This is a service announcement of the What The Hell Coalition.
Look people if you cannot open your mind to the way others choose to live, then keep your ignorance to yourself! There are far too many individuals in the world today trying to be heard, but getting shut down by closed minded, overly oppressed people.
Individuals.. quit giving a damn what all of these idiots think! Go ahead wear your self expressive clothing.. dye your hair a trillion colors.. get out there stand on your box proudly and scream out the words that live within you.
When we as a whole start living a life of acceptance of one another, then maybe a new found peace can be possible. Labels are meant for bottles and can goods.. not for human beings trying to reach out to touch another. One of my favorite quotes is.. "A Pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity.. An Optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."
Of course its difficult to get our own self expressions out there.. isn't it those difficulties that give us the opportunity to grow as individuals? Lets keep stepping outside our boxes and maybe someone else will learn to step outside of theirs.
That has been all.. and thank you for listening~
19:07 Oct 20 2013
Well said!