Im just so confused..I don't know what i am doing lately..My mind has been sooo destracted..
and worst of all I really miss him.. :(
Got me Monroe piercing today.. kinda hurts and swolen.. but I think it still looks good..not on me though :S..but anyways.
i t's just been another yawnable day if not for the piercing :D
-sigh-.. I'm so alone..yet I want to be.
I don't know what I want from this life.. and it's getting tougher by the day and guess sucks lol
At least I get to get out of this shitty island when I turn 18 and get to go study in London :D HOOOLLAH
I am really confused today.. everyday is confusing to me.. I just had an operation and it's excruchiating pain, I can't standup and I can't walk but aa anyways.
I am also happy lol..I smashed this bully's face into a window too..she tried hitting my footy :( (which I just had an operation done to )..showed her :)
I don't know what the hell's happening lately!!! FFS! i can't go to school without getting bullied, another friend of mine died not long ago, and lately guys have been telling me they are in love with me.. ok this is the moment were you go ''what the fuck are you grumbling about that for?!'' the truth is..i don't know what love is. i never felt it.. never got it from anyone and since it had been absent all my life I don't know how to love back..
well maybe now I am realising what it is but im not sure if it is love.. Today I was heart broken when a great friend of mine tried to share his emotions with me and all i responded was ''I'm sry ..I don't love you that was''..It hurt me to see him cry..and I really don't want to loose his friend ship over ''love''..whatever that is ..
I don't know..maybe I haven't found the right one yet..maybe it is there inside of me without me knowing it .. and lately I have been feeling something for someone but as said before I'm not sure what it is..
Well thank you for your cooperation, I'll inform you on more ''stuff'' when I do..
Till then take care of yourselfs...and others XxX
First of all..welcome to my daily'' same shit different toliet'' page where all you get to hear is whining and grumbling about how my life sucks..well until somthing real good happens..but since it is so unlikley to happen in my life most of this WOULD be whining.. is a warning my fair vampireic brothers and sisters..this is not a MUST so read if you will :P good luck on your choise and hope you don't end up with a migrane after reading so :D:D:D
I would feel guilty if I had to say I didn't warn you. :)