You tell me to be myself. You tell me that I should never stop being who I am. You tell me that you don't have a problem with me. When I am myself, I am ridiculed and persecuted. I am judged because I am not like you. I stand out. When I am myself, do you really give a fuck? Why do you talk behind my back? Why do talk about things you know nothing about? Why do you only talk about the side of the story that suits you?
What would you do if I put something good in my profile? Say, I do something great and I put that on my profile. Would you think I am just bragging or making stuff up? Would you call or write to congratulate me?
What if I put on my profile that I was suicidal or homicidal? Would you think I was looking for attention or just plain crazy? Would you call or write to try to help?
Do you really give a flying fuck or do you just say that? Do I care either way? Fuck No!!! But think about it to yourself. If you wanted me to be who I am, you would show some interest and encourage me rather than sit there trying to voice an opinion and talking shit. As I said, research all sides to the story before talking to me about something, whether it be something you like or something I like. Don't come to me with half a story.
When you say that you don't like BDSM, Satanism, Metal music, Exotic Dancers, Computers, Bald heads, Go-Tees, Middle Fingers, etc. you say that you don't like a part of me. If you can't like me in whole, I can't trust you. You are unworthy to be around.
You haven't seen me in full affect. You haven't seen the full me. Would you want to? Oh, wait, in order for me to be who I am to the fullest I can't be around you. So, keep judging me, trying to decide for me and talking half of the brain cells of a fish. See what happens.
If you feel the need to message asking if this is directed towards you, it probably is. Either way, don't bother. I won't answer any responses to this.
As my days go on, I can't go without noticing all the pain I am in. I have been stressed out, not sleeping well nor eating well. I have been encountering problems with my blood pressure being too high. I have been struggling with my heart as it feels as though it is ready to burst. I have had sever mild heart attacks within the past few weeks. Now, almost a week ago, I was close to having a stroke.
I am sorry about not being on much. I do believe you all understand.