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Vampiric Psychic Ability - Foreword by Hagur

21:46 Feb 28 2011
Times Read: 524

History is written by the victors. Whenever cultures clash as it happens today, a bit everywhere in the world, the dominant force is the one left to record the events of the past for future generations. Those defeated, as the Abrahamic Religions (Jews, Christians and Muslims) mostly in our Western world today, leave behind physical artifacts, and even folk tales and myth, while their way of life is gradually lost in the march of time. Wherever one is digging through the roots of history, should be aware of this fact.

When we are digging for the roots of occultism in its various forms, as witchcraft and vampirism, we must keep in mind that those practitioners of the craft and way of life were seldom the victors over the past two thousand years as they were persecuted by Christianity, so our common history is coloured. Much of our point of view has been more or less lost to us. However, as researchers, historians, anthropologists, scholars, teachers and students, we can reclaim and reconstruct, but we can never really know the truth.

The facts of vampirism, werewolves, and other ancient metaphysical traditions are shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding because they were almost completely vanquished by the conquering forces of Christianity by names of Roman Catholicism and Protestantism, firstly in Europe. They are known as being “blood religions”, and blood they have shed to conquer, kill innocent people in the name of religion, and the said one true God of Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

However, the roots of the great tree of occultism (paganism, witchcraft, and so on and forth) stretch deep in history, and to our earlier ancestors. In the Paleolithic era, the early Stone Age, human societies were hunters, warriors and gatherers, nomadic people continuously following food.

Today, most people think of the Paleolithic times as the age of barbaric cavemen; however, these tribes were probably more sophisticated than we think. In those societies, the men usually hunted for food, while the women stayed in the tribe, caring for their children and family altogether. Anyway, whatever, they were more right-brained, focussing on pictures, feelings and instinct.

Along Aleister Crowley, the modern magickian the gods and goddesses-oriented scholar and even vampire greeting any woman with a bite in her hand, divided the ages into three categories, based on Egyptian myth. The age we left is the age of Osiris (normally the Piscean Age), marked by sacrificial gods such as Osiris, Dionysus, and even Jesus of Nazareth. The previous age was the age of Isis, when the goddess culture dominated, calling it affectionately, the “cradle of civilisation”. Now, we are, according to Crowley, in the Age of Horus, the child of Isis and Osiris, the young god who possessed the powers of both Mother and Father. We, obviously, do not agree with everything Crowley said. In fact, we are today in the Aquarian Age, the New Age, the accepted name for the current shift.

When the ancient civilisations were thriving, the less structured tribes of Europe, north of the Mediterranean Sea, were developing their own customs and magick that were no less powerful, but less formalised than others. The Celtic people were migrating west, across Europe, and eventually came in contact with the Greeks and Romans. The ancient Celts were very complex and culturally different from the civilised culture of the time, and were warriors. They did not push their own ideology, and quite often incorporated much of their myth, legends, culture and wisdom of the people they conquered into the Celtic worldview. Such absorptions, along the lack of a written language, account for the somewhat disjointed “mythos” of the Celts, in comparison with the Greeks, Romans, and Egyptians.

The Druids were the religious leaders of the Celts. “Druid” means “oak”. Oak trees are symbols of life and death, while the Druids had knowledge of the world beyond the grave, magick and nature. They conducted ceremonies, counselled kings even, and performed healing. They settled disputes, independently of individual Celtic tribes. They were both honoured and feared for their role. They were not seen as gods, and as divine interpreters.

As the Celts came from a warrior culture, scholars dispute the dominance of the goddess in the Druid’s theology, seeing them as being primarily concerned with solar figures and animal lords. Many goddess myths played an important part in surviving Celtic culture, though uncertain whether those myths came from the Druids themselves, or the cultures the Celts conquered. The Celts based themselves in Gaul, which is today France, and others migrated to the British Isles, involving themselves with the isles, the Picts. The Pict society goes back to the late Iron Age and Early Mediaeval people, living in what is now eastern and northern Scotland.

The rise of the new religion known first as the “Catholics” or Christianity, heralded from the Middle East took root, based on the teaching of Jesus of Nazareth. The teachings of certain sects within this early church, particularly those of Gnostic Christianity, were quite mystical and personal traditions. Reincarnation, healing and trance work were part of the religion. Later, the teachings other than Gnostics were codified into one Church, with a strict dogma but much less personal mysticism.

Soon after the rise of Christianity, the Roman Empire during the reign of the converted Emperor Constantine underwent a fundamental and radical shift. The edict of Milan in 313 A.D. made what was called “Catholicism” the official religion of the Empire. Divisions between Catholicism and Orthodoxy came a little later. Since the first schism took place, we can now refer to “Christianity”, later confirmed with the rise of the Lutheran and Calvinistic Reformations. As from the third century, churches were constructed over the temples of the old pagan gods. Pagan practices were systematically denounced, outlawed, people persecuted, tortured and put to the slow death. Pagan rituals were absorbed into the Christian calendar to speed conversions, from there the Roman Catholic and Orthodox masquerade of liturgical vestments, etc.

However, the horned gods of the Celts, known as Cernunnos or Herne, and the Greco-Roman horned satyr god Pan, were fused with the Hebrew myths of Lucifer, the fallen angel, and Satan, the tester of faith. Together, they all became the Devil, the source of evil and carnal pleasure, temptation, and sin in Christian doctrine, based on the man-made collection of books, called the “Holy Scriptures”, Old and New Testament.

The word “Devil” (diabolos) comes from a corruption of a Greek word, as does “demon”. Satan is a derivation of an Hebrew word, translated “adversary” (fighting the adverse army, the adversary), while “diabolos” is a Greek word meaning “accuser”. “Demon” (daimon), is translated as “divine power”, referring to an intermediary spirit between humans and the gods, much like an angel.

