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5 entries this month

Purgatory, and Abyssal Abode, by Hagur (Right of Reply)

20:41 May 13 2011
Times Read: 501

Dante (1265-1321) is by common consent the greatest medieval poet and lay theologian. His “Comedy”, written in the last fifteen years of his life and called by admirers the “Divine Comedy”, is a complex mystical poem in which Satanas (the Devil), though seldom “on stage”, is an immense powerful force operating throughout both hell and earth. Dante’s diabology esotericism drew upon Christian tradition, scholasticism, visionary literature, and Greco-Roman and Muslim thinking.

The inner meaning of the “Divine Comedy” appears in its most striking feature: the structure of its cosmos. Dante’s arrangement drew on Aristotelian, Ptolemaic, and Neoplatonic philosophy and science of the time, but the poet did not intend to write an astronomical, a geographical, or in any sense a physical or scientific treatise on the cosmos, the infinite. Rather he wished to portray the cosmos according to its moral design. For Dante and his contemporaries the ultimate meaning of the cosmos is ethical, not physical, although as a careful artist he wished his ethical world to be as closely analogous to the physical universe as possible.

In the comedy the physical cosmos, the microcosm is a metaphor of the real, ethical cosmos the macrocosms, other than the other way round. Dante would not have been surprised or even troubled to learn that no mountain of purgatory existed on the face of the physical globe, no cavernous hell in its depths His intention was to describe the inner moral reality of the cosmos, not its external manifestations.

There is no hell, no purgatory, no heaven unless in the mind of the humans and vampires. And, in that very mind, Satan stands at the very centre of the cosmos, microcosmic and macrocosmic. Satan’s true being lies in ourselves, in every dedicated Satanist or Vampire, as “Dark Side” of ourselves, and as such to us is permitted everything.

Whether we talk about hell or purgatory, there is absolutely no difference; it is our “Abyssal Abode”, in which we live, move, and have our being in our own world, the one that we have chosen for ourselves. The Abyssal Abode, whether we call it hell or purgatory, the last being an invention of only the Roman Catholic Church in 595 A.D., by Gregory the Great who introduced a new dogma: the purgatory. A dogma not even based on the Bible.

A vampire is not at all punished when he is taken to hell, or the purgatory, as that is his underworld, his or her purgatory of the human or vampiric mind, in which we all find our delight. The mind (brain) is the realm where culturally sanctioned archetypes dwell, those in power and empowered, those that are models for socially rewarded or recognised, Satanic and Vampiric roles.

In our Abyssal World, individually or collectively, the minds or brains unified in group endeavour are like dwarves or gnomes who live underground and work as miners, smelters, or craftsmen at their smithies. The Abyssal World or Underworld usually symbolises the unconscious. In contrast to the emotional depths that “water” usually and symbolically represents, the underworld, our Abyssal Abode, whether called hell or purgatory, contains memories, thoughts and aspects of ourselves that we have put away, or is to come.

Everything too painful or even too shameful, unattractive, unacceptable to others, and above all secret to allow to show are the contents of this part of the personal unconscious, as well as anything about which we do not want to think and so repress or suppress, is kept down there.

In Greek mythology, “Hades” was the name of the underworld, the Abyss, as well as of the god whose realm it was. We do can exclaim: “I am the Power, I am the Glory, I am another god, of hell as well as of purgatory, and where the same and one unquenchable “Flame” is ever burning as guidance on our sinister path.

The Greek god Hephaestus, who was the god of the forge, also had his Abyssal Underground. He was rejected and cripple who worked with his hands, in contrast to the beautiful immortals of Mount Olympus. Hephaestus, too, could be called to hell or the purgatory, as a designation for what is rejected in each one of us, firstly by others and then by ourselves.

When I was allocated a coven, name known to myself only, I felt very depressive and sick, all seemed so negative, and could not stand the thought having to live under the supervision of that particular coven master. However, I had to accept, and could not possibly change. During the night, between two wonderful and meaningful vampiric dreams, the answer to solve the problem came right through, “block the man”. (You know the real vampire even in transformation is very psychic.) This is what I did round about 09.30 am. At midday, I went back to the site, to find myself in purgatory, and that was very quick. What is the meaning of all this? Later, I was informed that this is a punishment. “A punishment”, do not make me laugh. That’s not a punishment; it is a reward for having been very psychic. I think, the coven master has been punished, having as such lost his 16,660 favours. Remember whatever is discounted goes underground as well, but the mental realm and the deities associated with the mind, will, abstract thought, and power remain honoured and ever effective. I now live on the summit, and do not want to go elsewhere. The Coven of Purgatory is an elitist place to be in. Going to another coven would be, maybe, devaluation, and dishonour. The Coven of Purgatory is my River of Vampiric Life, and of time in the timeless. My vampirism will flow by as historical time, and as part of the eternal cycle whether in hell, purgatory or among humans on Earth. There is no difference, it is all counted as a high place where we first meet our new, transformed nature as vampire.

