Happy Spooktober!
I sold my millennium light sabers..
Luke's and vaders.. to save up some
Cash for the Spirit store.
Got myself some clothes from there.
Universal monsters shirt and pants.
Featuring dracula,the mummy,Wolfman,
Frankenstein's monster, and the creature
From the black lagoon.
Also got the Xray bone shirt and pants.
And two spirit halloween shirts.
I also went to a goodwill and got some
Vintage halloween stuff and a boo
Bucket I was missing.
I hear.. mcDs is going to do new buckets
On the 17th.
Also.. got some box-set scary movies.
And it felt good to be out in the crisp
Cold air.
Going to get pumpkins in a few days..
As well as the monster cereals, and
Maybe some fall time.. food.
I even painted my front door to my
House .. to make it look festive.
Only time of the year i celebrate any
Holiday anymore.