They invented absolutely everything to bring human beings to confusion, guilt and sin. In 800 A.D. , the Holy Roman Empire was established when Pope Leo III crowned Charlemagne “Emperor of the Romans.” As the original western Roman Empire fell, the Roman Catholic Church, led by the pope, was the one institution that remained stable and in power over this time, not without much killing. Fortunately at this present day, the Roman Church has in the West no power at all, even not from Christian political parties. Down the ages up to one-hundred years ago, and for safety reasons, anyone connected to the ancient pagan practises and magick went underground with the knowledge, sharing it with a few, and passing along family lines, because blood relatives were the only people who really could be trusted.

All along Christianity, there was the hysteria, at a time of economic downturns, poor social conditions, growing deadly diseases, and threats to the Church’s powers, causing religious sects and theological schisms. The main force of Europe, the Roman Catholic Church, later also the Reformation by name of Protestantism, are to be blamed for these conditions. These institutions needed a scapegoat on the outside, and blame their problems on the power of occultism as a whole.

The history of the Vampire community has sufficiently been described in my previous works, as in “Lilith, Goddess and Queen of the Demons - A Study on the Goddess Lilith and Psychic Vampirism”, and as found on “Scribd and Internet Archives”.

What I want to say, ending this foreword, is that the change to become a vampire is possible, though through a gradual psychic development, sometimes of many months and even years work. If you want to be a vampire, no one will be stopping you for making that “change”, the more in this time and age far from past Western religious persecutions. However, you will have to work really hard at it, working at your unconscious energetic behaviour, always acting as an energy vampire. If you want to be a vampire, you are a vampire. I call myself a vampire since I had three bags blood transfused, August 2010, after a deadly stomach bleeding.(I lived for weeks unaware of the bleeding, neglecting the signs of it). The blood of unknown donors saved my life. It is only after that medical intervention, I was drawn to Vampirism, “and a vampire I am”, while I started to write almost immediately, automatically and freely on the subject.

Psychic vampires are in the first instance occultists, working with “energy from within and without” (psychic energy). What is psychic energy? The word “energy” evokes images of power lines and outlets, or more personally your metabolism. However, there is invisible energy all around us. This energy is part of us and our environment, like the energy we direct when practicing magickal work. Many forms of energy exist, and most that we know of fall into a range, a spectrum of frequencies, that are detected through scientific means.

A vampire is along myths and legends essentially a blood sucker or drinker, while today some humans really take literally the risk to bite and drink or suck blood. Others, like the author of this manuscript are “energy feeders” that may also display various levels of psychic ability. The vampires focused in this study are the “energy feeders”, inviting them and helping them to develop their psychic abilities. Vampires often display sense of empathy, of emotions, perceiving auras of other humans, and are generally aware of the world around them.

The author is since approximately 1963 in occultism, and knows the subject very well, both in theory and practice. This manuscript is a non-dogmatic presentation, encouraging an eclectic, personal approach while providing a strong foundation for a sound psychic or energetic vampirism and its magick. In this the beginner will develop his or her psychic abilities and practice potent magical techniques, exploring as such the powers of one’s own “sanctuary within”.

Next to what you will learn from this manuscript, I would suggest the following books to you:

• The Psychic Vampire Codex, by Michelle Belanger (WeiserBooks)

• The Psychic Energy Codex (Awakening your Subtle Senses, by the same author and publisher)

• Asetian Bible (Kemetic Order of Asetka, by Luis Marques

© March 2011 – Hagur, Grand Magister, Ghent, Belgium.




Chronologie du Vampirisme (French)

22:33 Feb 22 2011
Times Read: 533

Environ 3000 ans avant Jésus Christ : les premiers « Wiccans » font leur apparition dans diverses cultures.

1431 Le voïvode Vlad III Basarab, surnommé Ţepeş (« l'Empaleur »), né fin novembre début décembre 1431 à Târgovişte ou, selon certains auteurs, à Schässburg/Sighişoara - mort en décembre 1476 à Bucarest), a été prince de Valachie en 1448, puis de 1456 à 1462 et en 1476. Sa vie et ses actions s'inscrivent dans le contexte extrêmement mouvementé du milieu du quinzième siècle pour l'Europe de l'Est. Le Saint-Empire romain germanique et les pays chrétiens d'Europe de l'Ouest, en particulier les royaumes d'Autriche, de Hongrie et de Pologne sont sérieusement menacés par la poussée de l'Empire ottoman, qui vient de faire tomber définitivement l'Empire byzantin avec la chute de Constantinople le 29 mai 1453. Les régions qui se situent entre les deux empires constituent le dernier rempart de la Chrétienté (catholique et orthodoxe) contre les musulmans, et sont le théâtre de batailles acharnées. Les sultans consolident leur contrôle sur Constantinople, et assiègent les Balkans, jusqu'à se rendre maîtres de la plus grande partie de cette région, futurs États modernes comme la Serbie, la Hongrie, la Roumanie, la Bulgarie, l'Arménie, et la Grèce, pour être finalement arrêtés aux portes de Vienne (Autriche). Vlad Ţepeş connaît déjà une célébrité importante de son vivant, répandue surtout par les marchands saxons de Transylvanie, et par Mathias Ier Corvin le Juste (Matthias Corvin), le roi de Hongrie. Il est en effet connu comme étant un souverain cruel qui empale ses ennemis. Il aurait empalé dit-on des centaines de milliers d'hommes, et en particulier, les négociants allemands de Transylvanie, membres de la vieille noblesse, les paysans qui se dressaient contre lui, ainsi que les prisonniers turcs. En étant plus cruel encore que ses ennemis, il permit ainsi d'insinuer le doute parmi les Turco-ottomans quant à leur supériorité guerrière dans la guerre qu'ils livraient aux Chrétiens des Balkans. Cette popularité s'est vraiment propagée avec la diffusion du personnage de Dracula, inventé par Bram Stoker pour son roman en 1897. Ce roman ne se fonde pourtant pas directement sur le règne cruel de Vlad Ţepeş. C'est une fiction censée se dérouler en Transylvanie et au Royaume-Uni au dix-neuvième siècle. Néanmoins, en raison de son règne sanglant, Vlad Ţepeş Dracula a été immortalisé par Stoker sous la forme d'un vampire buvant le sang de ses victimes. L'image de la Transylvanie, par le biais de Vlad Ţepeş, est maintenant associée pour longtemps au comte vampire Dracula, dont le nom est celui du Diable.