Only remember this: “Consciousness”, like sunlight, penetrate the more surface depths of personal feelings and illuminate what is there. Going deeper, much that is either personal or even collective may remain there hidden and dark. No need for a place as hell, heaven of purgatory. Moments of truth that change the vampiric world occur in each vampire who, in expressing their personal truth, speak for an idea whose time has come and, in so doing, tap or drain collectively that no longer be contained or ever put back again. So, we vampires, do carry on as nothing really happened.

My Act of Vampiric Truth

Thinking about the examples of the mythological Greek, Egyptian and Albion Gods and Goddesses, I am struck by those moments in which a Satanist or Vampire declare him or herself, in saying something or doing something that sets the course, not knowing what will happen next and often fearing the worst. It is not an act in which we are assured of the outcome: we do not know whether everything will turn out well or even that the sacrifice called for “will-power” will make the difference, yet to not respond from the depth of the feelings, having about the rightness of that act would be to deny who we are at “soul” (Self) level. A common, metaphor compares our actions at crucial moments to “stepping into the void.” Vampiric authentic behaviour begins with acts of truth; it may take us metaphorically into the void, into the fire, or in a torture chamber, and for a time after we do not know what the outcome will be. My old human life and identity are dead since I am a vampire, and I am part of the Abyssal Underworld whether it is called hell or purgatory, or even paradise, what difference does it make; not knowing whether this will be a tomb, or a womb, a burial of hypocritical promises or the beginning of a new life, not knowing whether this will be the end of me, of whether the resurrection day will come in full transformation. Moments of truth can be compelling when inner certainties and circumstances come together.

© May 2011 – Hagur Grand Hierophant, Temple of Atazoth (surface coven), Ghent, Belgium.




Summary of the Moon Phases

11:11 May 12 2011
Times Read: 506

There are several ways to break up the moon’s phases. The easiest four are:

• Waxing

• Full

• Waning

• New

Waxing Moon

Waxing moon is where the moon is growing in the firmament. Each night for two full weeks she grows in light, getting bigger and bigger in the sky until she reaches full moon. During the two weeks that the moon is waxing, it’s the best time for trying to draw things to you, encourage growth, or to “magnify” certain things in your life. Want your nails to grow longer? File them while the moon is waxing. Want your hair to grow faster? Trim it during waxing moon. Want to increase your finances? Focus your energies on improving finances during waxing moon. Waxing moon is the best time for starting new things, seeking new employment, or establishing “gain” in any area of your life. (But remember, the zodiac position of the moon is also influential, so reference where the moon is in the zodiac prior to working any magick). When the moon is waxing, we feel more positive, more energized, more outgoing.

Full Moon

Full Moon is the exact mid-point of the moon’s journey through her twenty-eight day cycle. Fourteen days into her growing phase, she “peaks”, or is completely lit… whole in the sky. This is the very best time for any time of divination or magickal works. Technically, full moon energy is “alive” for three days. The night just prior to Full Moon, and the hours leading to Full Moon, are presenting “waxing” or “growing” energy. However, full moon also “kicks over” to waning (declining) energy, so the hours just after the moon peaks, and the night after the full moon, power can be harnessed for ridding yourself of things or breaking habits. Again, it’s important to see where the moon is in regard to zodiac as that also influences magick.

Waning Moon

Waning moon is when the moon appears to be shrinking in the sky, the last two weeks of the moon’s twenty-nine and a half day cycle. Each night the light of the moon gets smaller and smaller until ultimately, the moon appears invisible and is completely out of sight. During this two weeks, it’s best for doing magickal workings to rid yourself of things, to cast away negative energies, or to break habits. If you want to keep your nails short, trim them during waning moon. Want to slow the growth of your hair? Cut it during waning moon. Want to end a certain relationship? Waning moon is best. Quit smoking? Lose weight? Waning moon lends its energies to these types of magickal workings.

New Moon

New moon occurs between the last day of the moon’s recent cycle, and the first day of her new journey. Here the energy kicks over from waning to waxing and the moon begins to grow again.

