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Vampiric Night Flights (Out of Body Experiences) by Hagur

22:44 Mar 30 2011
Times Read: 490

Astral projection as it is commonly called is a psychic process in which change begins within the self first. In order a human to prepare his or her initiatory experience in Vampirism, it is essential to learn aligning the mind with those forces which are in direct control with the self, as detailed hereunder in the meditation outline.

The night is the time for vampires taking a new body for an astral flight and feeding as well. Biting the victim whatever way, as simply through blood transfusions, who survives the coma will awaken fully transformed into a vampire. An acclimation period follows, characterized by confusion, despondency and paranoia. Most vampires begin to hunt within twenty-four hours of transformation. The vaccine is of no use at this point.

Indeed, within twenty-four hours of being bitten, the victim will slip into a vampiric coma. During this phase, the pulse slows, breathing is shallow and the pupils are dilated, just what the author experienced himself August 2010 when receiving blood transfusions in order to survive.

The large numbers of people mistakenly buried alive while in vampiric comas gave rise to the myth that vampires sleep in coffins. While it is commonly thought that anyone infected with HVV turns into a vampire, in fact only a small percentage of people survive vampiric comas.

Generally, the young, the old and the feeble never come out of their vampiric comas and eventually die. The vast majority of people who survive vampiric comas are males between the ages of 18 to 35 years. Vampiric comas last about a day; the victim usually comes out of the coma the night after its onset. The vaccine is fifty percent effective when administered during this stage of the infection. The longer the victim has been in the coma, the less effective the vaccine.

However, traditionally but supposedly, the calculation is simple: each person that has been bitten by a vampire turns into a new vampire. In this way, the vampire population grows up in a geometric progression and the human population begins to disappear in the same way. If the first vampire came up in 1600 AD, when the world had 563 million of people, and they really had fed themselves with human blood one time in a month, then just thirty months would be necessary until the whole humanity turns into vampires.

Out of body experiences is developed through meditation, focusing on the desired night flight or trip to wherever direction or goal, separated from the flesh and its weight disappeared, levitated to a place not in physical dimension. As such we become the beast of the night through out of body ecstasy. With the psychic vampiric blood within, human fools as it were are reached.

In the out of body experience, seeing with other eyes and being in a foreign form of choice, but still myself, roaming free, stalking the prey, cloaked godlike, feeding on the desired ones. The astral plane is the vampire’s domain. As such, the vampire has become the beast of the night, where the out of body ecstasy is fully lived.

The vampire senses his or her victim, the growing need. Attacking on the subtle plane (astral plane), the vampire starts to feed, returning the worldly state, enjoying "the gift", of immortal fate. Be conscious all the time, and aware of your psychic mind, as manifested as your own inner voice and sense of intuition. Be open to it, and invite it into your vampiric life. Expect it, and realise that you are “psychic”, a psychic vampire. Psychic also means, “listening to the voice of your “Higher or Deeper Self” within. Always refer to it, asking your intuitive, psychic voice for advice. Listen to it, and follow it. Record your experiences in your ‘Black Book”(Book of Shadows).

Your subtle or astral body is in direct control of the consciousness, the mind itself for raising from your physical body. The more you develop astral projection, the better you will be able to rise from the physical body, and the form you wish, as a wolf or werewolf, even a dragon combination known as “Varcolaci”, desiring the power of the night, the lust of the moon, which is the accumulation; any attractive spirit or entity of your choice, usually a vampire; shadow, black shapes, or demonic forms.

As you lay back on your bed, complete the steps as for meditation which is of stillness and with your rhythmical breathing, slow inhaling via the nose, and exhaling via the mouth (or, via the nose again the way it is easier for you). Imagine your astral body twisting and mutating into that form you wish to be. Move the centre of it, where your consciousness is projected, upward through your throat. You do all this with closed eyes, visualising yourself rising more and more out with each breath. Slowly with each breath, you will edge yourself out of your physical body, looking around with your enlightened astral eyes. You are now able to pass through walls and rise up in the night where you wish to go to feed yourself, or achieve what you think right to do.

Meditation Outline for the Out of Body Experience

1. By preparing your body to meditate, you ease the transition from focussing on your outer reality to your inner absolute self. You may start your out of body experience with an adequate evocation or invocation to Lilith, or other Goddess or God of your choice. I, normally invoke the Dark God Atazoth, chanting or saying repeatedly at least three times, “Agios O Atazoth”, or “Nythra, Kthunae, Atazoth”(three Dark Albion Gods of the Tree of Wyrd).

2. Relaxation is the first step for successful meditation. Lay in a calm and comfortable position on your bed, preferable not under sheets and blankets, and with a focussed state of mind. Keep your back straight, without cushion under your head (if possible). Your arms and legs should also be held straight out by your side, while you control your breathing, as it must be rhythmic, breathing steadily. Watch the stillness of the mind, because that means “openness” to that which you will perform in the astral. Through relaxation the magickal worlds open for you.

3. I just mention that the arms should be held straight by your side. While this is absolutely a favourable technique, I would also suggest, another method, but you must find out what is best for you. Fingertips touching each other, your hands from the thumb to the forefinger should be raised to your solar plexus level and your hands touching should form a type of triangle.

4. Breathing is a component of relaxation. The basic technique of meditation for one purpose or another is to observe the breath. Breath is one of the ways to shift your consciousness. Deep and relaxed breaths lower your brain waves from beta in the states of meditation from low to high. Control the breath, particularly through counting exercises. Start an attentive breathing technique, one, two, three and then add a few more seconds between breathes. This is what I am doing while walking in the streets, and surprising how vastly one moves on. It is even the technique I am using to feed myself in public. As to the out of body experience, you will soon be able to have control over your heart rate. And, if you are in a situation of being nervous as to hear a cracking door or furniture while you experience stillness, it helps quieting yourself and think clearly.

5. Focus on a single purpose, your goal, and allow no other thoughts to enter your mind. If it happens that thoughts enter in, ignore them, or start anew. Also, the control of emotions is essential even as in any successful magickal practise.

6. Think of your energy as a flowing current, with your mind begin with each breath visualising energy flowing through your physical body, much like your circulatory blood system.

Inducing an altered state and focussing your perception on the psychic reality is the act of journeying, the out of body experience. Your perception and awareness shift from one channel to another, like a television. Your are travelling without your physical body, but you are with your subtle body. Because of this, you are not limited to the distances your body can travel. You are only limited by your own mind and will-power. Your physical body does not disappear, but remains quiet and focussed. Most vampires are simultaneously aware of the out of body experience as well as the physical body.

I am sure; you have most probably done some form of psychic travel in your telepathic dreams and astral journeys. You know, journeying is as natural as breathing, though we have placed so much importance on the physical realm that we have neglected other levels of awareness.

Many other types of psychic travels exist, the only differences being technique, perception, and belief system. Vampiric out of body experiences can be easily divided into two main streams, those that focus on physical locations and those of the other side, the subjective realm or world.

© April 2011, Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Gent, Belgium.




The Individual Vampiric Mystery, by Hagur

15:59 Mar 25 2011
Times Read: 498

One of the most important polarities of vampirism is the polarity of the Earth and the Subtle. Earth is grounding material, physical and also emotional, and is associated with the Goddess Lilith energy. The subtle energy is considered as being much more intellectual, logical and creative, mental, expressive, and electrical. Finding the balance between the two energies is of major importance.

