This summer has been freaking insane. Today is just thicker dosed than usual. 3 spare kids in the house and I just *rips out some hair* I just want to choke a couple of them... I thought I could argue fly shit out of pepper! They got through 3 turns each of a monopoly game I had to mediate the rules. I got tired of arguing with one and made him quit the game. The his sister quit in a "nonviolent protest" The third child pitched a sobbing festival on how I ruined "JUST EVERYTHING!" So The boy is now pretending to be engrossed in a book about science. The protesting sister is learning about encyclopedias. (Saturday and Saturn - both the god and the planet) Sobbing festival kid has moved her party to her bed where she has lots of absorbent blankets and pillows. Encyclopedia girl swore her eyes would swell up and fall out of her head. I'm still waiting... So far all she really seems to be doing is looking interested. No swelling at all. Just learning and blissful silence. I think she even smiled. Such a close brush with death so narrowly thwarted.