1560 La comtesse Élisabeth Báthory (Báthory Erzsébet en hongrois, Alžbeta Bátoriová-Nádasdy en slovaque, Elżbieta Batory en polonais), née le7 août 1560 et décédée le 21 août 1614, était une comtesse hongroise de la prestigieuse famille des Báthory. Elle fait partie des plus célèbres meurtriers de l’histoire hongroise et slovaque. Elle est souvent évoquée sous le sobriquet de « dame sanglante de Csejte (Čachtice) », du nom du château près de (Trencsény) Trenčín (dans la Hongrie royale, aujourd’hui une partie de la Slovaquie), où elle vécut la plus grande partie de sa vie. Après la mort de son mari, elle et quatre supposés collaborateurs furent accusés de torture et de meurtre de nombreuses filles et jeunes femmes dont le nombre reste incertain. Mais les chefs d'accusation sont parfois discutés par certains historiens. En 1610, elle fut emprisonnée dans le château de Čachtice, où elle resta jusqu’à sa mort, au bout de quatre ans. Son origine noble lui évita un procès et une exécution. Le cas de Báthory a inspiré de nombreuses histoires et légendes dans lesquelles elle se serait baignée dans le sang de ses victimes pour garder sa jeunesse - ce qui lui a valu des surnoms comme la Comtesse sanglante ou la Comtesse Dracula. Mais ces légendes ont été largement écartées par les historiens modernes. Elles persistent malgré tout dans les croyances populaires vampiriques sanglantes.

1748 Le vampirisme entre dans le folklore et la littérature par les travaux d’Heinrich August Ossenfelder, qui publia en langue germanique, le poème « Der Vampir ».

1788 George Noel Gordon, le sixième Seigneur Byron est né le 22 Janvier. Suivant ses écrits et de ceux qui l’ont connus, il s’identifie métaphysiquement en tant que vampire.

1819 « Le Vampire », écrit par John William Polidori, et inspiré par le Seigneur Byron, fut publié.

1888 L’Ordre Hermétique de l’Aurore Doré (The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), est un groupe occulte Londonien.

1892. Le 11 Décembre, la publication « Flying Roll No. V, un essaie d’instruction « Golden Dawn », publié dans l’Ordre. La publication contient un compte-rendu d’une conversation avec un vampire psychique.

1897 Le roman de Bram Stoker, « Dracula » fut publié en Mai, et arriva dans les librairies en Août. Le livre est basé sur le caractère historique de Vlad Tepes. Bram Stoker s’inspira aussi de Sir Henry Irving. Ce dernier fut un acteur fort connu du théâtre « Lyceum ». Irving eût des capacités hypnotiques et psychiques, comme l’immortel comte.

Vers 1910 Aleister Crowley, qui se nomma lui-même « La Grande Bête », avait un œil pour les femmes, et les salua par une morsure au poignet, ce qu’il appela le « Baiser du Serpent ». Ce qui fut, peut-être le premier individu qui consciemment adopta une personnalité vampirique, qui le mettra dans une séduction mystique.

1927 Fiction surnaturelle de l’écrivain H.P.Lovecraft avec son roman, « Le Cas de Charles Dexter Ward ». Dans cet ouvrage, un jeune homme se bat contre la force possessive de son ancêtre défunt, qui devient un vampire astral.

1930 Dion Fortune publia l’ouvrage, « Psychic Self-Defense » (L’auto-défense psychique), qui contient des détails concernant les attaques psychiques et astrales vampiriques. Dion Fortune formule la théorie que les vampires astraux sont magiquement fort puissants qui ont résisté à la mort du corps subtil, maintiennent ainsi une existence immortelle en passant l’énergie vampirique aux autres.

1965 Le Dr. Jeanne Yougnson fonde le « Club des fans du Comte Dracula. » Situé à New York (USA), cette organisation s’élève de telle façon qu’ils sont amène d’y ajouter un musée Dracula, ainsi qu’une grande bibliothèque pour la recherche. Malgré que l’association fut dédiée aux vampires de fiction et folklore, ce mouvement attire les individus ayant un intérêt pour le vampirisme.

1966 Opéra comique gothique, les premières « Dark Shadows » (Les Ombres Sombres). Barnabas Collins, figure tourmenté et séduisant vampirique, inspire une génération d’amateurs vampiriques.

1975 « Le Temple de Set », un groupe occulte d’extrême-droite, fondé par Michael Aquino, découlant d’un effrontément interne de l’Eglise de Satan, fondé par Aton Lavey (USA). Plus tard, le Temple développa l’Ordre des Vampires, un groupe interne d’élites (qui nous appelons aristocrates), qui enseigne ses initiés, comment mettre à profit l’archétype attrayant au profit de l’émancipation personnelle.

1976 Anne Rice publie son roman, « Interview with the Vampire ». Beaucoup de lecteurs aspirent devenir des vampires, tout comme le très attrayant sexuel et arrogant « Lestat ».

1977 Martin V. Ricardo fonde « Les Etudes Vampiriques », et commence une publication, le « Journal du Vampirisme ».

1979 Bauhaus sort « Bela Lugosi’s Dead » (La Mort de Bela Lugosi), une pièce musicale, ouvrant la scène vampirique avec la chanson « The Hunger » (La Faim). Avec cette chanson, la musique Gothique est née. Le mouvement Gothique romance tous ce sombre et macabre, aussi les vampires.

