4.09...hmmmmm nothing new to me..exact same as my first marking..kinda weird but im fine with that..i think its funny how im done with exams and have my report card when all the public schools are just taking them at the end of this week..funny shit..good luck Michelle on those btw(not like ill tell ya before you even read this)..ne way..no homework tonight..just chattin online with friends so im gonna get back to that..
Not much to say..exams are over..regular homework is kicking back in and last night i'd say we got a good foot of snow..pretty freaky weather lately..basically everything is..gravy..running smooth as life goes on..
I love you Michelle
Yesterday was pretty awesome..i went to the JV and V basketball games after school with my friend..since im in 10th grade i had a chance to see all my friends play in the JV game and they won by about 37 against our rivals..the big Varsity game we were entering 10-0 and i think 9th in the state of Michigan..our rival school came to our building and we smoked them..out of 71 pts our start gaurd had 36 (9 3-pts)..to ND's 58 total points..like i said..great day..still not feeling like myself though
Michelle i love you :-D MUAH!!
It's been a couple days since i'v been depressed..i can't help it and i wish this b/s would go away..my girlfriend i must thank for trying her best to keep me in a good mood..i love her..nothing much to else to say...i guess ill write more a little later
|'|íke :-D
Sweet, now i can tell you about the shit that happened on every boring day of my life..Yeah i agree Cancer did do a good job in fixing all the stuff, but its too bad i dont have time to actually make one of these