"Halloweeeen, the witches riding high... Have you seeeen their shadows in the sky?" So begins the rhyme I learned as a grade school student. Halloween then was October's crown, a magical time of mystery and excitement--and a time to fill a pillowcase with candy bars in a hours-long orgy of trick-or-treating. The magic of Halloween and Samhain is still with me; my love for the month of October grows stronger with each passing year. October is all about preparation--and change. The weathers dampens, temperatures drop, days shorten, leaves fall, and everything ebbs as Earth slips inexorably toward winter's deep sleep. But even as Earths energies seem to chill and settle, there remains much to do. Its a time for wintering in: to dress warm and light a fire on the hearth. Time to brew pots of tea and sink deep into books and study. Time to launch plans that will blossom in the spring. Magical tools begun during autumn and finished during winter and early spring will be heavy with accumulated power and intention. Divination studied throughout these months will tap deep into your psyche, leaving you with skills previously unimagined. Embrace the lessons of dark, wise October.
Susan Pesznecker~