Holidays seem to not be my thing, other then halloween.
No reason to celebrate since all my family is gone.
I have no one, but 2 cats and a dog to do anything
With. Being the last of your bloodlines gets kinda
Lonely. Meaning.. I'm the last one with my last name
Of the family. When it's my time to go, the last name
Of my family and crest goes with me as well.
I even had to go to a food bank to get food this year,
And they were nice enough to give me a voucher for
A free turkey.
So, I am grateful for that.
Yesterday.. the neighbors invited me over for not
Only turkey day, but Christmas as well.
They felt bad, cause I was going to be alone.
Never.. in all my life growing up.. that I had
Neighbors wanting to be nice enough to do anything for
Me other then argue about property lines.
I am grateful for this as well.
You know I'll bring home some turkey for my fur babies.
They are all I got left.
I am grateful for their unconditional love and
All the crazy zoomies. Lol.
Ever sit and think..
That maybe... dreams have
Meaning. I know not all of
Them do. I'm talking about
Thoes super realistic dreams.
Dreams.. when you wake up,
You remember so much, that
You sit on the edge of your bed
And say.." wow.. what kind of
Dream was that?! So, freaking real."
This entire summer, at least once
A week, I been connected threw
Or in dreams.
I drempt that I was over the
Rainbow Bridge.. and I seen my
Neighbors doggy having fun in
The river of knowledge.
I text her my dream, and just to
Say.. her dog died that night.
I dreampt that, my big brother
Was on trouble, and an Egyptian
Goddess told me to warn him
Before it was too late, but didn't
Tell me what it was exactly.
I called my brother up and told him
My dream. And he said.. " I know what it is, and I know I should be more careful, and I will." But, didn't tell me what he was doing. I was so confused.
Things like that keep happening threw dreams.
I seem to be dreaming alot about
Egypt, and achients.. and alot
About other worlds, space and time.
Only dream I have not liked..
Is one that someone was after me.
Not shure why... but I wake up in
A jolt.. and can't go back to sleep.
Someone is a beige and brown suit.
I can't see his face,
But, I think he's at least 6 foot tall,
And very angry.