Sure. I have 4 wives 2 husbands and a dog who regards me as god. I'm a leader of a weird religious sect (why I get all the spouses) and with all these spouses I daily test my will to remain celibate. I'm good at it which is why I'm so holy. (and one of the leaders) Once every decade or so when the Loch Ness monster comes into rut on a full moon... I can't go into details about our sacred rites but part of it involves sitting around naked and experimenting with home Trephination and we make DIY castration kits to sell on Ebay to support ourselves financially.
I'm light complected. This IS my "tan". To my horror this group of well meaning women discuss tying me to a boat and leaving me out on the river all day! I'm not sure if I felt like I was wanting to puke or pass out more. All I could do was stand against the wall shaking my head with my mouth agape. I heard the words "Look she's lighter now..." I slid down the wall and had to sit.
Love For Love
Ithers seek they ken na what,
Features, carriage, and a' that;
Gie me love in her I court,
Love to love makes a' the sport.
Let love sparkle in her e'e;
Let her lo'e nae man but me;
That's the tocher-gude* I prize,
There the luver's treasure lies.
I want my voice back. I am too impatient for 100 "yes or no" questions. Anyone who finds returns my voice will be rated a 10. If my mind is returned you get at least and 8... Stake me now. Just stake me... Wait! *giggles silently* Tent pole me!
My wallet always cries at the bookstore. Today was no different. There was a book I was looking for that the first place didn't have... So I went to the Borders that's at the mall. I hate the mall. The mall has two stores I bother with: How's this hit you? Borders and Victoria's Secret. Yep you got me. Something to do and something to wear while doing it. *laughs* Right. So There I was skittering to the bookstore watching the big label signs on the shelf tops and I see the one I am going for and turn walking a little faster. WHACK! I walked smack into the window wall they have... You know they hang posters and what not all over them and have the store's logo about chest high (for me anyway) Yes I am that pathetic.