Having said this, vampires of all kind are born out of a fundamental change which can occur in the physical bodies of creatures which possess a “Higher Self” (soul). In most mortals the “Higher Self” is the fundamental source for action, creating the original impulses which eventually become the person's acts. It is also a passage through which the creature can gain a small amount of the infinite power underlying the Cosmos, the cosmic powers and energies which are necessary for the functioning of a self conscious being.

According to vampiric legends, a vampire is born when a mortal creature undergoes a change which causes the sensual physical body to revolt against the “Higher Self”, usually expelling it, and taking control of the creature. The actions of the being are then controlled by either the remaining physical brain, the remnant of the “Higher Self” (soul), whatever caused the expelling of it, or a conglomerate of these forces. It is this emphasis on the physical body to the exclusion of the “Higher Self”, which causes many vampires to be obsessively sensual and addicted to their own suddenly intense perceptions. This is a vampiric myth, the reality is different. If a vampire has a brain, then he obviously has a mind, and therefore a “Higher Self”. My vampirism is a willing change, which occurred after three blood transfusions in August 2010, and a open heart operation October 2010. In August 2010, without medical intervention, I was dead.

Also along vampiric legends, there are many things which can cause a creature to become a vampire. These include certain forms of intimate demonic possession, various viruses, the casting of spells to become a vampire, or mental disease. Each of these causes has its own peculiar nature, and can result in very different outcomes for the victim.

The change into a vampire as to myself, is a willing change, some kind of conversion. This change into a vampire is often accompanied by physical changes in the creature's body. The most common of these is the fundamental change in the perception of the world; everything is seen and acted upon in a different aspect, and in the way everything looks and feels. The immortality of the creature comes due to a perceptual change, his presence in the here now, is based on past incarnations. The body in complete control of itself does not choose to harm itself with entropy, and so stops doing it. However, it is the “Higher Self” which provides a creature with true wisdom and this form of immortality almost always results in major psychological problems in human society. It is said, while immortal, eventually almost all vampires end up committing suicide due to the pressure of their own thoughts.

Changes such as an increase in strength, the ability to travel on the astral or subtle plane or realm, psychic and telekinetic powers, and magic abilities are fueled by a power source which accompanies the transformation. As such these abilities are dependent on the amount of energy within the being, and will be increased or decreased by this factor.

Energy is most important for vampires, who have to fuel a self conscious existence. Energies have to come from different sources, as even the initial power of a lower kind, cannot fuel a conscious being for long. This power is often gained through the drinking of the blood or psychic energy draining of other self conscious creatures. Unfortunately the drinking of someone’s blood and other energies, will only give a creature a limited amount of energy, requiring that the vampire repeat this act on a regular basis to survive. A vampire always thinks of himself first. Whatever! Vampires tend to treat people around them as property that can be owned, and they can become violent if their property is ever threatened. They believe they are right in doing whatever they want to someone else. Sometimes, they have a very anti-social mentality and no real morals religiously inclined. (See my disclaimer).

The need for energy can become an obsession in vampires, overwhelming any sense of control and self they may have once had. If the need becomes too great, it can utterly destroy whatever mind remains in the creature, turning them into a zombie.

It is said that experiments have been done with plasma, as well as nuclear and subatomic energy sources as a way of fueling vampires. This technology is still in its infancy however, and most of the vampiric test subjects claim that these methods are still too weak to effectively sustain them.

© March 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Gent, Belgium.




The Mystery of Vampiric Will-Power, by Hagur

21:53 Mar 17 2011
Times Read: 505


Will-Power is the “force” of Re-action. It can render all the other mental functions active or passive. It is the determinative faculty and is affected most of all by the judgment.

On the lower plane of mind, Will-Power manifests as Desire and is reciprocally influenced by outside attractions as well as repulsions. On this plane the “Will” is not free. But when it draws the volition for externalising itself from “Within in the Dark Light of the Abyssal Reason”, then indeed is it Will-Power. On the material the human will is a slave; on the dark or sinister plane it is the sovereign. It may then be truly called the “awakened” will. It is my conviction ever since my interests in the “Dark” since 1998, that the perpetual crossing of swords between the “Determinists and the Libertarians” can be set at rest only by a right understanding of the psychic make-up of man, otherwise the arguments of both sets of thinkers are equally strong. Each side has got hold of half the truth, but requires the reconciling light of Psychology and Psychosynthesis in order to enable us to see the whole truth as it is. However, the point I am driving at is that your will is free only when it is self-determined, when it has risen above the impulses of worn-out traditional religions as the Abrahamic Faiths, and acts under the direction of the Abyssal Impersonal Self. In order to fix this most important truth in your mind, let me give you a brief idea of the “I AM” consciousness. Do not pass this by as so much dry rot. No one will ever or can ever manifest genuine Will-Force of a distinctly spiritual type who does not understand the “I AM” consciousness or psychic mind.

The psychic mind is both the key and doorway to our vampiric and magickal talents. This part of the vampire has a great natural ability to process energy and information. Unlike the conscious mind, the psychic mind is not bound by the limits of linear perception. Great leaps of intuition can be made, skipping over the logical chain of thoughts to reach the conclusion much faster. Intuition is opening up to the information available in the cosmos by accessing psychic ability. Psychic ability is not using the mind to bend as it were spoons and move objects or yourself across the room, but rather processing information you would not logically have. Knowing who is on the phone before you pick up is as psychic as acts of mind over matter. We all have intuitive ability. We are all psychic, but vampires learn to use their abilities to a greater and most useful degree for themselves and the Vampiric Community.

The psychic mind is often called the lower self, but certainly not in the sense of lower as bad, evil or even less. Any religions of East and West have demonised personal power and psychic abilities; but, the concept of the lower self actually comes from what the Psychologists as Carl Gustav Jung and Roberto Assagioli, for instance, call the unconscious and subconscious. By relaxing our conscious mind, we can move through the doorway of our personal subconscious into the great unconscious, the collective consciousness and its archetypes, which is the realm of cosmic awareness and insight.

The true Vampiric Will-Power is aristocratic as it meets the requirements of appropriate relationship with:

(1) The will of its own Vampiric Higher Self, known as the Soul.

(2) The will of other Vampires, such as should be found in Vampiric brotherhood or work group, against the neighbouring communities around and Christianised society in general, as well as influences of other religions.

(3) The Universal Abyssal Will (Collective Vampiric Will) that is, the will-to-fight (man is a warrior), the evil of the whole (no one is good), the laws of cosmic (evil) Order, the Purpose of the Dark deities (Energies), and “Life” as a whole.

© March 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant.




Our Psychic Experiences are controlled by the chakras

15:27 Mar 09 2011
Times Read: 521

Chakra is “Sanskrit” for “spinning wheel”, referring to the spinning wheels of light within the subtle or energy body. As your physical body has physical organs, your subtle bodies have subtle and energetic, organs, points of light, that process energy in much the same way physical organs process food, water and oxygen. Each works on a different level of reality. The chakras are energy centres within the body. They are how we process information from the world around us. Chakras can be likened to the aperture of a camera, in that they have the ability to open and close as they process information.

