Well I'm still recovering from the stupid fire, I suppose that is to be expected. I've replaced much of what I lost but everyday is still a struggle. It doesn't help when my own foolishness trips me up. It's just frustrating that at this point in my life I'm starting over AGAIN I thought I was past this crap, but I guess not. I'm keeping a positive outlook for the most part but there are days when I just can't be bothered with looking at the bright side, but I know better than to indulge in self-pity, it's a useless exercise of valuable physcik energy that can be better used else where. I'm still not online yet, but I can walk to the library every once in a while and pop in. Love to all and miss my vr friends bunchs.
12:25 Jul 28 2010
16:10 Jul 28 2010
I'm so sorry hun *huggles*