My personal belief, is that i'm not a Christian. I've never believed in god, in any way, as it was forced on me as a boy. I was living in the mid to late sixties, and the golden rule, was enforced, with an iron fist, so to speak. I didn't like it, nor was i going to let anyone try to brainwash me, to the ways of the conservative ideas, that were floating around back in those times of my youth. As far as my sexuality goes, i'm an out, and open bisexual guy, and i knew that i was this way, from the time i was in the first grade. It was all a part of who i was becoming, as i was also being infected by the rock and roll virus. The music happening then, had a big affect on me, that still is in my soul. The sixties was, and always will be a big deal to me, as i was a part of that generation. Rock music, was the defining force, that awakened my sexuality fully.
It also woke up the rocker in me, and i'm a rocker down to the pit of my soul and i'll rock, until the day i pass from this world, but i won't leave, quietly, because i'll be back. Vampires always come back, they will never die, just as rock and roll will never die.
I have a very good friend that just happens to be a female. Whoever said that men and women, couldn't be friends, was wrong. He doesn't know my friend, Gina, the way i know her. This woman, has been through some very rough times in her life, and has come out of them swinging hard, and rockin hard too, that's what i like about her the most, is that she can rock hard with the best of them. We've endured as long standing friends. for the better part of 7 years now, thanks to the person who got us talking to each other, those long 7 years ago, when we were only writing to each other, as pen pals, but that brought us closer as friends and here we are today, still good friends. We'll be friends forever, that's what i think, and i know she would think the same thing, because i know her so well.
updated :
some of might know her as shedevil i will alway's know her gina
i want to thank her for finally standing by me and understanding me. and growing as a person gina no matter what i know i can turn to you for help
mark up date this stuff some more but i dont think ever said thank you for being there when i need to talk .. it been 10 yrs now
You're welcome shedevil i'm just sorry that i can no longer access this profile, or update it like i wish i could, so it sits being unused.
05:31 Nov 13 2008
Right on. Rock n Roll is the vampire of music. It will always live on eternally.
06:52 Mar 11 2009
yeah live life to the fullest
07:13 Oct 09 2016
I'm still rockin as hard as i can, and don't plan to ever stop, i live for me and not the mainstream of our society!