I don't know from where to start from really. I'm a little bit under the weather. Sometimes I feel as if i'm a little home sick over here, but then again I know there is nothing for me back in Malta. I miss all my m8s so much, no offense to anyone but most of the men I met in this country, or maybe area are definately not my type. Could be even myself really, find it so hard to bloody let go and carry on with the flow. I'm too enclosed in myslef, all I want is solitude, cann't even take a joke. I'm always being bitchy and sarky. Any genious can say, well it's pretty obvious you're not going to like anyone or more or less find someone when you are being like that most of the time. But ye, got the point. I wish I didn't bloody have that one emotion that just makes me feel or think that way. Feel so drained out, lost in my thoughts, weeping myself to sleep. Not so intriging really is it, all that i've gone on about. Really needed to write that down.
Dearest friends in Malta, i miss you so bloody much.xxx. *hugz*