There are seven major chakras within the physical body that run along the spine. There are also chakras in the hands and feet as well as where median lines cross in the body as identified by acupuncture. Physiologically speaking, the major chakras are located where groups of nerves meet to form nerve centres. They are also related to the endocrine gland system, which includes the adrenal gland, thyroid and the pituitary gland.

While there are seven major chakras of the body, we will only be discussing the chakras that control our psychic information.

Clairsentience is an ability of the second chakra. It is the ability to feel energy. The second chakra is located just below the belly button, therefore called the “belly chakra”. The character Diana Troy on Star Trek, the Next Generation, for example, is empathy. Empathy is another term for clairsentient. Diana feels things. On a more personal level, have you ever walked into a room and "felt" bad vibes, only to find out that an argument has just taken place, or have you ever walked into a room that someone has just cleared, performed a healing or are deep in meditation, where you in turn feel cleared, uplifted or that you are releasing energy and relaxing. You are processing that information through the second chakra. So when you are feeling energy, validate that you are having a clairsentient experience.

The belly chakra is also called the sacral chakra, relating to the lower sacral spine, abdominal chakra, or “Svadisthana” in the Eastern texts. As there are many names, the location tends to vary according to the tradition and teacher. Possibilities include slightly below, above or at the navel point.

As the second chakra, it moves beyond the physical needs of the root and into the realm of primal instincts and emotions. This energy relates to our basic need to reach out and commune with each other. While the root is our relationship to self, the belly is the relationship to others, symbolising our recognition that there is more than just “me”. Sexual and social relationships and one-on-one relationships are related to the belly. Physically, the belly chakra relates to the kidneys, intestines, lower digestive system, spleen, and pancreas.

The skeletal system could be connected too. The etheric body, the energetic template to the physical body, relates to the belly. This level of the energy body keeps our shape. The material of the physical body is regenerated every seven years, but illness and scars can last longer because the physical matter is filling in the associated damaged sections of the etheric body. Disorders of the second chakra do include digestive disorders, particularly ulcers, hypertension, mood swings, an inability to trust bone’s instincts, and difficulties communicating and relating to others as individuals.

Clairaudience is an ability of the fifth chakra. It is the ability to hear information. The fifth chakra is located in the base of the throat, just below the voice box. Many think that our inner dialog is just an overactive brain. We are, however, always receiving information on clairaudient levels. For example, have you ever trying to figure out how to do something and "a little birdie" tells you what you should do? This is your clairaudience at work.

Clairvoyance is the ability to see pictures in your mind’s eye. It is controlled by the sixth chakra, more often referred to as the “Third Eye”. It is our ability to visualize, which should not be confused with our ability to trust or validate that what we are seeing. It is the most important tool you will use as you develop your clairvoyance. It is a tool in which we all use on a daily basis. By working with your visualization skills, by flexing those visualization muscles, it will become easier for you to accept the information that comes in on psychic or clairvoyant levels. This chakra is located between and slightly above the eyes. The Hindu texts call it “Anja Centre”, although mostly referred as the “Third Eye”. The gland of this chakra is the pineal gland, found in the brain, and some evidence suggests that the structure of this gland is much like an eye that never fully developed. Although located in the brain, the pineal gland can sense light, which influences its ability to produce hormones. The brow chakra relates to the function of seeing: physical seeing, seeing situations clearly, and seeing things physically, our sixth sense. Through this chakra we apprehend to see things as they really are, to learn the metaphysical reality that interacts with our physical reality. When we use the “Third Eye” to visualise something, we are using our brown chakra.

Our powers of intuition, clairvoyance (psychic seeing), and most visually related tasks come from the “Third Eye”, relating to the psychic body. The psychic body gives us information as well as knowledge. Besides the pineal gland, the “Third Eye” chakra is associated with the lower brain and nervous system, to inform the entire body.

A little experiment! As you continue to read this paragraph, can you picture or visualize what your house looks like or your car? Can you see your bedroom or your office at work? Can you see the vacation you took as a child or the face of your first love? Can you see all of these things in your mind’s eye...clearly, easily, effortlessly? This is the place that you go to visualize. It is also the place where you see things on a clairvoyant level.

The Crown Chakra sits not in the body, but at the top of then head, at the crown. Known as “Sahasrana”, it is visualised as violet, lavender, or dazzling white. Knowingness is an ability of the Seventh Chakra. It is the ability to just know things. The Seventh Chakra is located on the top or the crown of the head. When you work with information on knowingness levels, you do not know how you know something, you just know? Since the Seventh Chakra sits on the top of the head, the body and the other chakras do not have the opportunity to process the information involved. You are saying something literally right off the top of your head. This is your knowingness at work.

Chakra Opening

The following meditation for vampires opens and clears all seven main chakras, and can be used prior to any serious vampiric work. Obviously, the whole exercise should be done on a regular basis. You can break the meditation in two parts. The first part works with opening and attunement. The second part may be called the “Earth and Cosmos Meditation”, letting the energy flow up and down, focussing attention on each chakra level for just a moment.

Meditation Outline

This is a meditation outline that gradually opens all chakras. However, you may choose to open and develop the chakras you mostly need in Vampirism as described above, and that is the second, the third and the fifth chakras, to speed up a bit. Remember that at last you will have to open and develop all chakras.


1. Get into meditative position

2. Relax your body. Be aware of your head, from your crown to the back of your neck. Take a deep breath, exhale, and relax all the muscles in your head and neck. Relax your jaw. Relax your face muscles. Relax your eyes and forehead. Feel all tension drain away.

3. Take a deep breath, exhale, and relax your shoulders and arms, all the way down the arms, past the elbows, to the wrists, hands, and fingertips. Waves of relaxation melt away all tension and stress.

4. Breathe deeply and as you exhale, and release all tension of your chest and lungs, your upper back, down your spine to the lower back, abdomen, waist, and hips. Feel them completely relaxed as all tension drains out of you.

5. Take a deep breath, exhale, and release all tension from your legs, starting in your thighs and moving down to your knees. Relax your shins and calf muscles, down to the ankles, feet and toes. All tension drains out of you.

6. Breathe deeply and relax. Enjoy the sensation. Scan your body as you breathe. Do you feel any remaining pockets of tension or pain? If this is the case, imagine as you breathe in that your breath magickally reaches the tension anywhere in your body and take the tension away as you exhale.

7. Relax your mind. Any thoughts, worries, or concerns of the day melt away and leave with your breath as you exhale. Do not let them concern you any longer. Relax your mental body completely.

8. Relax your heart. Release any unwanted feelings, emotions and memories as you exhale.

9. Relax your “Higher Self” (your soul). As you breathe feel the pulse and rhythm of life that moves through you and know it moves through all things. Follow you inner vampiric light for guidance and protection. You will be guided.


1. Visualise a giant screen in front of you, like a blackboard or movie screen. This is the screen of your mind, or what is called your mind’s eye. Whenever you visualise or recall anything, or remember a person’s face or anything else you project it on the screen. You have always had it, but now you are giving it some thoughtful attention. Anything you desire will be projected on the screen.

