Well.... the first storm cloud to ruin my holiday appeared....
After a lovely dinner with with a large selection with my extended family... My folks decided to ruin my happy mood, by bitching and moaning about how I paid for my own Rum and Pepsi.....
Normal people wouldn't care.... but my folks acted like I stabbed someone in the head with my fork at dinner.
I'm not surprised that my folks found a way to kill my happy feelings (I don't get happy feelings often) and I'm not surprised that they choose to do while we were all driving back home (it's their favorite choice of ambush).... but why did they choose to pick a fight over who paid for a Rum and Pepsi....... That's fucking nuts!
I hope the next 8 days will be smoother.
Happy Yule and Happy New Years to everyone on VR....
See you all next year!
A part of my past came back to haunt me....
and every bit of pain, rage and hate came with it.....
all the tranquility I had, was stolen from me, and I am now in a Downward spiral.....
I know I can survive this, but right now..... I don't care.....
The strength I usually have, has disappeared.....
and my will..... is gone.
How can a person I haven't spoken to, or thought about, still have such power over me?