1985 Le folkloriste Norine Dresser écrit le récit d’une jeune femme qui rencontre un groupe privé de vampires pratiquants. Ceci a un moment où de petits groupes voient le jour aux Etats-Unis aux Côtes Est et Ouest. La communauté vampirique commence à se développer en tant que mouvement appartement à la subculture Gothique, spécialement à New York et Los Angeles.

1988 Les fanzines gothiques et vampiriques commence à proliférer. La petite presse est vraiment établi début 1990.

1989 Le Temple des Vampires, qui enseigne la méthode psychique et astrale vampirique, et devint une église enregistrée aux Etats-Unis.

1991 La publication « Vampire : La Mascarade », un jeu de rôle très influencé par le roman de d’Anne Rice. Michelle A. Belanger qui se lance dans la communauté vampirique, établi le magazine « Shadowdance » (La Dance de l’Ombre). Elle fonda la Maison (House) Kheperu qui assure des leçons particulières, des conférences, des ateliers d’étude pour les Khepriens ou visiteurs. Au printemps la maison donne un weekend intensif d’étude avec conférences, ateliers d’étude, et présentations visuelles.

1992 Poppy Z. Brite publie son roman « Lost Souls » (Ames Perdues). Elle n’est pas lue comme les ouvrages d’Anne Rice. Cette histoire vampirique décrit que les éléments de la scène Gothique/vampirique. Les premières séries pour télévision, « Forever Knight » (Chevalier pour toujours) représentent les influences de la culture souterraine vampirique. « Vampire : La Masquerade » (voir plus haut) donne également des aspects d’une communauté vampirique réelle.

1993 Le Père Sebastian Todd fait son entrée dans la communauté vampirique. Action réel et jeu de rôle ou « LARPs » (en anglais) basée sur le Vampirisme : « La Mascarade commence à se profiler. »

1994 Publications qui voient le jour par des écrivains vampires pour les vampires, comprenant le « The DarkRose Journal » (Le Journal de la Rose Sombre), et « The Journal of the Dark » (Le Journal de l’Obscure). Steven Lessing établit « The Vampire Access Line » (La Ligne d’Accès Vampirique) avec l’idée de rassembler la communauté vampirique de New York. Dr. J. Gordon Melton publie sa première édition, « The Vampire Book », qui comprend très entrées de valeurs au sujet des groupes très influençables ainsi que des individus sur la scène vampirique.

1995 La Ligne d’Accès Vampirique (The Vampire Access Line) s’occupe des événements qui unifient la communauté vampirique de New York. Le « Clan Sabretooth » est né, qui plus tard fondera le « Sanguinarium ».

1996 Cette année est accentuée par une littérature abondante sur le vampirisme, qui comprend le roman de Viola Johnson, « Dhampir : Childe of the Blood (Dhampir, le Monde Obscure du Sang). Jeff Guinn’s, « Something in the Blood » (Quelque Chose dans le Sang) ; et, Konstantinos, « Vampires : The Occult Truth. » (Les Vampires : La Vérité Occulte). De vrais vampires ont été invité à participer à plusieurs « Talk Shows » (Entretiens TV). La communauté vampirique de New York prospère. Malheureusement, la disparition cette année du journaliste de Susan Walsh. Le vampire Rodney Farrell commit des meurtres, contrairement aux habitudes de la communauté vampirique.

1997 Une année florissante pour les communautés vampirique sur Internet. Toutes les disciplines y ont leur avantage, même l’Eglise Vampire. Il y a eu certaines anniversaires, par exemple du roman de Stoker, « Dracula ». Mick Mercer publia « The Hex Files : A Goth Bible » (Bible Gothique), qui ouvertement déclare la relation entre les communautés gothiques et le vampiriques, ainsi que le fétichisme et le paganisme.

1998 Le première édition de « Vampyre Almanac » (le calendrier vampirique). Il contient un prototype du « Black Veil » (Le Voile Noir), et établit le « Sanguinarium ». Katherine Ramsland explore la communauté vampirique, et publie, « Piercing the Darkness » (Le Percement Noir).

1999 La Maison Kheperu (House Kheperu) établit une présence sur Internet, et attache la communauté sous les auspices du « Sanguinarium ». « Bloodlines » (Sans Sang) est fondé pour fournir un alternatif moins hiérarchique que le réseau du Sanguinarium. « Buffy the Vampire Slayer » (Buffy contre les Vampires) devient un best-seller. Par ses séries sur TV, les vampires font un réel saut en avant.

2000 La publication du « The Vampyre Almanac : Millennium Edition » par le « Sanguinarium Press ». La première édition du « Codex » sort de presse en Octobre sous le titre « The Vampyre Codex ». Kheperu ouvre pour la première fois ses portes. La collection « The Black Veil » (Le Voile Noir) reçoit une révision importante.

2001 Un dialogue ouvert est établit entre les communautés vampiriques et les autres semblables à Ontario, Kinvention North. La Maison Kheperu continue à être une présence sur Internet autant que surface, servant d’inspiration pour d’autres groupes, y compris les Maisons Quinotaur et Sekhemu.

2002 Le dialogue entre communauté se réalise avec les représentants du Sanguinarium, l’Eglise Vampirique, Bloodlines, et avec plusieurs autres groupes au « Endless Night Festival » (Festival Nocturne sans Fin), Nouvelle Orléans), weekend d’Halloween. En réponse partielle à ce dialogue, le « Black Veil » (Le Voile Noir) est encore une fois révisé.