2. On the screen of your mind, visualise a series of numbers, counting down from twelve to one. With each number, you get into a deeper meditative state. The numbers can be of any colours if you desire as such, draw as if writing them, or appearing whole

3. Now visualise 12, and see the number twelve on your screen, 11, 10, 9 and forth until 1.

4. Your are now at your meditative state. Everything done in your meditation state is for your highest personal good, for yourself only, but harming no one. You are now counting down to a deeper and more focussed meditative state. Count backward from twelve to one, but do not visualise the numbers this time. Let the numbers gently take you down, thirteen to one. You are now at your deepest meditative state, your magickal state of mind, in complete control of your magickal and psychic abilities.

5. From this points, you can pursue to other exercises and experiences, ,or meditate at this level for a while and bring yourself up, counting from one to thirteen and then from one to twelve. Gently start to wiggle your fingers and toes, and slowly move to bring your awareness back to the physical.

6. Take both hands and raise them up over your head, palms facing your crown. Slowly bring them down over your forehead, face, throat, chest, abdomen, and then groin, and “push out” with your palms facing away from you. This gives you clearance and balance, releasing any harmful or unwanted energies you might pick up during your psychic experiences.


“I am completely tuned in and balanced. I am in balance with myself. I am in balance with the cosmos and its energies. I am a psychic vampire, and release all that does not serve me.”

7. Ground and protect yourself as needed.

Earth and Cosmos Meditation (Second Part)

Opening the chakras

1. Be aware of the energy around you, your aura, and the flow of energy up and down the spine.

2. Focus your attention on the base of the spine, the root chakra. Visualise it as a bright red disc. Feel the chakra start to spin open and activate as you inhale. Feel it spin open, purifying any blocks you have to the physical vampiric world and to your sense of community. As for your own good, release any anger you have for anyone of your vampiric world. The chakra spins open like red water lily or lotus flower revealing a fiery ruby within it, clear and energetic.

3. With the next inhale, focus your attention on your navel area, at the belly or sacral chakra. Be truly aware of this glowing orange wheel of light. Feel the chakra start to spin or activate. Feel it spin open and purifying any blocks you to your instincts and your relationship. Release any possible contradiction to the normal flow of energy. The chakra spins open like an orange lotus flower revealing an orange carnelian stone within it, clear and energetic.

So, what is carnelian stone? Carnelian is a gemstone known for its many beneficial properties; it is a form of chalcedony, and can vary in color from reddish brown, to rust like orange, while the spectrum of shades can encompass the very intense and dark, as well as pale and smoky. Typically, carnelian stone meaning is associated with power, protection and positive energy. Carnelian is found and mined mainly in India, Uruguay, Brazil and South Africa, though its use is advocated the world over for its many advantageous properties.

4. With the next inhale, focus your attention below the diaphragm muscle, at the solar-plexus chakra. Be aware of this shining yellow disc. Feel the chakra start to spin open and activate. Feel it spin open and purify any blocks you have to your personal vampiric will-power. Release any fear you have, telling yourself “there is no fear.” The chakra spins open like a yellow lotus flower revealing a yellow citrine stone within it, extremely clear and energetic.

5. With the next inhale, focus your attention on the sternum bone, at the heart chakra. Be aware of this pulsing green wheel. Feel the chakra start to spin open and activate. Feel it spin open and purify any blocks you have to as unconditional love or passion, perfect love or passion, and perfect trust in yourself and others. Release any grudges that would hinder the free flow of your vampirism. The chakra spins open like a green lotus flower revealing an emerald within it, clear and energetic.

6. With the next chakra inhale, focus your attention on the thorax, at the throat chakra. Be aware of this spinning blue light. Feel the chakra start to spin open and activate. Feel it spin open and purify any blocks you may have to communication, and that also means psychic communication. Release any judgments you may have. The chakra spins open like a blue lotus flower revealing a blue sapphire within it, clear and energetic.

7. With the next inhale, focus your attention on the brow, at the third-eye chakra. Be aware of this deep-indigo point of light. Feel the chakra start to spin open and activate. Feel it spin open and purify any blocks you have to your psychic and magickal gifts. The chakra spins open like an indigo lotus flower revealing an iolite sunstone within it, clear and energetic.

8. With the next inhale, focus your attention on the top of the head at the crown chakra. Be aware of dazzling light, violet or white in colour. Feel the chakra start to spin open and activate. Feel it open and purify any blocks you may have to your connection to the Cosmic Consciousness. The chakra spins open like a purple (violet) lotus flower revealing an amethyst within it, clear and energetic.

9. To close, slow down the energy flow with your intent, and then stop it.

10. Return yourself to normal consciousness, counting up, and giving yourself clearance and balance. Do any necessary grounding. Scan your aura and chakras often, like you would with your computer. As your awareness of the energy anatomy grows, you will find out the location and reason for imbalances. The kind of information will help you pinpoint problem areas in your vampiric life that need to be addressed.

If a psychic vampire or occultist is open to seeing truth, he or she will see it; otherwise, it remains unseen, no matter how bright a light shines upon it. People will take in only that information they are ready to accept and, more importantly, that they truly need.

The vampire’s goal is as follows:

1. The aspirant vampire learns to think, and to discover that he has an apparatus which is called the mind, and to uncover its faculties and powers, mostly through meditation techniques.

2. Next, he or she has to learn to get back of his thought processes and form building propensities and discover the ideas which underlie subtle thoughtform, the world process, and so learn to act in collaboration with other vampires, even entities (archetypes, energies) behind the veil of visibility, and subordinate his or her own thoughts to theirs.

3. From that developed “Vampiric Idealism”, he or she must progress even deeper still, until entered in the realm of real, pure and active intuition. He or she should be able to tap truth at its source

4. After which, follows the work of conscious thought-form building, emanating from the Cosmic Mind.

It all needs “concentration”, in order to focus the lower mind to the higher. And, that is through “meditation”, which is the mind’s power to hold itself in the “Vampiric Dark Light”, and in that light become aware of the real purpose of being a vampire. Through “contemplation” the vampire finds himself able to enter in the silence of his secret underworld to tap from the Cosmic Mind.

How is this done? How bring through and how build afterwards? Also note that no matter how small or unimportant an individual vampire may be, yet in cooperation with other vampires, preferably of his clan, he wields a mighty force.

Vampiric thinking and living depends on many things, and it might be useful to state some of them very briefly:

1. With the ability to sense the vision. That involves the capacity to realize the archetype on which the “Vampiric Lodge” is endeavouring t to fashion our Vampiric Race.

2. Having sensed the vision and glimpsed a fraction of our beautiful vampiric world, in your hands (in our hands) lies the opportunity to bring down to the mental and psychic plane from the “Cosmic Mind” as much as you possibly can, and be fed.

3. After this accomplishment, what is coming next? Simply, the period of gestation, a period wherein the vampire builds his thoughtform of as much of the vision as one can bring through into the consciousness. It must be done slowly, for a strong vibration and a well built form.

4. Happy is the vampire who can bring the vampiric vision nearer to his clan, even the vampiric community, and work it out into existence, feeding himself at will. Work at your darkness, until complete satisfaction. Let us, together, build up the Vampiric Temple.

© March 2011 – Hagur, the Great Hierophant.



03:50 Mar 10 2011

Excellent MS you have been working on/posting. Keep up the great work.

Agios o Vindex!