These four basic phases of the moon can be broken down even further, as such:

1. Waxing Cresent (first week after New Moon, or “first quarter”)

2. Waxing Gibbous (second week after New Moon, or “second quarter”)

Full Moon

1. Waning Cresent (first week after full, third week into the cycle, or “third quarter”)

2. Waning Gibbous (second week after full, fourth week into the cycle, or “fourth quarter) New Moon

1. Dark Dawning

At the “New Phase”, the flow of solar-lunar energy emerges, initiates and projects the seed impulse in an instinctive and subjective way that will fulfil and complete a purpose as the remaining cycle unfolds. In the absence of light, the vision is felt, but not seen. This means that the seed germinates underground.

Other particularities:

a. The Moon rises at dawn and sets at sunset.

b. The Moon is 0-45 degrees ahead of the Sun.

c. Up to 31/2 days after the official New Moon.

2. Light Quickening

At the “Crescent Phase”, the life impulse encounters a challenge as it must pass away from the inertia of the past cycle, mobilising its energy and resources in order to move forward. As the light is stirring, first glances of the vision may be perceived. The symbolic seed breaks out of its seed covering and pushes its first shoots above the ground.

a. Moon rises mid-morning, sets after sunset in the Western sky.

b. The Moon is at its 90-135 degrees ahead the Sun.

c. Between 7-10 ½ days after the New Moon.

3. Light and Dark in Balance, Light Ascending

At the “First Quarter Phase, the life force or energy must firmly establish itself in its environment and take immediate action to build up the organic structure that is to become the vehicle for the life purpose. With the light gaining, the structural outline of what is to be comes into manifestation. The symbolic seed establishes its root and tendril structure.

a. The Moon rises at noon, and sets at midnight.

b. The Moon is 90-135 degrees ahead of the Sun.

c. Between 7-10 ½ days after the New Moon.

4. Light Dominant

The “Gibbous Phase” necessitates analysing whatever could be developed in the previous phase, and perfecting the form so that it can operate accurately and effectively. As the light becomes dominant, there is a questing for revelation. The symbolic seed buds.

a. The Moon rises at mid-afternoon, sets around at 3. a.m.

b. The Moon is 135-180 degrees ahead of the Sun.

c. Between 10 ½ and 14 days after the New Moon.

5. Light Peaks

The “Full Phase” is the flowering of the cycle when the meaning of the life purpose is revealed and must be completely infused into the structure built during the waxing half of the process. If the form is inadequate to contain the meaning, or the meaning is not worthy of the form, there may occur a breakdown, abortion, and even dissolution of the life impulse at this point. This is now the peak of the light and total illumination of the vision, the promise of the phase. Remember the symbolic seed flowers.

a. The Moon rises at sunset, sets at dawn.

b. The Moon is 180-135 degrees behind the Sun.

c. Fifteen days after New Moon.

6. First Stirring of Dark

The “Disseminating Phase” corresponds to the completion of the cycle. The Seed germinates at the New Moon (the peak period for meditation) has now become what it meant to be. The Vampiric life impulse must fulfil its purpose by distributing the energy and disseminating the meaning. With the first stirrings of darkness, there becomes an urgency to live out and share the value of the meaning.

a. The Moon rises at mid-evening, sets at mid-morning.

b. The Moon is 135-90 degrees, behind the Sun.

c. Between 31/2 – 7 days after Full Moon.

7. Light and Dark in Balance, Dark Gaining

At the “Last Quarter Phase”, the life impulse has completed its cycle as a mission and now begins to reorient to a dimly intuited future. Rebellious against obsolete patterns and breakdown of old useless forms characterise an inner revolt and crisis in consciousness. The dark becomes increasingly dominant as the life force turns aside, diminishes and composts the old. The symbolic seed withers on the vine and decomposes.

a. The Moon rises at midnight and sets at noon.

b. The Moon is 90-45 degrees behind the Sun.

c. Between 7-10 ½ days after Full Moon.

8. The Abyssal Darkness

At the “Balsamic Phase”, the life impulse distils and concentrates the wisdom of the entire cycle into a capsule of seed ideas for future visions. During the Abyssal Dark of the Moon, the life force transforms the past into a transmutation of the future and makes a promise and dedication to seding new concepts within the old structures. The symbolic seed once again turns back into itself.

a. The Moon rises at 3 a.m, and sets at mid-afternoon.

b. The Moon is 45-0 degrees behind the Sun.

c. Between 10 ½ days after Full Moon up the next New Moon.


