Please don't do this!
I luv u,
dont go,
lets talk about it,
dont do this,
think about what ur doing,
dont take the gun,
we all luv u,
dont put it 2 ur head,
we need u 2 live, life wouldn't b the same w/o u,
dont do it!
think about ur son + daughter, they need u, even if their mother dont want them 2,
please dont!
live 4 them, dont make them feel like its their fault when its hers,
dont pull the trigger,
I dont long 2 c crying faces n the midst of crimson rain,
please dont die!
I dont kno y u have 2 do this,
Nothing But Broken Inside
So much hurt,
So much pain,
You broke my heart,
Delivered the final blow,
Tore me in two,
Aches and pains never fade away,
My tears errupt,
The dam has broken,
I fall to the floor,
As you walk away,
I`m broken inside,
Yet you dont care,
Nor you even give a damn,
Im mean nothing to you,
That`s all I am to you.
My heart hurts,
Shattered and broken in two,
Pain consumes,
Tears fill my eyes,
The dam breaks,
They begin to fall,
I thought you loved me?
I thought you cared?
Guess you didn't,
Or you'd still be here
Light In The Darkness
Light and Dark
I am not all good and light .
Sometimes I have bad thoughts
and feelings .. this is who I am ...
I am not all bad ..
I am generous and kind
and peaceful , I have so much love and
light to share .
This is who I am ...
Life is about creating your balance not suppressing your good.
And not suppressing your bad, for one cannot exist without the other ...embrace them equally.