My sisters both swore if I gave it a week I'd never go back to "real underwear" again...
Day 1: Annoyed
Day 2: Felt a little "off" all day. Ended day late at night with a soak in the tub and as removing clothing I noticed tag in crotch of thong and thought it was weird...
Day 3: Screw this. Back to "normal" panties and respectable lady like panty lines. Jerks shouldn't be checking anyway so who cares?
Day 4: Happy with Day 3 choice.
Day 5: Ponders Day 2 and comes to realize I'd worn the stupid thing sideways all damn day.
Day 6: Decided ass floss was not for me but kept the one with the lady bugs... Because I think lady bugs are cute.
Day 7: Did laundry and went around apartment complex leaving "gifts" on random door knobs and rested.
I made a near fire with the blender a few nights ago. I am a little hard on kitchen power tools. I watched it smoke for a while waiting for flames or something else to happen. It didn't so I screwed up my courage and unplugged it and holding it by the cord with one hand I turned the water on with the other and soaked it good and threw it on the front porch. No worries after the dog whizzed on it I took it to the dumpster.
I needed a new blender to try and destroy. My car is stopped. I don't know There was no dramatic explosion or sound it was driving on the road and then it turned off while still set in the "on" setting.
I am evil. I tried to sneak a borrow of Trainguy's work truck while he was sleeping but I am not good at sneaking and woke him up. When he got his "new work truck" He didn't like it. I didn't like it. I told him the only way his truck could be worse was if it was a (not so G rated) shade of pink with periwinkle interior and infested with fleas, roaches, and zombie rats. I like trucks too. This was at the dealership with the car guy right there. His face was priceless.
So this truck is the one that technically I was stealing to go to Wal*Mart and purchase a sturdier blender. It doesn't count as stealing though because he gave me his keys and asked me to be back in an hour because he had to work. Sure sure. Backing out of the parking lot went fine. I didn't run over or kill any thing. I hit every curb on every right turn except for the 5th one onto the 4 lane road with big grassy divider thingies with trees in them. I missed that curb because I made a wide sweeping turn onto the street missing the divider thing too.
All was well till I hit "traffic"... Suddenly there's a surprised looking man towing a horse trailer facing me in my lane! Weirdo! I was polite. Somewhat confused but courteous. Then there was a bug eyed woman in a blue car behind him and a motor home behind her and after four or five more vehicles somewhere in my head there is a loud click sound and I realize I am driving on the wrong side of the street and I can't do a lot about it because of the divider thing!
There were no fatalities and no wrecks. Nothing exciting aside from finding a stout and sturdy blender with a load of buttons and two one gallon pitchers to hold this stuff that is like a smoothie only better. I even managed to drive in America all the way home.
P.s. S. tell him and I'll neuter you in your sleep. ;)