You've haunted my thoughts and dreams. The way you act, the way you talk. I don't understand. I don't know what you see in me. Nor why or how you see it. The interest in me that you've shown baffles me. Admiring things no one esle does, and complimenting my inperfections. You've brought back a feeling, comfort and security in me that I haven't known in quiet some time. You're bringing back happiness to me, I've nearly forgotten what that was. YOu're so good to me; I don't know why. Then you say that I deserve it. I don't know what to say or do.
Then I just think about it all. It seems so in vain. All of it. Nothing 'real' can coome of this. There are reasons with holding the both of us. So I am humbled once more, and let it all go...
Oh dear friend. You tell me you care, and you worry for me. You tell me you desire to help and learn more about me. You've said you'd always be there for me to listen and talk to. Then why am I alone? Where are you? As my heart achs and bleeds internal, I can only wish for an open ear. But once again I am left alone to sulk in my pains and depressions...
Then, when it's all over and passed, you ask why I won't talk. Why do I keep it inside? Because it's what you've tought me. You're never there when I need you, to help me let it out. So I must keep it with me, tucked inside. So now you're here, the time has past, and I remain silent...
I see you today. You're around me and we talk. Not for long, a mear couple hours. Not enough time to know you, but I feel you. I feel your essance. I can feel what could be. However I believe it never shall. Pains of a lost love overwhelm me. I sit alone, cold and saddened. I enjoyed our time together. May we share time together once more...
Why can't I find what I so desperately long for? Why must I dwell in this dark solitude?