Good evening.. we now call to order The What The Hell Coalition.
Tonights discussion shall be on hospital etiquette. Now what do we all think about when we here the word hospital. Yessss.. illness and patients. Indeed hospitals are filled with sick individuals attempting to get better. Now what do we think of when we hear ICU. That's right we think of critical patients that are attempting to fight for thier lives. Unfortunately, some of them are losing their battle.
Now I love children as much as the next person, but look, when you are going to visit a friend or relative in the hospital, how about we keep those little hoodlums in control. Especially, when you are in the ICU.. because Aunt Betty over there might like to go meet who she deems as her maker without hearing your curtain climber screaming up and down the hallway. That's right, despite the fact you think someone is not coherent as they are passing.. you might be wrong so lets show a little respect.
If you do not think you can control your little monster then how about hiring a damn babysitter. I mean really... WHAT THE HELL!
Thank you for your time that is all we have tonight on hospital etiquette. Peace be with you all~