Vampiric Psychic Ability - First Chapter - by Hagur

13:47 Mar 04 2011
Times Read: 539

Vampiric Psychic ability development is similar to any other exercise that you might perform to enhance your total “feeling good” and wellbeing. Having a psychic ability or talent is indeed a special gift to have and one worthwhile nurturing. There are some psychics who have very strong talents such as various mediums who can actually communicate with the other side, the subjective world.

Once you have identified what talent you possess you need to recognize firstly that you have the power; and, to accept that this power is yours and yours to build on very regularly and patiently.

When the word “psychic ability” is mentioned then this brings up many theories, as to what it actually is and what it covers. Psychic ability is a universal term for your soul’s potentials; it is intuitive power that beats within every heart beat. Some websites or psychics around will claim that they are gifted from God, this is absolutely false, they maybe gifted but that is not enough. They need to activate the gift through extra sensory perception development in theory but above all in practise, and this means the attainment of enough wisdom to communicate with the world unseen. Some psychics, vampires and others, will make themselves sound like they are Gods chosen vessels who have psychic ability stemming from God having chosen them as his mouthpiece. Either the humans are gifted, or not.

All humans possess a certain amount of psychic ability, even though they may never be aware of it. Observe a small child and you will find that they can sense things well in advance. However, with the passage of time as the child grows up, he or she gets involved with the material world, and loses touch with the treasure within. Yet, flashes of Psychic Energy become visible once in a while, or as the famous poet Wordsworth put it - the “flash upon the inward eye” and you can sense in advance the shape of things to come.

It is well known that Abraham Lincoln, a former US President, sensed his impending death three days in advance. In fact, this sudden insight usually happens when something extraordinary is about to happen. Having said this, it also follows we can harness our psychic energy to lead a more fulfilling life.

There are many thousands of genuine psychic vampires and others in the world today. By developing your own psychic powers you may rather soon become a psychic vampire! Already, you are on your way as you develop your inner powers.

Psychism is detached from all religious dogma. One does not need religious dogmas to delve into the mysteries of the subjective or subtle world. There may be recommendations and guidelines in whatever tradition, but no official bible. Our bible is the cycle of seasons; and, our songs are the songs of the planet “Earth” in the first place. No one central authority exists. The experience of others can surely help us, but ultimately we walk individual paths. Others can support, guide, comfort us, but they cannot do anything for us.

Those who have psychic, developed powers are said to be using an extra sense that the rest of us do not have. This sense gives them a window into the future and past and allows them to see and hear events before they happen or in some cases to look at events that happened in the past.

As an example, many psychics also work in the present, locating missing people.

Someone who has psychic powers has learned to connect with the cosmos on a more metaphysical level instead of a logical level. By opening up their minds and their understanding, the world around them becomes clearer. This allows them to see things on a much deeper level than we normally perceive.

There are many types of psychic abilities, which psychic vampires use depending upon the needs of themselves and their world. Some of the important types of psychic abilities are feeling energy, pushing and pulling energy, feeling the aura and reading, clairvoyance, clairaudience, dream interpretation, mental projection, conscious channeling, healing, past-life exploration, etc.

There are no standardised rules to test your psychic ability. The only thing is to be honest with yourself. You can conduct your own test and note down your scores and make comparisons on a daily basis.

One thing is certain and that is we are all the same yet the colour is different, while the “Higher Self” (soul) reveals what is in its core (essence). Your essence is spirit and therefore unbounded, in fact ever one’s soul is spotless, therefore we all actually have the gift of psychic ability. Yet only few choose to expand in these perceptions and reception. Psychic ability covers many different areas of metaphysics. Throughout our lives many of us shine away from our inner intuitive sides and we usually do this without even noticing it. As we attend life and face its challenges we come to rely on the outside world for our needs. Having rather grown in life being perceptive to higher, metaphysical dimensions with an open mind, we can yield many results on the psychic paths.

Again we must make certain we realize psychics and psychic abilities as a subject that we have, and must be developed, and not born with. To unleash your own psychic energy first step obviously must be to have an open mind and open heart that its development is possible. Your inner intuition is already a form of psychic ability, gradually to be developed. We certainly need to abandon the concept that we only have five senses, this may be true in physical form, because we have universal senses such as taste, sight, smell, sound, touch, and feeling. These take the physical form for us to function and survive. I will give you a very thoughtful example so once and for all you can determine for yourself if psychic ability to be cultivated. So please sit back, relax and read this very carefully.

Let us imagine a human being who has only four senses functioning, meaning that the person we are imagining is altogether physically unable to function with one of the senses missing. Some people would argue, “he is disabled”. But, let us as example imagine that the person lost his eye-sight! That means he or she is a blind citizen. Be certain, that a blind person can also lead a normal life, even without having eyes to see. Be sure, that the blind person will actually be better with the other four physical senses, as they will be more developed in compensation. His or her hearing will be better, the taste, the smell, and the feeling. Lacking the eye-sight, the other senses do compensate. So, he or she survives.

This is a fact as their survival depends on it. For example, he or she might has better hearing capabilities than you and I, this is not always the case, but usually it is. Blind persons have a stronger feeling energy.

Feeling Energy

Physically feel some of the psychic energy that you personally generate. Many of our younger vampires find this easy with a little practice, but others have difficulty because they do not know what to look for. Sometimes energy feels very weak and subtle magnetic repulsion. If you were taking two positive ends of a magnet and try to put them together, you would meet some difficulty. The fields of energy offer resistance. Take that feeling and expect something less dramatic or concrete, and you can feel the resistance offered between the fields of your hands. They are not exactly opposing charges, so they do not offer the same kind of resistance as two magnets.

Magnets are the way here for the description of feeling. Since this is individual and subjective, others perceive it as temperature shift. But, more often you may also feel a slight tingle or “pins and needles” sensation as if your hands or feet are asleep. Others feel a pressure or even texture. Everyone feels differently.

Here we come as for the blind person, once one feels something, he or she is able to manipulate what is felt, the energy, through will-power and intent. This is a fundamental building block for psychic development and vampiric magick.

Your first exercise

1. Hold your hands about three feet apart, palms facing each other. Close your eyes. You are aware of any new information you receive from your hands, but you are not judging the experience, nor trying to create it. Just allow it to happen naturally.

2. Bring slowly your hands close together. Be aware of the slightest sensation. Notice any feeling that comes in waves or layers. These are the levels of your aura, in other words your energy body. Some layers offer more resistance than others, but try it several times, with eyes closed and then open.. If you have any difficult, start all over again, but begin by rubbing your hands together vigorously, as if you would be trying to warm them up. This increases your hands’ sensitivity.

3. When you have finished, wipe your hands together as if you were wiping excess water off them. This removes any other energy you might have picked up along the exercise. End all of these energy exercises with a wiping motion.

Psychic Training

How do you develop Psychic powers?

Some people are born with fully developed psychic powers. A very few individuals become psychic through a near death experience or a deep mystical or spiritual awakening. The majority of people however learn to enhance their psychic powers later on in life by being willing to put in, patiently, some practice!

However latest scientific advances have made it easier and quicker than ever for “normal people” to develop and use their own psychic powers.

The key to psychic training and development of psychic powers, therefore, lies in acquiring an ability to remain in a relaxed state of mind that facilitates concentration on the subject or question that requires divination.

