I have given up on an entry per level as there are so many levels, so I am just going to put in stuff on a semi-regular basis.
So I had a lot of time to think last night, (I work nights and the job is not particularly mentally taxing), and being level 15 my thoughts turned to induction.
Now I get the symbolism of forced induction I have seen the picture cancer has published and I understand what he means.
My epiphany last night was how practical the system is. I have looked at the houses and know where I think I want to be, I have looked at some covens and know of places that I don't think I would suit and vice versa.
What I fail to see in both cases is the bigger picture. A coven/house master or designated inductor knows what his coven/house needs; he knows the personalities within it and would probably have spent some time evaluating a potential inductee and their suitability for that particular house/coven.
In short I need to further subjugate my natural reaction to authority as ,in this case, I must accept that those higher than me know better than me what is best for me.
With that in mind I think I will trundle along to level 20 all in good time knowing that the right thing will happen.
There we go I have levelled again I knew it was close when I wrote my last entry. not got much done as real life, work and birthday have intruded on my time. see you all soon.
I am not far from levelling up but thought getting a premium account was worth a mention. I must read more journals to get more of a sense of what people write in them.
Bought some programming /web design books, with a view to creating a slightly better profile . although I am thinking more info and pics would probably help.
There is a thread in the Main VR Forum on this topic. LadyChordewa is really knowledgeable and helpful if you are looking to make your profile better.
Also, check out the Member's Articles, on the left of your screen. There are several on html that are good.
Wow thought I would give this a go now I have made it all the way to mosquito. lol
Need to do a major revamp of my profile so I may need to learn how to do code and stuff, should be fun, probably take some time.
Feels like I've been here constantly since I discovered it but all I have managed is 7 hours. Is all the spare time I have managed in 3 days/nights. will hopefully be able to organise a full night on here soon, after I gone premium so I can join chatroom.
Don't know how often I will upkeep journal, right now planning at least one entry every time my status goes up a level.
11:12 Jun 29 2009
my natural reaction to authority is the middle finger....you know the one the French hated all those years ago! Good luck.