So, I was traded to Hell (Coven) from my former Coven which shall remain nameless at this point because I am actually not a trouble maker and do not wish to stir the pot. I will be happy to tell the entire story but the long and the short of it is that I was an ACM on my main profile. I accepted a trade and was subsequently demoted because I was reminded that ACM's in that particular Coven are not allowed to accept or decline trades. Funny thing... I was actually given the title of "Co-Coven Master" and sent a message, which I still have, that states specifically that I was allowed to then accept and decline trades. The day I made the trade in question, I declined two trades for my main profile one for 500 favor and one for 0 favor, because even though I was becoming increasingly unhappy with my Coven, I wouldn't do something that seemingly dishonest to my CM who I considered a dear dear friend. The trade I did accept was for the son of my friend who had been traded without my knowledge; he simply wanted to be with his family. It was a low level profile... I think 21 or 22 at the time and I was offered 600 or 1000 favor for it (I can't remember now) and so I accepted the trade. Within a few hours I received a message stating I was demoted from Co-CM and ACM for accepting the trade. I composed myself before responding and told the CM how hurt I was and that I was doing what I thought was my job. After hearing my side, the CM admitted that she had been hasty in her decision to demote me and said she was going to reconsider. I actually told her not to reinstate me and the next day, after thinking about the events, I asked to be traded. I had deleted this account previously which was also in the same Coven. Last week, I decided to reinstate it. Around that time, I also received some devastating personal news and was not on VR for several days. Today, when I returned, I messaged the CM to let her know that this was still my account, thinking that since one was traded she would not want the other in the Coven, I was immediately blinded and ultimately traded to Hell.... one of the ACM's in the former Coven actually had the audacity to state that I was "causing B.S." which was entirely untrue.... fortunately, I have saved every piece of correspondence regarding this situation and have everything documented and was able to explain, complete with evidentiary proof (I am a lawyer after all), my side of the story. So..... I actually LIKE Hell.... I love the CM, I am friends with several of the ACM's.... so before you look at my profile and judge me, you should know that I am not in Hell because I am a trouble maker. If you have any questions, please feel free to message me privately.
Just setting up my journal... don't have much to say....
18:01 Apr 16 2013
From what I know Acms are allowed to trade. But what counts now is that after all you're happy where you are.
21:15 Apr 24 2013
So much fun! Amazing how people jump to conclusions and turn to anger before asking questions. No fun but at least you have found happiness.
01:00 Apr 25 2013
And I am FREEEEEEEEEE from the Coven of Oppression! Hell is soooo much better! Love the CM and the ACMs!