Is There A Scientific Basis To Psychic Powers?

Although throughout the ages people such as mystics and shamans have always displayed psychic powers, it has only recently been possible to explain this scientifically with quantum physics.

New insights have shown beyond doubt that when someone uses psychic powers without realizing it, they are using quantum processes. New research shows that information can really be transferred without using the normal five senses. In studies of people with psychic powers, scientists are gradually seeing the “bigger picture” of the true nature of reality.

The basis of quantum physics began in several stages in the early 1900’s, at it attributed to the contributions of six renowned men: Niels Bohr, Paul Dirac, Albert Einstein, Werner Heisenberg, Max Planck, and finally Erwin Schrödinger. At first, the theories were not an attempt to create a new discipline or scientific paradigm, but an account for peculiar experimental results that did not conform to the generally accepted classical rules of physics. Though a “quanta” refers to a bundle of “energy”, the smallest discrete amount of energy that can be measured, quantum theory does not deal exclusively with the micro- world, but the entire cosmos. The previous scientific paradigm described the cosmos in terms of distinct divisions, and in particular two separate groups, particles and waves. Particles held a position and waves had momentum. The building blocks of all matter and energy were either in particle or wave form. Everything was believed to be separate and distinct. Every part is in its own space and time, linked only through observable forces. Events happen due to an observable cause and effect.

Scientists discovered the power of the observer. Somehow the interaction of the observer, once considered independent of the experiment, had become crucial to the way experiments were conducted, and the results were subtly influenced. The behaviour of the phenomenon would change, depending on who was observing it and what thoughts, feelings, and expectations the observer had. Controlled conditions were no longer “controlled.” Gradually, scientists came to the conclusion that the “pieces” of an experiment were not separate unto themselves, but part of a larger whole.

But how can anyone with no previous training learn how to use their psychic powers?

Psychic powers are within everyone. Your subconscious mind just needs to be “unlocked” for you to be able to do this. One does not need to understand how a car works to drive one, and one does not need to study occultism or magick to do a ritual or spell, but occult theory is a science that can be studied, but above all brought into practice. Many people just open a book, perform a ritual, and had great success with it, though they had no idea how it worked. Performing a ritual or reciting a spell can seem silly the first time, but understanding the reason behind the ritual or even chant can lend its reliability. Vampiric magick is not a musty old discipline, but a strong growing tree, weaving together branches from the ancient and modern worlds.

How would you know if you had a psychic ability?

There are some things that can be considered psychic abilities to some, while others may call them coincidences. However, when coincidences occur with regularity, some may question whether or not there may be something more behind it. So what are some of the things that could indicate a possible psychic ability?

• You tend to feel what others around you feel, even if they are not showing it.

• You know what someone is going to say in a conversation before they say it. It happens often.

• You often have hunches that turn out to be hundred percent correct.

• You have a natural understanding for the higher purposes behind all good and bad things that are occurring. You can often appreciate these things when others cannot.

• You know before the telephone even rings, that someone is about to call, and who it is, quite often.

• You often have the sudden urge to be somewhere or with someone for reasons you do not understand. And, later find out that you were needed somewhere or to assist someone or that they were wishing for your presence as well.

Again the main keyword here is “often”. There are such thing as coincidences and they can occur without a person having any kind of psychic ability at all; however, if they occur more regularly, and are accompanied by a strange feeling like goose bumps or the hair on your neck and arms standing on end, then you very well may be blessed, or cursed, with a psychic ability. How you choose to use it, if you do at all, is entirely up to you. Learning to live with a psychic ability can be a great test of the mind itself.

Since there are so many psychic abilities it is very hard to give a simple definition that covers all but the basics is that a general psychic ability is one that is outside of the five senses humans have. Sight, sound, touch, taste and the sense of smell are the common senses and those who have psychic abilities have those as well, however they also have extra senses that allow them to pick up on things that are not within the five senses but in fact may be strange combinations of them.

Some claim to have a psychic ability that allows them to “see” feelings in the forms of auras or wisp, while others may claim a psychic ability that allows them to 'feel' the thoughts of others as opposed to just hearing them.

Types of Psychic Abilities or extra sensory perceptions

1. Empathic intuition

2. Genuine psychic readings

3. Clairvoyance

4. Clairaudience

5. Clairsentient

6. Telepathy

7. Past –Life Exploration

8. Psychic Mediumship

9. Conscious Channeling,

10. Psychometry

11. Psychic or magnetic healing

Extra sensory perception has been a subject of controversy amongst scientific communities. Throughout ages we hear time and time again there were those who had the ability of second sight. Yet extra sensory perception covers many subjects as found in the list above, and even more. Extra sensory perception is referred to as “ESP”.

Most people in the world believe in these occurrences and most people also say that they have had direct experience relating to extra sensory perception “ESP”. As we already know, even Abraham Lincoln claimed to have a telepathic dream of his forthcoming death and is claimed to have seen himself in coffin exactly as he lay some days later. Also there are stories in the bible where there are kings who have had precognition and seen dreams that later were interpreted by prophets saving those the king ruled.

Extra sensory perception covers a wide subject of metaphysics. Metaphysics covers all things involving extra sensory perceptions also it is an entire philosophy believing that all things which inhabit earth actually originate from one source. Metaphysics is basically study of consciousness in its true form. Psychics believe and know that in order to receive “Extra sensory perceptional messages” one needs to understand the nature of things (well at least to some degree). This receiving can take place once attuned to allow the heart to be neutral, and allowing the flow of universal truth to run through a person. This requires much patience to attend this unique humanly ability. Extra sensory perceptions (psychic ability) are classified in many different forms of ability. When we look upon the fact of extra sensory perception, then there are many levels of understanding and using this humanly intuition.

As the list above, we can classify “ESP” into categories of psychic energy, clairvoyance, telepathy, past events, channeling, precognitive dreams, mediums and psychometry, dreamwalking, so on and forth; and, we can also find many other different forms of extra perception. And the reason people refer these abilities as saying they are extra, is because we all know rather most of us are taught that we have five humanly senses. Such as smell sight taste touch hear, these are seen as five humanly sense. And if a person was to challenge the scientific community; saying we as humans actually have more senses than this, then obviously many people would not believe in this theory. Yet if you were to have a friendly psychic chat with a person who studies metaphysics then perhaps you will get a very different understating of senses. We have more than five senses (this I assure you), I will quickly touch on these subjects of extrasensory perceptions below.


This perception can be thought of a knowledge of an situation or event prior to that event actually happens, and is done without using reason (this covers precognitive dreams as well).


This perception is the umbrella term that is used to cover all ways in which a psychic knows of upcoming events as well as things that once happened in the past. It basically means clear vision, a vision of seeing from the heart and not eyes, it is a vision of seeing without letting things perturbing a heart.


You may think this ability as you have seen in science fiction movies where a person controls another by using their thoughts, although the movie makers are very imaginative, telepathy is one of the extra sensory perception that even many psychics cannot master.

It basically means to receive or send thoughts from a distance. I will give you an example so you may understand this ability and transform your theories about it. Have you ever seen or watched a documentary about brain surgeons or those who study human mind; if you have perhaps you may have seen the x-ray images when they put the patient’s brain in scanning machines, (and when they show a patient certain images then particular part of the brain commits electrical charge) and then we see certain parts of the brain heating up so giving us x ray images of this event (parts of brain heating up more so than other parts). Well then we need to understand that, heat is energy, and it can also travel. Just like when you place your hand near a fire, without actually touching it you can feel the heat from a distance, as you can see heat energy travels.