2003 Le « Sanguinarium » évolue en the « Order of the Strigoi Vii » (l’Ordre de Strigoi Vii). Un livre avec les enseignements de l’Ordre sort de presse en Octobre sous le titre V. The Vampire Codex (V. Le Codex des Vampires), contracté pour une large distribution, devenant le premier livre d’un vampire pour les vampires, qui permet de surmonter les limites de la subculture des vampires.

2004 Le réseau Scifi (communauté de science fiction) donne un hochement à la subculture vampirique, mettant en vedette Don Henrie comme une manière de vivre autre dans le média de télévision, « Mad, Mad House ». Ce qui résulte en une coopération sans précédent parmi les groupes disparates dans la communauté vampirique. C’est le plus grand rassemblement jusqu’à ce jour des anciens, organisateurs, et dirigeants des communautés, prévu pour le festival annuel, « Endless Night ».

2004 Michelle A. Belanger publie son livre, « The Psychic Vampire Codex », chez Weiser Books, San Francisco, CA/Newburyport,MA.

2007 Michelle A. Belanger publie son livre, « The Psychic Energy Codex », chez Weiser Books, San Francisco, CA/Newburyport,MA.

2008 Roman écrit par Stéphanie Meyer, « Twilight ». Film (première partie) avec les acteurs Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson et Billy Burke.

2009 Roman écrit par Stéphanie Meyer, « The Twilight Saga : New Moon ». Film (seconde partie), avec les acteurs Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson et Billy Burke.

2010 Roman écrit par Stéphanie Meyer, « The Twilight Saga : Eclipse ». Film (troisième partie), avec les acteurs Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson et Billy Burke.

2010 L’auteur de cet ouvrage reçut au mois d’août trois transfusions sanguines, suite à un saignement dans l’estomac. Il fut hospitalisé pendant toute une semaine. Aussitôt de retour dans la vie normale, il commença à écrire sur le vampirisme en général. Il eut une intervention cardiaque au mois d’Octobre.

2011 L’Ordre Triangulaire de la Voie Sinistre, fondé en 2003 est révisé, et adapté à l’idéal vampirique psychique et énergétique. L’Ordre est une communauté qui réunit des groupes par trois vampires psychiques et énergétiques (occultistes), qui se mettent d’accord et travaillent ensemble subjectivement ou localement.

© Février 2011 – Hagur, Gent, Belgique.




Giving and Receiving Psychically (A Summary)

00:07 Feb 21 2011
Times Read: 545

Psychic and other Vampires are born out of a fundamental change which can occur in the physical bodies of creatures which possess a “Higher Self” (soul). In most mortals the “Higher Self” (soul) is the fundamental source for action, creating the original impulses which eventually become the person's acts. It is also a passage through which the human can gain a small amount of the infinite power underlying the universe, power which is necessary for the functioning of a self conscious being. Every human may say, “I al the Power, I am the Glory, I am another God.”

The self-chosen way of life along the darker side of magick is making kinship with metaphysics or occultism. Metaphysical or occult kinships are the bonds that unite us through this life and sometimes through many lives. Among the common definitions for ‘metaphysical’ are words like immaterial, incorporeal, and supernatural. In addition to those terms, we more often use the terms “metaphysics or even better “occultism” to refer to the subtle (or astral) body and the subtle energies in both living beings and the universe surrounding us all. ‘Kinship’ is the connection or relationship shared with another person, an affinity.

There are several ways to form these bonds. This article focuses on Occult bonds only. Kinships from past lives can be recognized or renewed using any of the same methods but they have already been forged and will continue to exist, even if you and your kinsmen never meet in this life.

The chemistry between occult or metaphysical kinsmen is electric and noticeable by any casual observer who might choose to pay attention, regardless of the amount of knowledge on energy or magick the observer may have. There are “blood” or “psychic (energetic)” bonds, the latest being totally on the safe side, while the first one is not recommendable in this time and age of infectious diseases.

Blood is not merely a physical or bodily fluid nor is it the ‘essence of life’ in the mystical sense. What it is, however, is a conductive fluid of the person’s subtle energies. Biologically, as blood flows through the body it carries nutrients to the appropriate organs or limbs and returns carrying various toxins needing to be flushed out of the body. My theory is that, as this is the biological or physical function of blood, there is also a connection with the blood and the energies of the subtle body. This energy is intertwined with the blood and carried through the body and out of the body just as nutrients and toxins are. Thus, when you drink in another person’s blood, you are drinking in her subtle energies and mingling them with your own.

We are more interested in “psychic exchanges”. Psychic exchanges, whether tantric in nature or not, result in the same attunement as blood and sexual exchanges. The effects of each of these exchanges vary depending on the personal energy exchanged, the pre-established emotional connection between the participants, the mindset with which the exchange is entered into, and many other factors much too numerous to list here. It is our sincere belief, and evidenced in our own experience, that the strength of the bond is directly proportionate to the amount of psychic energy consumed and the frequency with which it is shared between the people holding the bond. A bond is unavoidably formed at the point of the exchange. The intensity of that bond is typically weak at first and more or less at a surface level (in terms of the connection into the subtle body). However, the amount of energy exchanged, the reciprocation of the exchange, and how often that bond is reaffirmed through subsequent exchanges, directly affects the level of attunement shared and so, the ability to call the person, make dream connections with the person, the level of intimacy shared by those who have bonded, and the duration of the bond.

A Shortcut to Become a Psychic Vampire

The theory of “Magick” is composed of an infinite number of universes, within which every possibility exists. The hallmark of this method is the use of perceptual changes in yourself, to try and enter a universe in which your desired effect is true. The more unlikely an event, the more obscure the universe it exists in, and the harder it is to get there.

Becoming a psychic vampire with this method will require the use of deep meditation and, or chanting. This process is necessary to change your own perceptions enough such that you actually begin to shift your physical being towards a universe in which you are a psychic vampire.

