasted an hour. I left with a smile on my face and the energy to walk home, picking up goodies on the way.

Tonight I plan on reading comic books and eating mini cookies. I am such a child:D




Ever have one of those weeks?

08:40 Dec 12 2007
Times Read: 683

My body has decided to have a major pain flare up from the rheumatoid arthritis. From experience I know this is going to maybe last quite a while. What sucks about it is that it chose to strike in the middle of a damn painting project I am working on!

Now before this turns into a whiny post (which always suck) I am going to write about some of my coping methods I have developed over the years:)

1. I get my big fluffy furry blanket and place it on the couch along with a lot of pillows and my big stuffed beecat.

2. I make myself tea, coffee or hot chocolate and put it in my pint mug.

3. I sort out a combination of funny movies and chick flicks.

4. I shower and wash my hair and put on my fluffy robe of doom.

5. I then combine all of these things and settle in for as long as it takes to feel better.

I have found that even the smallest of comforts can distract you from badness and I reckon making a list of the things that work for you could help people get through a lot of the crap in their lives.

Try it yourself:) Make your list and keep it for those times when you feel like everything is getting on top of you. I promise it will make you feel better:)




Some of the stuff I should have put in my profile:P

04:17 Dec 08 2007
Times Read: 697

I know the about yourself descriptions are meant to go into profiles, but for some reason I have such difficulty in bringing myself to write anything on a page that has to be scrolled down. I like simple things; short, elegant and to the point. Besides, I would have to update my profile every day to try keep up with my own personality:D So.. here we go.

I am short, fat and I have long white hair. You won't ever get to see me with the white hair though because I am just too addicted to the way red henna looks on it. My hair is long for two reasons. One, I am lazy. Two, I am extremely fond of using hairpins to keep it up. I have a collection of antique ones and use them constantly. I did try cutting my hair for a while after I met my husband because he kept falling asleep on my hair (this is a really ouchy way to be woken!) but I missed the hairpins so much that I had to grow it again.

On good days I am a kitten, I want to play, be fuzzy and take nothing in life seriously. On those days I am good to be around and will have the patience and interest to deal with and listen to anything.

On bad days even the antichrist would hide under his bed clutching his little demonic teddy bear rather than have to deal with me. On those days I tend to step back from people. Everyone who knows me well knows that if I disappear for a few weeks without contacting them, it is really just because I am having an antisocial time. My bad times are never about my friends. My friends are the best people anyone could ever have in their lives. I seriously lucked out with them, no kidding!

I am married, have been for hmm.. six years? I would have to ask my husband to be sure. He is the one with the memory in the household, something he is only too happy to use to his own advantage. He has had me believing I am a year older than I really am on more than one occasion. The marriage isn't always easy but as time goes on it becomes more substantial. I am starting to firmly believe that you have to truly hate someone before you can be successfully and happily married to them:P

I am a buddhist, though I was raised a christian. I get annoyed at blind anti religious comments from people who don't seem to understand that the public image of a faith isn't necessarily representative of the people who are quietly a part of it.

In general I feel the same about any subject. If you want to have a real opinion on something and voice it, you should have an understanding of what it is you are talking about.

I have seen this a lot of late with the conflict in Iraq. It seems like everyone has an opinion about the war, and fair play to them, but I have become increasingly sick to my stomach to see the treatment that the servicemen have been getting as a result.

While I was growing up I spent most of my free time visiting ex servicemen in a mental institution. I got to spend some real time with men who had served in the first and second world wars. The lives and experiences of these men changed my life overwhelmingly. To this day I can wake up in a cold sweat having relived a story shared with me. I am a buddhist, I hate conflict, always have. However I think that it would be naive in the extreme to take my beliefs and try to make them fit on the world. It is never black and white.

I am an artist, not a professional one as I never thought myself to be good enough, but I love it passionately. My parents always hoped for me to be a therapist or lawyer but I could never really tolerate people enough to be able to work with them. Now I am in my 30's and figure I can do anything I want with my life. The day I realised I didn't have to be what other people wanted me to be was a very liberating one for me.

I love to read and my books far outnumber the places I have to put them. It is not unusual to trip over a book pile in my home. I prize books greatly, and if I truly love a person, a book is what I will give them as a gift. I don't believe in giving books to people who won't give them a good home. I guess I think about books in much the same way other people might think about kittens (except books are much more adorable!)

I have worked an assortment of jobs, most based on me being as far away from other people as possible. Throughout my life I have kept up my education. I have been focusing on languages for the past few years and I am now bilingual swedish and english. I am quite proud of that fact, since I always thought that languages were beyond me. My mind is my most prized possession and I take great pleasure in simple thought. The day I stop wanting to learn will be my last day on this earth.

I no longer work, having been fairly severely disabled for a good chunk of my adult life. I am lucky in that the major way it affects me is through pain. It means that while it sucks quite a lot some days, I can still function and move around if I am stubborn about it.

I am stubborn:P I could win prizes for it. It is widely believed by my friends and family that if stubbornness was a physical force I would have enough of it to create a meteor proof bunker large enough to cover the western hemisphere. My mother doesn't always think it is my best quality, but I learned how to be this way from her:)

I like to write, but it isn't my strongest talent. I am a hellish grammar tard:( If I do write I tend to focus on things that will make people laugh. I find it makes me feel much better if I write about things that are positive. This means that you will rarely if ever read anything I write that is downbeat. It doesn't mean I am not a serious person, just that I don't care to be for the most part:)

Hmm this is starting to get to scrollable length, probably time for me to shut the hell up. I probably missed out lots of things and rambled way too much about others. With any luck though this has done its job and you now all know a bit more about me.




Woo for updates:P

09:44 Dec 04 2007
Times Read: 708

I finally got round to putting some poetry in my journal. Not my own, so no chance of you clawing your eyes out at my hideous attempts. I chose instead to post some of the poems that over the years have blown me away. Enjoy!



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