Same can also be said about thoughts, although very subtle it also travels, and attuning your being to receive and send this energy from a mind can actually happen, (it does in fact happen) this is called telepathy. Some people think telepathy is heart to heart communication; heart to heart communication fits in to the category of soul mate communications and not telepathy.

Past Life Exploration

This perception is a feeling or ability to know that one has experienced in past life’s, or even in this present life, as an incident or a thought before, and once felt it is although it has been once lived. Many people refer this solely to reincarnation, though theories are open to debate amongst metaphysical cultures on this extra sensory perception. Example might be let us say you visit a church or a temple for the very first time and without ever seeing it in photos or anything, and all of a sudden you get this strange feeling that you have been there before. And the sense of certainty that you never been there before makes you question reason and logic, this is an example of a past life exploration or experience. You may also have dreamt about having visited that church or temple, and here you are. You may have dreamt of a person you never met before, and yet some day you really meet that person. You may then say: “I have seen the person before, but I do not know where.” Or, if your memory never fails you, you may say “I dreamt about the person.”

Conscious Channeling

This perception is rather seen from a metaphysical view point. As to be able to acquire this extra sensory perception one must know and believe in spiritual forms, entities, dimension and their existence. Along the psychologists Carl Gustav Jung and Dr. Roberto Assagioli, spiritual forms and entities are termed and understood as archetypes.

Archetypes are primal images that can be found across many cultures. They exist in our collective consciousness. The above psychologists and others popularised the term “archetype”, but they existed far beyond their identification. Each culture had individual names for an archetype, as represented by gods and goddesses. Each culture or religion wove stories and myths involving these entities, but the basic concept is the same. To those, as I do, who work with the archetypes, they are living, conscious energies, and beings of great power.

Modern vampires understand the concept of archetypes, but know these powers through personal, metaphysical experiences. The common belief is that archetypes are primal energies of an almost unknowable nature, but they express themselves through god forms, the individual descriptions and personalities of the gods and goddesses of myth. The god forms act as a mask.

The gods “dark gods” of mine are : Moon Sphere: Shugara, Noctulius, Nythra; Mercury Sphere: Ga Wath Am, Nekalah, Abatu; Venus Sphere: Karu Samsu, Aosoth, Nemicu; Sun Sphere: Satanas, Vindex, Atazoth; Mars Sphere: Binan Ath, Kthunae, Sauroctonos; Jupiter Sphere: Lidagon, Davcina, Mactoron; Saturn Sphere: Azanigin, Velpecula, Naos.

Channel is a person who can communicate to these spiritual dimensions to receive and transmit the information they get. This ability is to relay information apart from earth realm. Throughout known history there have been documented evidence of ancients performing channeling. Also this extra sensory perception is very valued amongst vampires and shamans who still to date make their journey between subtle world and earth world. Although rare there are some genuine psychic mediums who can offer this sacred service. Yet this subject is very delicate and attaining is one of the highest and most complex forms of ability for a genuine psychic.

Your psychic ability may offer to channel medium communications for you, but you need to first consult specialised people about the matter, and not make any start of your own. Only if they really knew, that they only imagine things, and only if they knew that being a real medium is much more than the fantasy they imagine, then they would know, that it is sacred.


Psychometry is to be able to receive information and knowledge through objects or writings of people who is not present or known to the perceiver. Usually jewellery is seen as best forms of objects to receive information. Though it can also be done through clothing or article or photograph that is personal. Also this can be universal objects or places such as houses buildings and anything else that can be physically seen. According to psychometry whenever one interacts with an object, subtle vibrations of that encounter become attached to it.

Example, when someone wears a wedding ring for instance this ring then obtains psychic bond to the wearer. Even though when it is taken off, this psychic connection can be perceived to the attuned heart, similarly this can also be said to temples or churches whenever we visit such places then we get to feel its psychic charged atmosphere around us, it is calming and nurturing also peaceful, the reason for this in the eyes of metaphysician would be that, throughout its past people who have been in it, has left their souls pure imprints in the structure itself.

Psychometry is widely practiced today amongst psychics, who will usually ask for an objects to get information to give psychic readings for an individual.

Many people will agree on existence of such extra sensory perceptions “ESP”. But, also there will be many people who will debate or disagree with such abilities. We humans need facts and figures to agree with anything, yet when we look upon religious beliefs of almost all people we come to realize we all believe in super natural realms in one form another. Believing in psychic dimensions require a heart that is perceptive and sensitive. Having extra sensory perception can be developed it is not a gift for only select few people who have been born under the right star. (Lots of them, also religious leaders are only looking to make business on behalf of the foolishness of people.) However, it is ability, and with any ability it needs time and effort to bear fruit. Further on more on psychometry.

However, is psychic ability real?

Psychic energy or "psi" is the transfer of information or energy that cannot be explained by a physical process. People who can do this consciously are called psychics. But does it really exist? Many do not think so - either because they have never experienced it themselves, or because they have heard about or had personal experience with one of the great number of fake psychics making money off those needing desperately psychological assistance.

In the 1930s a set of psi testing methods were developed at the renowned Duke private research University, Durham, North Carolina, USA. These consisted of a repetitive procedure in which the subject attempted to determine a target symbol from a set of alternatives. The percentage of time the subject was correct determined the amount of psychic ability he or she had. However, these types of tests failed to capture the types of psi that have been reported in everyday life.

For example, psychic energy has often been linked to meditation, hypnosis, drugs use and especially dreaming. These altered states of consciousness, whether self-induced or naturally-occurring, have been the conduit for psychic experiences by individuals who did not consider themselves psychics - or think they had any such ability.

Researchers in the last forty years or so have attempted to verify these anecdotal observations. Several tests on meditation indicate that it does, indeed, facilitate psi. Hypnosis, which is almost identical to meditation in effect but just uses a facilitator to achieve the trance state, has also proven to enhance one's psychic ability.

To study how psychic energy reveals itself in dreams, the Maimonides experiments chose a subject to sleep in a dream laboratory. When the experimenter determined the subject had entered REM sleep, he gives a signal to another participant, the "sender", to begin. This "sender" would concentrate on a randomly selected picture, trying to "send" this image to the sleeping subject. When the subject was nearing the end of REM sleep, he was awakened and asked to tell everything he remembered about his dreams. This was repeated several times during the night.

Independent judges were asked to judge the similarity of the dreams as described and the pictures the sender had been looking at. They also judged the similarity of the dreams to a different, randomly selected picture. The judges did not know which picture was which. The similarity rating was closer with the real pictures than the control pictures.

These newer tests led the experimenters to think that psi is a weak signal that can be easily clouded by other information coming in through the normal five senses.

Further studies were designed in which the subjects' five senses were blocked and the subject was relaxed using traditional techniques. The sender was separated and acoustically isolated as he attempted to send visual data, again chosen at random, to the subject. At the same time, the subject gave a constant verbal description of the thoughts going through is mind. This went on for approximately thirty minutes per session. The subject was then given four visual cues, one of which the sender had been trying to communicate and asked which of them was most like the imagery he had experienced. Again, this test indicated the presence of psi with statistically significant results.

