Since the beginning of time, nature has had a way of taking care of killing off the weaker of any species. Take humans for example. Those that couldn’t run fast enough from the lion, were eaten by the lion. Those too stupid to stay far away from the lion, were eaten by the lion. Those that were weak from a virus, were killed by the virus. Those too stupid to keep themselves healthy and stay away from the virus, were killed by the virus.
But in today’s world. We keep humans alive MUCH longer than their life should be. Especially stupid people. Modern medicine. Public warnings about lions, sharks and other predator beasts. You name it, we are keeping the stupid among us around MUCH too long.
And those stupid people, are multiplying.
Basic rule of genetics mix two of the same “type” of person, get the same type. Stupid people, have kids with other stupid people and then they tend to have more kids than smart, successful people.
This is producing more stupid people on the planet at an alarming rate.
We need to stop this.
Stop the madness. Put a stupid person on birth control today.
(Why did I write this? Because stupid people MUST be stopped from spreading the dumb-ification of man-kind.)