In using this method it is important to keep your mind open and to be ready to believe in the possibility of anything. This has to be balanced with your ability to perceive the reality of the dimension you are in at any given time. Just believing you are a vampire is not enough, you actually have to change the way your eyes see things, and the way and your mind understands them.

As usual the methods which will work best are going to have to be individually tailored to your mind and situation. A teacher will help this greatly, because they will be able to evaluate you and make suggestions from a trained position relative to you. We would suggest two books from the excellent and serious author Michelle Belanger, as to her two books, “The Psychic Vampire Codex, and The Psychic Energy Codex” to be purchased at “Amazon”. However, as you become more proficient at this method it may become difficult to remain in a dimension in which you know the teacher, and as such you may require several teachers over the course of your training.

We take into energy, rather than blood. Energy taking is being the safest way of being a vampire. However, if the red colour gives you a kick, drink pure beetroot juice as a symbol to “blood”, it is a very healthy drink from the health store. You must try and steer yourself towards the psychic dimensions only. This is for your own safety and ease, as murder is not acceptable in almost any society.

Use of Archetypal Creatures or items to Become a Vampire

Sometimes force, or balance magick has been used to create an item which is very dense in energy and vampire consciousness. Vampire consciousness simply refers to thoughts or ideas about vampires, or thoughts of vampires. When this combination exists in an item, it may be used by a willing creature to invoke vampirism in their own bodies. There may be a word of power which is uniquely tied into the item and activates it, however generally they are used by concentrating on your desire. Occasionally these items are even powerful enough to be used to turn others into vampires, although this generally requires the use of someone with an extremely powerful or trained will.

There is also a theoretical possibility that an archetypal demon or spirit can give part of their power to a creature to allow them to change themselves into a vampire. This is different from regular demon induced vampirism in that the demon does not in whole become a part of the creature, but instead only a little bit of the demons power is used to initiate the reaction. This speculation has arisen because many archetypal demons have vibrated this power to humans and other creatures, in exchange for the use of the expelled “Higher Self” (Soul). However in every reported case the demon has betrayed the person as soon as they agreed, taking not only their soul but their bodies and minds as well, becoming as such a probable psychiatric case.

A well psychic developed vampire can scan each individual and find out what sort of person they are. They are able to look and feel one's aura or energy while keeping a mental record in their minds of what aura belongs to what kind of person. Psychic Vampires are also able to scan someone and find out if this person is another vampire and how powerful this vampire is. (Although a lot of them already sense the other vampire without having to scan them). When the vampires need to feed, they will also scan various people for the right emotion that they would like to feed on. If they are nice enough, they will feed from an angry person because this is excess energy overflowing and can be easily skimmed or siphoned off by the vampire. This is also good for the angry person because since the anger has been fed from and taken, this person becomes calm and more relaxed.

© February 2011 – Hagur, Grand Hierophant, Gent, Belgium. (Sinister Pathway Triangle Order)



15:45 Feb 22 2011

This is so well done and informative.


Meeting Lilith, Goddess and Queen of the Vampires

22:14 Feb 16 2011
Times Read: 555

While the sun’ slight dominated the hours of the day and obliterated the passage of the Moon across the sky, it was the Moon who reigned highest in the heavens at night. All things were absolutely concealed under the cover of the night’s darkness, and so the Moon came to be associated with all hidden things and deep mysteries of the unknown. The Moon guarded over the secret teaching concerning sexuality, divination, magick, and protected this knowledge from being abused by the uninitiated.

However, the greatest mystery of all, that of death and regeneration, was contained in the Moon’s most secret aspect, the dark phase. The three dark, moonless nights corresponded to the end of life, but on the fourth night the moon was reborn, which means a new beginning. In the same way, the dead were also thought to find a new life. The Ancients believed that the dead either went to the Moon or to the Underworld in Mother Earth to be given powers of regeneration. The serpent, which sheds its skin and renews itself, like the waxing and waning of the Moon, was seen to embody the mysteries of death and renewal. “Destroying and rebuilding”, we continuously say in Traditional Satanism. This Lunar animal, the serpent, became the symbol of the transformative power of the feminine energy. The naked awareness of any “Dark Goddess” (Dark Energy) is to see the destruction and death of the old and joyfully embrace it as a sign of absolute renewal, as a personification of the Moon’s lunar energies.

Sit comfortably, as for in meditation in mindful attention and steady vision, one-pointedly directed towards the specific objective that is going to develop in your own mind. The centre between the eyebrows, commonly called the third eye has a unique function. This is the eye of the God/Goddess Shiva, for it is fully utilized in magickal work. The third eye or “Agna Centre” accomplishes three activities. (a) It is the eye of vision and opens the Abyssal world. (b) It is the controlling factor of magickal work. Force flows through the focused human eye; and, through the focused third eye. (c) It has a destructive and a constructive aspect. It can, through focused attention, directed by the intelligent will and intend, drive out physical matter. The third eye is the seeing of the dark light within all forms including the human form; however, brought into being through the realisation of the dark light in the head, the Major Light, the Divinity Light (the God/Goddess Light). If you cannot do this so far, ponder on my photograph. How can you do this? When you meditate on my photograph and enter into my consciousness, you should not feel you enter into a foreign element or even a foreign person, but that you are entering into your deepest part, your true “Deeper Self”, your own soul, and follow the stages below. When you ponder on my photograph, please do not think of it as a photograph of an ordinary human being, but of another Satan. If anyone concentrates on my photograph (on photographic paper quality) fully dedicated, the exercise will be fruitful. To serve you as another Satan, is my only reason here on Earth. You can also sit in front of a mirror, as in meditation but with your eye open while looking at yourself in front of a mirror, concentrating on your third eye, between the eyebrows.

