I am going to go see Inglourious Basterds in about an hour and I was talking to my friend about it. He told me that the movie is actually about 2½ hours long, and I started to whimper.
My bladder is about the size of a pea and it takes superhuman efforts to go anything over a standard movie length.
In the absence of the now defunct intermission (why did they get rid of those?) my heroic friend has found me an alternative to sitting in a pee puddle or missing out on a vital scene.
It tells you where all the boring bits are in the movie. I will be going to the cinema today with all my windows of opportunity noted down.
Thank you, my heroic friend, and thank you to whoever founded this site. You will have a place in my heart for all time!
I swear I am turning into a cat. I am serious! Ok, I don't have an urge to lick my own butt or chase after mice and bugs, but I am starting to get really resistant to showering.
I get up in the morning and think about showering, but then I decide coffee is more important. As time goes on, I consider emails to be more important, and then I figure I am halfway through the day and I might as well do housework before I shower, or I am just going to get dirty again.
I have taken to tricking myself. I try to autopilot my way under the shower when my bladder has finally forced me to the correct part of the flat, and nine times out of ten it works.
Once I am under there, I realise it is actually quite pleasant and I feel warm and happy.
When I get out of the shower, I act like my parents dog. I bounce around feeling proud of myself.
"Yay, I just showered, I no longer smell like a dead dog! I am so awesome!"
So yes, I just showered and I smell nice. My hair is also very shiny. Now, when I leave the house, people in the street will not clutch their throats and then collapse, and I will not be surrounded by a cloud of enamoured bluebottles.
This piece of randomness has been brought to you by the word 'Insomnia' and the number of tranquillisers I took when I got out of bed.
I found this wonderful intarweb offering just the other day, and I thought I would share the wealth:D
Ockham, if you see this, I apologise for your trauma:P
I am shamed for not having been here for ages. In my defence, I haven't really been online for ages either. I have had lots of things going on in my life, some good, some bad. I think I will discuss only the good for now.
I joined a gym which has been a lot of fun, I have been spending more time with my family which has been great, and I have been catching up on my reading. I have fallen a bit behind on a few of my projects but on the whole, the rest has been really good for me.
I am sure I will be back to make a witty entry at some point in the near future. I have been feeling poetic of late, so I will probably end up having to hatch a poem egg in the next few weeks. I just hope it doesn't suck.
I have missed all of you and I have missed reading your journals. I would not have left for so long if it hadn't been necessary I promise. Please forgive me for being so lax in my updates.
12:54 Sep 01 2009
That is the coolest thing ever.
03:24 Sep 02 2009
Isn't it! We actually made good use of it; the husband creature in the 75 minute window and myself in the 90 minute window. I had four minutes in mine, so I was able to not miss anything despite my slow assed gimp walk:D