One must take these tests with a grain of salt because of what is known as "selective reporting". Failed experiments are reported far less than successful ones. So whether or not psychic energy really exists is still hotly debated.

Discover your own psychic abilities

There are exercises where you can shuffle a deck of cards and see what the top card is and then turn it over. These exercises might be helpful and valuable but really when you think of it the guessing of cards is a gimmick. The true test is to see who it is when the telephone rings and when you answer it see if you were right.

Sitting quietly in the morning and picture your day ahead by thinking what it is you will be doing and then gradually extending your thoughts to the people you will meet during the day. This is a step you can take where at each moment you will be able to say, yes I knew that was going to happen or I knew I was going to run into you today.

By doing so you are recognising your talent and as each day passes your talent will become stronger and you will be able to use it under different circumstances.

Psychic ability is not the “impostor” abilities of the old days where witches were burnt at the stake. Psychic ability is a gift that requires identification and then trust in the ability. Once you have identified the ability it is a simple matter of conducting research from others who have experienced the development of their abilities and see if they refer to you.

How to tune into your psychic ability.

Technique 1

Every psychic has a different way of tuning in. I can only describe to you how I do it, and you can try it for yourself. Ask around, try different techniques and find your own way of tuning in.

1. Open your crown chakra. Think of it as a funnel pouring information into your body from the divine.

2. Clear your mind, look up toward your third eye and close your eyes.

3. Imagine yourself sitting in a circle of white candlelight. Around the outside of the candles is a circle of mirrors facing inward. Now picture the person for whom you are doing the reading or something else, sitting inside the circle with you. (If you do not know what the person looks like, then imagine the essence.)

4. Get a feel for that person’s mind.

5. Once you feel connected to that person’s mind, imagine a movie starting to play in your mind. The movie is symbolic of what is happening in that person’s life.

6. Use your own intuition to interpret what the symbols mean. For example, is this person running away from something, climbing up something, sitting peacefully? If so, what do you feel they are running from, etc.

7. Let the movie play out and describe to the person what you are seeing. Use your intuition to interpret what it all means in their life. Do you see the person sitting tall and proud on a horse or crouched in a corner?

8. Once you have a basis for their current situation, fast forward the movie and see what happens next. This is when you will see their future.

9. Let them ask questions, and see what happens next in the movie. This will be the answer to their question.

It is not my intention to give you the impression that in a few weeks or even months you will be able to open shop (by way of saying). It can take years to develop your psychic ability. Many people do not have the desire to work at it long enough to be considered “a psychic.” If this is your wish! It’s not for everyone. Think of it like playing a sport. With enough practice and dedication, almost anyone can be a star athlete. However, without the passion or desire there is no use in trying that hard.

Moreover, please do not open shop (by way of saying) if you have no desire to help people. I have been studying the topic for years since 1960 ending, and have developed my own way of doing sessions that are helpful to the person needing counselling. It is important to tell people why things are happening to them not just what will happen.

How to work developing your psychic ability?

There are many people who claim to have psychic abilities. Whether or not they are true psychic powers or something else is unknown. Some believe that there is an amount of psychic skill in all of us, lying in a dormant and waiting to be triggered. If you want to increase your own psychic ability with a more advance technique than previously, try following the steps listed below.

Technique 2

1. Slow your mind down. Our normal state of consciousness is too rapid for allowance of any type of psychic connection, so slowing the mind will permit psychic activity. When you are awake the brain wave frequency is about 14 to 20 cycles per minute. Psychic activity would occur when the brain waves are at about 7 to 14 cycles per minute. This range is called alpha frequency.

2. Close your eyes and clear your mind. It is imperative that your mind be free of stress and thoughts that could possibly restrict your psychic ability. The busy mind does not allow paranormal contact, because it is not open to the sixth sense in the subconscious. When our minds are busy with day to day activities, there is much difficulty in connecting with the paranormal realm.

3. Practice meditation in order to lower your brain wave activity to a level that lets you connect with your underlying psychic abilities. Buy a metronome from a music store. Listen to the repetitious beating sound while relaxing your entire body and mind to achieve inner solitude.

4. Test yourself, in observing your life as you go along, and you will be surprised. Pay attention to how many times you say, "I knew that was going to happen!" Whether it is knowing who is on the other end of the phone, or who you are going to run into at the store, you are continually flexing your psychic muscle. The more you do that, the stronger your psychic ability will be.

5. Keep practicing techniques to open your psychic connection. Each failed attempt to relax your mind to alpha frequency for psychic development will increase your chance for success. Once you gain a state of serenity, you can concentrate on psychic activity in your mind.

Develop meditation practice and stay connected

Technique 3

A good idea to help move your forward is to develop a spiritual practice. A spiritual practice can be setting aside fifteen minutes a day to sit quietly. Be in a place where it is quiet and you will not be distracted. Get comfortable and listen to your breathing.

Take deep breaths in and out, relaxing as you exhale. Focus on your breath. As thoughts come and go, just watch them and let them go and then refocus on your breathing again. If it is easier allow yourself to think pleasant thoughts, as you do this.

Sometimes it is hard to stop thinking completely because that is what we are so conditioned to do. So if you can't stop thinking what you can do is let yourself think pleasant thoughts that won't take you away from this meditative practice. Set aside time to do this every day for fifteen minutes for thirty days and you will see a big difference in yourself.

Once you have that connection this is where your true "magick" lies. From here, you can get inspirational ideas, thoughts, visions, auditory messages, or simply have a knowing about anything you choose.

Once you feel the connection, it is a matter of getting quiet, asking a question and then listening for the answer. The answer might not come that second or how you think it will. Just go about your business and see if over the next day or so you don't have clarity regarding the question you asked.

Genuine Exercises to Develop Your Psychic Abilities as you go along

Some fun psychic games that you can do to test and improve your own abilities are:

• When you are driving, see if you cannot figure out what the car in front of you is going to do.

For example, while you are driving ask yourself, "What is this car in front of me going to do? Is it going to continue going straight, or turn right or left?"

Notice what types of responses you get and how close you are.

• Have someone hide an object in your house and then try and find it. As you walk around your home, say to yourself, "I feel it is closer over here", and then pay attention to the feeling you get in your body (especially your stomach area).

You will either feel a "Yes, the object is closer over here" or "No, it is not near here."

Keep practicing until you can learn to trust those subtle feelings in your body.

• Get quiet and think about an event coming up. Picture in your mind how things will go at this future event.

Put yourself into the future scenario. Make it as realistic as you can. What are you wearing; how are you acting; who are you talking with? What do you see? What is the outcome of this meeting? How will you feel when you leave?

You will be amazed at how good and accurate you can get once you practice these types of psychic exercises. You don't have to stop with these. Think of some other psychic games that will test your own abilities.

Most of all keep it light-hearted and have fun!

As you can see, working with your intuition, your psychic abilities is a very experiential thing. It is not something that you can just read from a book. It is something that must be experienced firsthand, validated, and then practiced and refined. Remember, we all have psychic experiences daily. What have you experienced today?

© March 2011 – Hagur Grand Hierophant, Gent, Belgium



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