Sun Sphere
Vampiric Path Four of Transformation
Personality type: Dark artistic abilities
Motivation: Life instinct, creativity and sexual orgies
Archetypes: The moon goddesses and gods (the way one looks at them)
Metaphysical emphasis: Occultism, and psychology replacing religions
Myth and legends: Sojourning in the Underworld
Practice: Vampiric night work
Chakra: Heart (commitment)
The essence of the vampiric and psychological work facing those who walk the path of transformation is personal and transpersonal integration. It does mean that the vampire in his transformation time must also explore the heights and depths of him or herself and fuse the disparate parts of fragmented selves into an independent, whole and new personality. To this extent, this particular path is crucial to every vampire. For the artistic type the time of transformation and personal integration, most intelligently, takes the vampires necessarily into the sphere of transpersonal integration, finding lost or fragmented aspects of our deepest selves at levels well beyond the ego and the humans around us, drawing jars of water from the infinite well of the subtle.
The obvious metaphor is that of a permanent return to the Vampiric Underworld, into the sphere of the Shadow, and of death. Every night psychic vampires make this journey in out of body circumstances and nightmares, remembering well what happened.
The path of transformation is also the motivating energy of sexuality, or Freud’s Life Instinct. Sexuality is about the creative attraction of opposites and non-opposites. Sexuality on the playground or in rituals is never “chaos”. In Greek mythology, and in a way as well as in biblical mythology, first there was “Chaos”, and then one of the earliest gods to be born was in Greece “Eros”, and in the biblical Eden, Adam, Lilith and Eve, who respectively brought some order to the universe. Also art brings some order out of chaos.
To walk this path we must love the Dark, and we must not draw back wrestling with our true nature as vampires, and never be shy of the deep pain and the often life-threatening anger that it entails. The vampire could thrive because he or she is willing to look at aspects of the psyche, the vampiric culture or species that others would reject.
Vampires are demons of their own imagination, and move on through own capacity. All creativity happens at the edge of chaos and between:
The known and the unknown
The knowable and the unknowable
Meaning and meaninglessness
Certainty and confusion
Exhilaration and depression
Sanity and insanity
Joy and despondency
Resistance and temptation
Good and evil
Light and Darkness or Shadow
Life and death
Security and terror
Frenzy and control
Ecstasy and inertia
Passion (love) or loss
However, the list is endless.
The shadow of creativity is destructiveness, as those who follow the vampiric path give themselves equally over with equal passion to self-destructive behaviour, and are driven to and seek out or create night monstrous forms.
However, the new vampires as well as the older one’s have the capacity to know and experience the extremes of light and darkness, or elation and despair. Fear or avoidance of conflicts is a turning away from vampiric intelligence; willingness to face and attempt to resolve conflicts is a turning towards it.
A willingness to remember and reflect on dreams, to engage in creative dialogue with oneself and others among vampires, to place one’s head in the jaws of archetypical goddesses and gods, demons and monsters, these obviously leads to greater intelligence.
The more extreme the conflicts in fact, the more exotic the fantasies and dreams, the more it helps to be anchored in some aspect of vampiric reality. The most vampiric intelligent way of living of all journeys on this path is the journey to the “I-ness”, as which instils power and realisation is the simple “I”, and no more than this. Self-creation lies in the “I-ness”.
“I am a vampire, therefore I feel better every day; I am the power, I am the glory, I am another god.”
Indeed, vampirism is a journey of incredible terror requiring remarkable strength. The greatest overcoming and deepest of all conflicts is fear. Be fearless, as there is no fear.
© April 2011 – Hagur the Grand Hierophant, Gent, Belgium.