Why can I not defend myself, without then having to defend myself? Eventually I just decide not to grace the taunt with an answer.
Instead I shall come here and growl.
1 - I, and everyone else, have a right to believe what I choose to believe.
2 - No matter how you go about, I will not engage in sexual banter or play with a total stranger online.
3 - I am not a child, a teen, or even a young adult. I've been around the block and I promise you when I was a child, teen and young adult, I'd been around the block a few more times than most adults.
So the long and the short, I don't have to defend myself to you. I won't send you a pic, or describe myself to you. And I'm old enough to have a child and not have been a teenage mother when I gave birth.
If you don't like that or can't handle it, too bad. I'm going to go have grown up angry sex with my girlfriend, and no I won't tell you the details!!!!
I'm frustrated by people's unwillingness to keep an open mind. In the name of intelligence, science, faith, truth, logic, etc. people have a tendency to refuse to see any side but the one they have chosen. For me this is the epitome of ignorance. I don't care how eloquent you are or how many degrees you have, if you are unable to see past the tip of your nose, you're an idiot.
I don't believe that all things are black and white most are somewhat gray and we can only decide for ourselves, what is right for ourselves. When we get to the point where we believe we can dictate truth and reality to others than we leave behind our credibility and show our arrogance.
So here I am back at the Vampire Rave. I missed the outlet for my darker side that the Rave provides. Being a Christian it's good to remind myself of my liberal and open values. My faith is supposed to be about openness, love and acceptance of everyone. It's supposed to be judgement free, and it's supposed to lead by example not force.
Unfortunately my fellow Christians don't always do a good job of portraying that through their words or actions. So here I come to remind myself that the world is made up of so many different shades, flavors, and textures, and that's what makes it beautiful.
09:53 Nov 30 2008
Well written :)