Stage One

The Grand Hierophant says:

I have a surprise for you, come in. Welcome, in my “Cave”, my Abyssal Underworld, enter my mind. The staircase you are going to take is narrow. Having taken the stairway down, progressing slowly because my residence is dark, lonely and cold. You now arrive at the first door, while you hear the following words sounding forth: “Enter to meet your real desires, though it is only guessing at this stage.” You are curious, and that is wonderful. While the entry to my kingdom was dark, behind the door all is red and stands for passion.

Stage Two

Your progress changes form. Another, even different voice, coming from close at hand utters another phrase: “Enter the field towards my playground and join the game.” Awakened to the game of your desires, in your mind you pass the gate to whatever it will be. This part of the Cave expanses and takes many forms on the one moving “Dark Life”. Where you are just now, let us call it, ‘the Dance of Life”. Yes, you are progressing. You are moving towards my playground. Wake up to our game of dark life, you are now passing another gate.

Stage Three

You are now moving from the staircase of red desires. It loses all allure. My playground no longer holds appeal. The voice which has twice sounded from my Cave and Abyssal Underworld, sounds now within your heart and mind. The challenge comes: “Prove your own worth. Take yourself the ball of your one-pointed purpose.” Your soul’s own form has now become your greatest desire, and so you are entering the playground of the mind. In meditation, dreams and fantasies, at times a vision comes. Let the dark light shine.

Stage Four

Into the dark your chosen life proceeds. A different voice seems to sound forth. “Enter the Cave and find your own; walk in the dark and on your head carry a lighted lamp.” Your are not alone in my Cave and Abyssal Underground. Now the voice of many Brothers and Sisters, dedicated Satanists, left playing on the playground, appeal for dark light. The playground room, is long and rather narrow, the air full of fog. The sound of running water meets the rushing sound of wind, and now and again the roll of thunder.

Far off, dim and most vaguely seen, appears an oval opening, its colour is violet. A figure is seen with in the umbilicus a shiny, vibrant diamond in the form of an inverted five-pointed star. The living entity draws nearer and nearer to the playground. “I am Lilith”, she says with a sexy voice. The Seductress is beautiful. You are now active on the playground. Discover the wealth of the Abyssal Underworld of the psyche, and let you guide yourself in “that” source of transcendent understanding, creative inspiration, and your highest aspiration of self-love and at the same time service of destroying and rebuilding. Meanwhile Lilith disappeared.

Stage Five

Now is the Cave left behind, everything has been overturned, and the way stands now clear. However, another sound is heard, within the heart: “Enter again the playground but this time lead the games yourself.” The way on the second tier of stairs stands barred by your soul’s (Deeper Self) own act. On the bottom step of the barred staircase, you are turning back and passing down the stairs on the playground again, meeting dead shells built in an early stage, stepping on forms discarded and destroyed, and holding forth the hands of helpfulness.

This meditation and visualisation we have pictured is our chosen Dark Life and Progress, of life in form and development which marks our creative but sinister work.

We are now ready to draw nearer to Lilith, Goddess and Queen of the Demons. The figure of Lilith is a very complex one. Her image differs from culture to culture, becoming more and more demoniac as time goes on and patriarchal values begin to gain dominance. She is a great archetypal figure.




Dreaming of a black, huge cobweb

11:40 Feb 13 2011
Times Read: 564

Night February 12/13 (morning 04.00 am), 2011-02-13

Remembering my last dream very well, of a huge black cobweb, as big as a man’s fist with many legs, badly a bit like on the photograph on my webpage. I could not find a similar insect on Internet just now. She did not move while starring at me, unless I attempted to come nearby. Then, she became aggressive, and showed her crawls. She was horrible, but did not frighten me at all, only wandering what would happen next. I woke up, maybe at a crucial moment of a deadly bite! Either the bite could not happen, or it did happen! Who knows? I returned to sleep, and dreamt again of the spine, but how it all ended, I don’t know. Anyway, the spine had disappeared, and I jumped from my bed, looking between the sheets and everywhere to find her. A bite from her would certainly mean for sure agony and death, to resurrect maybe as a blood vampire. The aggressive girl disappeared. Maybe, there is a message to this. A matter of watching and waiting, the next “act” to come.




Transforming Power of Psychic Darkness

15:54 Feb 12 2011
Times Read: 572

The metaphysical, spiritual, sinister or dark quest is full unexpectancies and is not an easy quest. Seeking the supernatural means experiencing pain and darkness, not just the clear bright light, even if we call it “dark light”.

Occultists as well as Psychic Vampires must be prepared to deal with the dark underside of night or day life.

This dark side can take many forms. Religious stories personify it in images of anything negative to their culture. Buddha, Krishna, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and virtually every other lesser figure report dealing with the temptations of the "Evil One," Prince of the world -- Mara, Satan, lblis. Their teaching story of temptation, which occurs before illumination, is more than just another "Hero vanquished Monster" myth -- it is a description of a specific peril of the spiritual path. The Christian and Sufi mystics experienced it more personally, as the obstinate pride and trickery of the ego and the "dark night of the soul." For the modem occultist the dark nature is even more multi-faceted and relative; our complicated world has many evil faces, and dealing with the dark side has never been more difficult. However, what is meant with “darkness” is not always “evil”, it only means the “opposite”, at least what traditional religions say and teach. They are certainly also dark, as their teaching is contrary to what the human being really is. Human being is not what they teach, and want them to be, and religious fundamentalists can be criminals too, as today in child abuse. Anyway, if there is no good in this world, how can one say something is bad? It is like when there is no such thing as hot, how does one know if something is cold?

Today the dark side as “opposing” traditional outdated faiths is everywhere present in our Western intellectual world. We are completely saturated in it. It declares itself in every news broadcast, television show, and tabloid. No one growing up in a society like ours escapes being conditioned by psychological violence as through the various Fundamentalists of the Abrahamic Faiths, to mention in particular Al Qaeda world-wide and the Taliban always ready to kill in the name of God. In fact, in religion as those mentioned here, God and Evil are actually one entity?