The Complete Ephemerides 2000-2050 (Auréas International Edition, 15, Rue du Cardinal Lemoine, F75005, Paris, France.

© May 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Ghent, Belgium.




Eight Steps in the Vampiric Full Moon Meditation

22:28 May 08 2011
Times Read: 514

There are several ways to break up the moon’s phases.

The easiest four are:

• Waxing

• Full

• Waning

• New

Waxing Moon

Waxing moon is where the moon is growing in the firmament. Each night for two full weeks she grows in light, getting bigger and bigger in the sky until she reaches full moon. During the two weeks that the moon is waxing, it’s the best time for trying to draw things to you, encourage growth, or to “magnify” certain things in your life. Want your nails to grow longer? File them while the moon is waxing. Want your hair to grow faster? Trim it during waxing moon. Want to increase your finances? Focus your energies on improving finances during waxing moon. Waxing moon is the best time for starting new things, seeking new employment, or establishing “gain” in any area of your life. (But remember, the zodiac position of the moon is also influential, so reference where the moon is in the zodiac prior to working any magick). When the moon is waxing, we feel more positive, more energized, more outgoing.

Full Moon

Full Moon is the exact mid-point of the moon’s journey through her twenty-eight day cycle. Fourteen days into her growing phase, she “peaks”, or is completely lit… whole in the sky. This is the very best time for any time of divination or magickal works. Technically, full moon energy is “alive” for three days. The night just prior to Full Moon, and the hours leading to Full Moon, are presenting “waxing” or “growing” energy. However, full moon also “kicks over” to waning (declining) energy, so the hours just after the moon peaks, and the night after the full moon, power can be harnessed for ridding yourself of things or breaking habits. Again, it’s important to see where the moon is in regard to zodiac as that also influences magick.

Waning Moon

Waning moon is when the moon appears to be shrinking in the sky, the last two weeks of the moon’s twenty-nine and a half day cycle. Each night the light of the moon gets smaller and smaller until ultimately, the moon appears invisible and is completely out of sight. During this two weeks, it’s best for doing magickal workings to rid yourself of things, to cast away negative energies, or to break habits. If you want to keep your nails short, trim them during waning moon. Want to slow the growth of your hair? Cut it during waning moon. Want to end a certain relationship? Waning moon is best. Quit smoking? Lose weight? Waning moon lends its energies to these types of magickal workings.

New Moon

New moon occurs between the last day of the moon’s recent cycle, and the first day of her new journey. Here the energy kicks over from waning to waxing and the moon begins to grow again.

These four basic phases of the moon can be broken down even further, as such:

1. Waxing Cresent (first week after New Moon, or “first quarter”)

2. Waxing Gibbous (second week after New Moon, or “second quarter”)

Full Moon

1. Waning Cresent (first week after full, third week into the cycle, or “third quarter”)

2. Waning Gibbous (second week after full, fourth week into the cycle, or “fourth quarter)

New Moon

Eight Steps in the Vampiric Full Moon Meditation

1. Acknowledge that you are a vampire, and that you are a clear and open channel for the Vampiric Power to flow through and that your human personality and ego stand aside, so the energy will flow in its clearest and truest form. Give thanks that you are open to receive the guidance of archetypical vampiric entities that have come forth to assist and protect you.

2. Prepare you energy field by strengthening your abyssal light. To do this draw a large power symbol of your choice in front of you and move the energy into your astral field. In mind draw small power symbols over each of your chakras beginning at the base. Pause and beam into your energy field and toward your solar plexus and heart.

3. Call on the Subtle, and the ascended spiritual and vampiric masters and evolved entities. Welcome them, and give thanks for their presence. Give them permission to assist you in creating your sacred and most secret intention, and helping you in the manifestation of your visions.

4. Invoke the mental/emotional symbol. Write down your sacred intention for this meditation. Include your personal goals, and also your intention for vampiric effort everywhere. It can also be helpful to draw something that represents your vision. A new moon journal is very helpful. Channel the mental and emotional energies into your written intention, and state your intention.

5. Invoke the distant healing symbol imagining that you are creating a bridge of light from your heart to the hearts of all the vampiric entities who are assisting you, and all the other vampires who are joining in this subjective group meditation around the Earth. Allow yourself to feel each individual “Self” (soul) linking with yours, and to feel the illusion of separation melt away, and you recognize the Oneness of all creation.

