A gift I give to you my sweet. You're in my heart if you know it or not. I hold you dear, although I do not know you, nor you me. But I wish to show my affection to you with a gift. Lock it away, don't show those who would persecute us for our behavior. It is yours and does not need to mean anything or go anywhere. Don't let it change us. I only wish to express my feelings for you My Dear Girl.
I look at you and I'm in awe. You put me at ease with your smile. I admire your grace and beauty. You move and I watch ever so closely as every part of you reacts and flows in fluid motion. To touch your skin for just a moment would be a treasure in it's self. I stand from afar, and you don't notice me. You don't know how I look at you, how I feel for you. You know my name, but nothing more.
I'm too scared to approch. Scared to let you know I care. How will you react if you only knew how I see you. How I hold you in my heart? I can't let you know. I can't risk the rejection.
I awake, suddenly frieghtened in the night. Your name on my lips. I feel paniced and scared. I can feel the pain now. Just as it was years ago. Back when you first left. All my memories come flooring back to me. The pain, the fear, the helplessness...
You haunt my soul. Taunt my mind and memory. Why won't you leave my mind? Why can't I just forget? Years have past and still I ach.
I miss you. I miss your smile. I miss the warm feeling of just being near you. I miss the power and love I'd felt when we were together, holding eachother.
Do you remember? Do you still know the love I have for you? You once said "Never forgotten to the Wind". Do you remember?
I want to search for your heart. You have it hidden in here somewhere, I know you do. Cold, frail, and alone in the darkness. Shaking and hiding from a pain it once knew. It's so scared there; scared it will be crushed again. Now it's sitting and waiting. Waiting to be found and held one again. Held tight in the warmth of another. To know love. To feel the passion and feelings once more. Stable, comfortable, secure...
I like the person I see in you. The one you may not see. The one your husband does Not see.
I care for you, and I ach as I see you ach. I search your soul for an answer. Scouraging the depths to find what you're hiding from. I care for you, ever so much. I wish I could hold you, and comfort you.
I can hear it in your voice, you feel the same. You know it as I do, but you hold it back. You fight yourself with every breath to deny how you feel. The pain you hold back only brings more pain as you withdraw yourself from what you desire most. To be known, understood, cherrished, and loved!
I know these simple words may even be hard for you to hear. I know how it is to long for such things; desire them, crave them. It's there, so close, and yet out of reach. I know. I know these feelings well myself. I fight with them still.
Please know you're not alone.