Every one of us, from the most perfectly civilized to the imprisoned criminal, harbours an inner, festering, neurotic sore, a private shadow of anger, terror, lust, and pain. There are two dark sides, but ours in Satanism and Psychic Vampirism as “opposing” traditional religions; and, are not really “evil” as our aim is “destroying and rebuilding” psychologically the opposing Abrahamic Faiths. It is bad aiming wars and oppression, finally leading to poverty and starvation. We are surrounded, inside and out by suffering of all description. True, good and evil are dependent on one's views of morality. The question of whether Traditional Satanism and Psychic Vampirism are "good" or "evil" may be a valid point. Obviously, according to most Judaic, Christian or Islamic religious beliefs, any form of parasitic action is inherently evil. Since most of the Satanists and Psychic Vampires I know were raised in an Western Christian society, it is a good bet that they have been exposed only to the belief that what they do is an "evil" act, and so have a predisposition to viewing themselves as bad people. They underestimate themselves. Oppressive organizations or individuals are not Psychic Vampires. A Psychic Vampire feeds on energies stolen from the biotic fields. Many individuals I know of on this subject believe that damaging, exploitative, or oppressive individuals, organizations, governments, or international communities are forms of psychic vampirism. I cannot verify these beliefs, due to the fact that these entities do not "feed" on the biotic energies. Oppressing a source of energy and feeding on it are two very different things. One does not call a horse a carnivore because it tramples the snake, nor does one call a tiger a herbivore because it sharpens its claws on the tree. Even when an entity relies on the emotional response of a group or individual to reach a desired effect (such as inciting anger in a crowd to lead them to joining a coup d'etat against a government), this is not psychic vampirism. Only when an entity actually feeds on these energies does it become a Psychic Vampire.

When you free yourself from morality, then all things simply are. There is no good or bad, simply “action”. Meditation and contemplation, though the dark side as being part of ourselves is simply adjusted to our Satanic or Opposing Philosophy, and has as such a purifying and energizing effect. The ability to deal with our dark impulses is a skill to be correctly developed by every Satanist, Psychic Vampire, or other. Moral, ethical, and spiritual dark integrity is required, but accurate practical knowledge is just as important. The religious concept of the dark as taught in the Abrahamic Faiths is a primitive relic of childhood creepie- crawlies and bogeymen. If we attempt to confront our dark side with this programming we are quickly paralyzed; instead, we must gather reliable information, read books, observe and analyze our personal psychologies, and in time develop a more complete picture of the positive nature of the dark side. An educated and mature attitude toward evil is a necessity for every Satanist and Psychic Vampire. In fact, good is derived from evil. Higher values are derived from materialism and selfishness. Evil is the father of good: without good, evil still exists but not vice versa.

In studying “darkness”, certain characteristics of the so-called "dark side" become obvious. This darkness is not really a "side." or a shadow, or a persona -- it is a tangled web of complex forces, programs, and effects which we repress from ordinary consciousness so that we rarely see its true nature. It can readily be divided into the following four areas, and will be dealt with another time:

(1) The biological dark side:

(2) The cosmological dark side;

(3) The cultural dark side: and

(4) The personal dark side.

(To be continued)




Vampiric Energy

10:39 Feb 10 2011
Times Read: 587

Vampiric Energy like all other energies is the unseen force within you and I, and all things that makes them exist in the first instance. We all know that we see things because light reflecting off of it stimulates the cones and rods in our retinas creating the “illusion” of an image. We know that we hear things because vibrations in the air and other forms of what we call matter makes our ear drums move, creating the illusion of sound. We feel things because different things activate different nerves in our body creating the illusion of touch. We smell because different scents trigger different olfactory nerves in our nose creating the illusion of smell. We taste because different things activate our different taste buds which send a signal to our brain creating the illusion of it having taste. Energy is the true thing that causes the stimulation to these different parts of our body, and energy is the electrical impulse traveling through our nerves to carry these messages to our brains. In truth energy is plain and simply the only thing that is real.

However, vampiric energy has developed a bit further. In our world of psychic ability we have always referred to “energy” as the aura or psychic energy. When the term energy is used in occult literature that is what is meant by the term. A person that is highly actively psychic naturally uses more yet the body only produces so much of it. At this point we develop the need to learn to take it from other sources some of which include, people, animals, plants, "elements in nature" and other things of that kind.

To work on seeing energy with your eyes open simply practice shifting your focus up to your “Third Eye” while your eyes are still open. Basically recreate the effects of what is happening when you close your physical eyes but do it while they are open. Groups of trees and the tops of people’s heads are good things to practice on, covering your eyes with energy though you may see some is just going to make you see your own energy and at best distort the colour of the energy that you are trying to look at.

Taking energy, I mainly do while having a walk either in nature, a park nearby where people walk about, or in town when shopping. I look discreetly but firmly in people’s eyes, while taking one breath for every three steps, holding the breath (not breathing) three steps, and breathing out also three steps. This must be done with much tact. However, if noticed, usually people greet you smiling gently. Here, one is definitely pulling energy from the environment and persons when inhaling, condensing the energy inside, having held the breath for three spaces, and breathe out again. Same technique can even be done while doing other things. Most important is timing your breathing in three moves as described above. I noticed, in spite of my bad legs having to move about with a stick outside, I am walking faster while exercising with breathing.

Good advice, do not to take “energy” from everyone you come across, but make your choice.

Other means of taking energy as through Internet or telephone:

Get someone’s energy print/signature off of one of their posts, emails, instant messenger window, chat-room post, etc. locate its match on the subtle (subjective plane or astral) and get your taking on. Naturally the longer the post or e-mail etc. the easier it is to get their print off of it. If they use colored text, it helps a lot to close your eyes and look so that you are not distracted by the color of their font. Good luck.



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