HellChildDami's Journal

HellChildDami's Journal


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12 entries this month

Past, Present and Future

05:55 May 30 2005
Times Read: 670

Confusion grows as my mind becomes numb

Numb to the light around me and darkness descends

A blanket of blackness upon my lost soul

Images of past, things long forgotten

Brought to the fore front of my mind

To be relived again

Days and nights in an agony as strong today as then

Past, present and future come together to haunt me

In this life I lead

Where I came from, where I am at, where I will go

To what reason do I owe me existence

What is the force behind the woman

Who controls the thoughts within my mind

Where do they lead me

Running in circles never ending, never meeting

What does one have to call their own

Their mind, their life, truly do they control these as their own

I know where my thoughts roam day to day

I know where they have been

I know the control lost, the pain made to feel in the past

And I can say I truly hate you

I know the pain felt and control lost in this future

And I can say that I can love you

By HellChildDami May 29, 2005 ©




Lost Mind

23:34 May 28 2005
Times Read: 681

My mind is shattered in pieces upon the floor

My heart bleeds blood black as the midnight sun!!

A darkness drifts in and slowly surrounds

A heart dips low to protect it's soul

A girl lies upon the floor gathering pieces

A mind once strong

Torn slowly apart bit by bit

Friends gather in wonderment

Confused by the sight before them

To gaze into eyes of glass

No shadows, no color, no light left in them

Strength and desire once prominant within

Has begun to disolve as time passes

Will there be an end to the downward sprial

Clawing and griping as the earth falls away

Slipping further into the black hole that once was my mind ...

By HellChildDami 5/28/05 ©




Far, Far Away

02:11 May 27 2005
Times Read: 688

Hatred of a life not wanting to live it anymore

Taken to a place far, far away from here

Where the mind can be free

Where the heart feels no pain

And the soul rests in peace in night or day

Do not leave me to suffer this daily being to which I exist

I exist for life, for life I seek release

A mind imprisoned within the thoughts of a life not lived

Looking about from inside out

A lost being seeks something untouchable

Untouchable yet within it’s grasp

But holds something far different from what it seeks

Yet what is sought is not known

Only a dream upon a horizon

Far, far away

By HellChildDami May 26, 2005 7:45 pm ©





06:34 May 26 2005
Times Read: 701

She cries at night and I am not there

She reaches to me and I feel her touch

The soft caress of her hand within mine

I look to my side, there I can see her, sense her, feel her

Her blue eyes sad and lonely

Wanting to say so much

Yet knowing not where to start

The tears build to the surface

Then threaten to flow forth

They begin to cascade down her pale white cheeks

My heart aches to take her pain

To hold her in my arms

Steal the very soul that breaks her so

Slowly she steps within my embrace

Wrapping my arms I feel the beat of her heart next to mine

My chin upon her head I feel the tears begin to flow

Within the trembling of her body

All the years of hidden pain spills forth

Thoughts control my mind

I see all the hatred and agony suffered

I lower to whisper words of comfort

She clutches to me

Nails pierce my skin and blood trickles

Her silent sobs give way to heart wrenching cries

The images and pain I can no longer bear to see

My cold lips press gently against her warm throat

Blood pluses beneath the skin

Beating faster and deeper

My teeth against her pale skin sinking in tender flesh

Blood silently flows down my throat

Her grip loosens as her tears subside

I feel the life force leaving her body

She goes limp within my embrace

Gently laid upon the bed

Brushing years of her tears from her reddened cheeks

Turning to leave, one final glance

Her years of pain now gone

By HellChildDami May 22, 2005 (12:30 am) ©




Look into the Eyes

05:40 May 26 2005
Times Read: 702

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One should never be ashamed or afraid

One should look another within their eyes

One man is no better, no worse then another

Respect can be seen within the eyes of a stranger

Disloyalty can be seen within the eyes of a friend

One should never be afraid to look into the eyes of another

A mans pride, a mans failure can be spelled out within how he carries his eyes

Written by HellChildDami May 25, 2005 ©




A Black Hole

06:41 May 25 2005
Times Read: 716

I have a black hole in my memory

Something I have blocked out

Something I know of what it is

I have refused to face for twenty seven years

Something that has effected my family

Something that effects my past

Something that effects my present

Something that effects my future

It’s a secret shared behind closed doors

It’s the darkest of secrets few can only imagine

It starts with the story of death

Ends in the thoughts of a mindless

Images blocked only not completely

Certain things forced to be remembered

So as not to forget the truth

Almost made as if a dream

Only not a dream but a nightmare

Lived out in the light of day


Each and every solitary day of my life

A nightmare brought to reality by my own choices

A man in my life accused, caged like an animal but knowing he’s innocent

A man guilty that soars everyday to live a free life

Why is it I chose a man accused of this nightmare

How is it I knew just by speaking to him that he was innocent

Knowing he would not survive

Why the innate need to try to help him, carry him, protect him

Does the truth stay blocked, or do I refuse to see it

Why do I only remember certain things but not everything

I hide the past that touches not just myself but two others as well

Why is there forgiveness? for one where there should not be

And guilt for one that should not be

This black hole that consumes my mind

A void I cannot break apart I cannot over come

In revealing the truth what good does it do

Years have gone by and it was over when I left

Yet it’s always remained

Waking up panty-less knowing I was clothed when I began my slumber

Not once or twice but many times

Pictures found revealing a sick and twisted mind

How does one go about in daily life

Hiding a black hole in their mind

How does one go about hiding from the black hole ...