6. Meditate and transmit your Vampiric longings for as long as you feel comfortable.

7. Give a thought of thanks.

8. Draw a large power symbol of your choice over your body with the intention of disconnecting from the meditative process, and knowing that each vampire is disconnecting also and returning to their individual life expressions with clarity and aligned with their Self’s purpose.

The first few times you do this you may wish to refer to the above notes about the various aspects of the moon cycles to see where you are in the process. This Full Moon meditation can be used with every of the eight Moon phases. It is intriguing how often we find ourselves in full momentum and taking action on our goals and we check in with the Moon cycle to find that we are in the first quarter phase; or we may realize that we are feeling withdrawn and introspective and then become aware that we are under the influence of the Balsamic Moon.

I personally meditate around midnight when I feel everyone else should be in bed at that time, but I also time-capsule the meditation to link with all other vampires who are participating anytime during that day. At each New Moon or other Moon phase, I hold a vision of our vampiric world, where vampires more than humans honor the Earth and its inhabitants, even for personal benefit. Please join me to uphold this vision and allow the energy to empower your personal vampiric goals and world vision as well among vampires.

© May 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Ghent, Belgium.

This will become part of a forthcoming manuscript, called: "Vampiric Psychic Ability".




Exercise on Grounding and Earth Walking

21:27 May 06 2011
Times Read: 524

This exercise does expand one’s experience beyond the realm of personal energy and into the feelings of Earth energy. It is called “Grounding” , and for others “Earth Walking”.

Grounding Meditation

Grounding meditation techniques are often the foundation for many other, more complex techniques and relaxation methods, but used on their own, grounding meditation can be a great tool for everyday vampiric life. Do you ever have those days where no matter what you do, you just cannot seem to focus on the task at hand? You try eating something extra or maybe even having a coffee, but you still feel scattered and unsettled. This is when you could use a good grounding meditation. If you are in preparation for a meeting, training, giving instruction to a group or work in education, grounding meditation can help you relax and focus beforehand.

It is gradually becoming more common in our vampiric abyssal world to exercise ourselves in grounding meditation techniques. It is not only a way of relaxation, but also the foundation and thought processes involved for vampiric development. A good grounding meditation should leave you feeling focused, refreshed and strong in your physical body and subtle body as well. You should feel alert and confident, not relaxed and dreamy like other techniques often do. Anyone with a basic knowledge of meditation should be able to write their own grounding version, which is expected from every studious vampire. The basis should involve using your imagination to become aware of every part of your body and where it meets the ground.

You can begin by visualizing a gold and silver cord rising up out of your solar plexus through the roof (head chakra), then the sky, the clouds and past the sun and beyond. It keeps going higher, past the stars and planets until you see a mass of white light way up ahead. It is so huge you cannot see a beginning or an end. The cord is drawn to the light like a magnet, and it takes root there. In you, two poles meet, the Earthly pole and Cosmic pole: “I am the Power, I am the Glory, I am another God.” This is how it works:

Travelling back down the cord with your imagination, and when you return to your place on the floor, you are imagining the same gold and silver rope-like cord extending now towards the floor. It travels through the earth, and you follow it with your mind, imagining all the different mineral layers that make the globe. The cord comes to the centre, where a big fiery ball is burning. It is the colour of lava, but looks like light. The cord goes to the light where it branches out into roots that grab on to the ball. You instantly feel a grounded heaviness enter your relaxed state. Now travel back up to your body and take time to observe your breathing.

Imagine drawing in life energy, Earth energy, through your feet as you walk or just sit or lay there. This energy grounds and centres you. It bolsters your metabolism and energy level, creating health and joy in the moment. Always breathe normally. The excess energy will be released in a natural way through your daily vampiric activities. However, we release energy all the time. Focus on the connection you make to the Earth.

This is a very appropriate time in your guided meditation to introduce some relevant and positive affirmations to help with your current challenges. This could be something like “The thought and consideration I have put into my vampiric life will be obvious from my presentation”. When you are ready, imagine the earth rising to meet your feet. You may have runners on, perhaps with spikes that dig in as you walk. Take a minute to go back and forth, feeling the shoes dig into the fresh dirt and hearing the sound as they do.

You can use your normal routine for coming out of the grounding meditation, slowly regaining movement and opening your eyes. You will feel connected to the earth, confident and calm, and also like you have had a nice little refresher nap.

