I've spent so much of my life walking against the flow and doing so proudly there are only two people in my life capable of making me doubt myself. Yet their power has always been so great that they only have to express disapproval or doubt to make me doubt myself and give up.
I can't believe that as strong and independent as I am that I have allowed that to go on for so long.
I'm done. I won't hide from them anymore but I will not allow them to pull me down either.
Here's the value I find in it though. If I truly want the things that I want then overcoming contention is just proof of my resolve.
updated my professional web page, www.caceewalsh.com, and hope everyone will take a minute to check it out and leave some feed back.
as soon as I am done here I will check it out.
I has it under a "fav bookmark" on my browser =]
you ish that good!
*forever huggles!*
Well most of you know that there was an explosion in downtown Bozeman at 8:12 this morning. Here's the stitch
It was a gas explosion, the blast was felt as far away as 4 corners which is about 9 miles from the blast. They are not able to get the gas completely shut off, so there is still danger of another explosion. At this point there are not confirmed casualties, however the buildings that went up in flames all had apartments above them and they have not been able to get into the buildings. Glass was blown out of buildings up and down main street and some of the side streets. The fire has been contained to about 2 or 3 buildings which are completely destroyed. All of those buildings are very old so they're concerned with structural damage and have completely evacuated and closed down a three block radius.
Things are not good, there are probably at least a hundred or more people who will now be out of business, they'll have to excavate all the pipe lines which means downtown Bozeman will be severely impacted for a long time.
Here is a link to some current pictures.
17:18 Mar 31 2009
you are strong. I believe that no matter what, you can pull through anything. and I hope to be able to bear witness to you finally being 100% happy, so that I can give you a giant hug and look the assholes in the face who doubted you and made you feel like shit, and tell them "SHE IS BETTER THAN YOU CAN EVER BE."
because you really deserve it my dear friend, you have go through a lot and you deserve to be happy.
05:21 Apr 01 2009
*sniff, sniff* Awe, you say the best things.