By HellChildDami May 25, 2005 ©




Faces of Death

10:09 May 24 2005
Times Read: 725

Faces of death call out to me

Within my sleep in dreams of vivid colors

Or within the waking hours in visions of basic black

Faces of ones I knew long ago

Years since i have seen them

Yet their faces I see clearly as if it were today

The color of their eyes, their hair the style

I see their smiles and feel their tears

Some faces as still young that I see

Yet I envision what they would be today

Some are old and I see every fine crease within their cheeks

All these faces drift in and out of my mind daily

Thoughts of life that was lost

Stripped from faces young and pale

Old with age and wisdom of the years they lived

Faces who will never see the future

The future as I face it

By HellChildDami © May 24, 2005




Lone Figure

08:43 May 24 2005
Times Read: 726

A lone figure standing upon the rocks

The water laps slowly against the sandstone boulders

A full moon in the sky shines down casting long shadows about the rocks

A slight wind russles the leaves of the nearby trees

Out in the distance a ship slowly creeps towards shore

The endless circling light of the house at the end of the cliff

Becons to the ship calling it to come home

She stands there in the darkened night

Silently waiting, watching for what is to come

For what she waits she knows not

She only senses something is there

A feeling of good or evil eludes her

Yet she feels a deep agonizing pain

Will the full moon reveal the secret it holds

By HellChildDami © May, 24, 2005




Word Games

10:16 May 23 2005
Times Read: 732

Words are a game that people play

Some play the game well

When put together in the proper order

Words can say the kindest things

they can evoke images vivid in color, touch, taste, and feel

They have built up dynasties

And crushed the strongest empires

Words can bring forth life

or cause death in masses

Some speak in ruthless spiteful twists

They strike at the heart

Crushing within their grasp the very existence of the soul

A cyclone of emotions words can stir within the mind

Sending one into the brink of madness

Or pulling them slowly back to the vast emptiness one feels yet can't explain in


By HellChildDami © May 23, 2005 4:15 am




Endless Years Of Pain

06:25 May 18 2005
Times Read: 742

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This constant flow of pain my life has always been

Although one may look at me hearing laughter, and a happy voice exclaim

It’s not the voice that screams within these walls of my soul

To know one single simple day that has no pain

I have never known the likes of it

Not a day has gone by in my years where no pain I’ve felt

Days go by with a slow never ending creep

An ache throughout my bones and muscles

A life lived in mindless stupor would cover the pain

But for how long?

My mind of endless thought clouded by chemicals within my body?

I suffer endless sleepless hours of lying there in the darkness

I fight back the tears from the surface before they spill forth for all to see

I yearn for the pain to go away but cannot end it for myself

I’ve tried, times no one knows of, nor ever will save for now

Days like today I wonder why?

Why am I here? Why was I allowed to live? Why did they save my tiny life?

Who controls this life?

I begin to think of all those I’ve touched in my life

Have the endless years of enduring the pain enough to make a difference?




His Sanity For Mine

08:33 May 13 2005
Times Read: 768

Sitting here banging my head against the wall

The hollowness is all I hear as my thoughts collide

My heart beat echo’s out a 3/4 time

To the tick of the music that plays through my body

A past replays as it comes back to haunt me

Choices made once thought I had left behind

Have crept up to steal away my soul once again

Matters once thought settled

now stir in the breeze of the coming summer wind

Like ghost rising to wisp around in the midnight sky

Words once spoken meant something to me

The air that I would breath

Now written on paper have no effect, no meaning to me

They are as empty and hollow as my thoughts colliding

A slow ride into the madness I thought I had escaped

I wish I could return to him every word written or spoken

I wish he could see the dementia he caused

I seek my freedom to regain my sanity

Could I set myself free I would cut the ties that bind

Will he sever the ties that bind at the price of his sanity for mine

Will I be free to once again soar on my broken wings?

By HellChildDami 05-13-05 ©




Ramblings of Insanity

17:35 May 04 2005
Times Read: 784

Sitting here half naked while getting dressed,

Thinking of you and slowly loosing my sanity;

Just wondering how your day is going?

What you are thinking?

Knowing at times that you wish you were dead.

Could be thinking that now even as i write,

Or is just that you wish to sleep.

Maybe it's just to go to a far away place where sun and sand and martini's await.

None the less I really think

Maybe I should finish putting my clothes on

Maybe do something today,

But what I don't know,

So I'll probably sit right here and finish going insane

My eyes cross and the letters begin to blend,

I will figure this damn puzzle out,

Or end up in one of those cute little white jackets >;^}

By HellChildDami 5-4-05 ©



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