The greatest lesson to learn about working with Earth energies is that like Cosmic energies and powers are fundamentally neutral, meaning they are not good or evil as commonly pretended by religions and metaphysical institutions, just to gain power over the humans. However, at times we can pick up on the energy of a place or person and feel it is “bad or dangerous” energy, but it is only energy being used for a less good intention. Intention rules everything. Electricity is that which it is; it can be variously used to light a bulb, support a machine, or even an electricity chair. The energy never judges its use, so humans as well as vampires using energies should take their responsibility.

© May 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Ghent, Belgium.




Demolishing Monstrous Beest (talk)

15:34 May 01 2011
Times Read: 532

This article was intended to be read on my latest video, “The Demolishing Monstrous Beast”, but the demolishing machine makes so much noise, that my voice cannot be heard. So, here is the text, and the video you find on:


Throughout history many different cultures have had a common theme to their myths and legends. Monsters seem to have a similar nature no matter if they arise in the jungles of South America or the plains of Siberia. They all possess a singular gift of destruction that pervades their makeup regardless of their origins.

The demolishing machine in this video represents the great monstrous beast as brought forward in the different world mythologies as well as in the last book of the Bible.

However, humans can also be demolishing machines, and even the half humans, better known as the vampires. Stories of vampires and vampiric creatures exist all over the world. From ancient Babylon to the Mexican Zombies, no other legend seems to be as persuasive as that of a creature that preys on humans.

Although European legends tend to make this monster some kind of blood sucker, modern Western cultures have vampires which deal with more esoteric matters of the human psyche. A Polynesian monster called the Talamaur thrives by stealing "life force" of dying men. The Indonesian Pontianak is said to be less interested in blood and will actual steal men's masculinity if it is successful in its seducement. Regardless of origin these vampiric creatures stay true to their roots. They prey on humans and feed on humans like people would feed on lesser animals. Indeed a common theme to vampire myths seems to be that humans are cattle to the vampiric community. Is the human race simply a source of food for vampires who seem to be higher up on the evolutionary occult scale than the humans in general? Vampires can easily live together with humans.

One of the most interesting examples of lesser-known vampire myths comes out of the Philippines. For many years the natives of these islands have spoken in quiet voices of a vampiric creature called the "Tatagong."

The Tatagong differs in some respects from most vampires in that it has no substantial body. Instead it can only be seen as a shadow and, instead of being able to move on its own, it requires a host to carry it from one place to another. The Tatagong acts much like a parasite in this respect, latching onto a human's shadow and using it as a shield against detection. Its human host is said to be aware of the infestation but is unable to do anything about it and is instead somehow commanded to seek out other humans for the Tatagong when it needs to feed.

We are energetic vampires in need of vital force, while the action of draining is from humans. A human energy system constantly draws energy, at different rates and speeds, from the cosmic source, to maintain its own system and aura. Even though like humans, the vampires needing a higher level of energy, the vampiric system also needs in the form of different vibrations and frequencies.

This is the main reason why vampires need to rely on another way of draining energy. That they need vital energy from humans is the reason why in this twenty-first century they are called vampires. However, vampires are not only seen as fearing predatory creatures, but they are also the personification of the truest, most secret and obscure desires, thoughts and feelings. However, unlike the humans, the vampire does not condemn himself for what he is doing, as harming no one is rule; he does not run away from fulfilling his needs. Like the monstrous demolishing machine the vampire sucks until his or her needs are being fulfilled.

Real vampires do not fly like in legends, mythology and stories in the physical realm, even though they can sometimes induce someone’s thoughts and eyes to imagine those traits, which is called vampiric power manipulation. This ability of the vampire to manipulate the mind and senses of humans through energy should not be misinterpreted as having the power to become invisible, which is obviously not true.

In psychic vampirism there is no place for bloodsuckers, as while doing so they are demented or semi-insane creatures who have a mania for drinking or sucking human blood. Recent investigations both current and historical have shown that it is not so rare an occurrence as one might suppose.

Whatever way, vampires have been around as long as mankind has been around. You do not have to believe me go read up on some history. The legend of the vampire seems to have always been deeply ingrained in the subconscious of mankind. Many, people have different theories as to why this is. From, there were actually vampires, to the fact that people did not have a good understanding of how the human body decomposes. However, I think both of those ideas are a bit too simple. The misunderstanding how the human body decomposes helped spread the wrong idea of vampirism. The Abrahamic Faiths made full use of the erroneous ideas around vampirism. In closing let me say, that the today’s vampire would never be a bum on the street, he always has class and is a great charmer. I believe in an aristocratic vampirism, whatever it involves. Look for “class”!

© May 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Gent, Belgium.



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