Well I figure, if people are going get upset at you for something yet you're the one cheated, as innocent as just wanting more of them or their time and you just happen to call them on their bluff, might as well go ahead and air out all you feel... Some people tell me honestly the only way they get attention is by doing a little flirt, they get acknowledged and thats about it, some go further on the road to a jagged cliff with your name at the bottom. Makes you think, gee I wish I was a better person, perhaps maybe you would have jump my bones instead of leading me to a fantasy land where I thought I had a chance... silly me...
so these are the random thoughts.......
•Affection, love, attention... just like drugs I always need more than you are willing to give me.
•Oh i'm sorry, am i loving you too much... i thought it just wasn't enough.
•oh excuse me, i just mistakenly thought i was a person, not a toy you can toss a side when you are bored of me.
•Interesting, I wasn't looking for you... you found me, I wasn't looking for a sledge to the heart, it found me too.
•fucking hell, I can't trust you to hold my heart and turns out I can't trust myself to hand it out.
•Oh i'm sorry, do you think this is about you... oh no it's not about me either, but aparently there's no us...
•I'm sorry, i am not your backup plan, i'm not your stepping stone to someone better, i'm not the means, i'm the ends.
•whao, with all the energy expended in creating these we could have been loving our brains out.
•Love is easy, you just have to get over yourself...
•I know you don't know what i'm thinking and expect me to tell you, so why am I suppose to know what you are thinking?
•Oh how nice, I'm good enough to love secretly but, not when it comes time to tell the world.
•So... you can recieve flowers.. chocolate.. poetry.. symbols of affections, and love.. but you can't do me the same?
•Why should there be a time limit with love, when you know right away whether or not I'm worth the trouble.
•Roughly, everyone has been hurt one time or another, but you only hurt yourself when you don't let me in fully.
•It's not better to be with just anyone than just be alone, I'd rather be fully loved than be cheated out of it.
•Damn these just keep coming don't they... we'll if you have to be elsewhere then by all means...
•yea well, things aren't hard for those you care enough not to make it difficult for.
•Talking is easy, we may not say everything we have within us, but the attempt is better than keeping me in the dark.
•You don't fall in love with someone, you just realize that they've always loved you too...
•If i'm rubber and you are glue, if you combine us together will it all be goo?
•If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, would you give a rats ass?
•If you fall in the shower and i'm not there to see, do you make a sound?
•Some vamps suck, some bite, do anyone of them... blow?
•If you're not obsessed, then you are not in love... get with the program
•You say you don't like games, yet I just feel like i'm being played...
I've Noticed... anyone who has ever had any interest in me romantically, the feeling isn't prolonged at all... what am I just for your amusement, the next flavor?
I've Noticed... people's actions aren't in unison with their words... and that can mean a few things... in context and/or just not fulfillment of that which whatever was said...
for example, "i'll be there at a certain time", or "i'll call you"... just makes you think, if they don't show up or call it's really because their needing you at the time is not a priority, you are essentially out of mind and therefore sight...
Which leads to noticing, if you need someone, they don't need you in the same gravity, so to speak, as you need them... so thats why it is important to have someone in that capacity that compliments your and their wants, needs, and desires... what other possible reasons could there be to be with someone if you aren't in there thoughts or presence all the time... no good ones that I can see...
I've Noticed that, time does not really matter with finding the right person, you either do or don't, so if you "like" someone throw caution to the wind and explore, test and prod, you have nothing really to lose, but to gain that right love... so when you waist time, you are also withering yourself away...
I've Noticed that people downplay love as a misunderstanding of friendship, and that often a quick love may not really be love at all. It has truth but like a lot of things not entirely... and therefore hypocrisy will come into play when that same event happens to the other person, as they find love but yet know nothing of their crush... what's the difference? There is none just a circumstance of denial of truth or deliberate deception just because they don't feel the same way. I prefer the the truth, as harsh or frank as it may be... so as to not waist time with those secretly disliking or even hating you... or just simple I don't really like you in that way...
but wait there is more almost forgot...
I've also Noticed... that when people say they like you, in those words or others you have to clear up, HOW you like them. As a person, which probably means friendship, as a romantic possibility and there should be no confusion there, or the guilty pleasure but still valid... "hey i'd like to screw you silly..." or whatever you say to people in those situations. The point of this particular notice is when you say something have your words hold serious weight, or mean it, follow through, and make sure your crush or love knows what you mean or even friend that you just meant i like you but just as friends...
The second addition being... I've noticed that in waiting and dating you have to tell people at what pace you like to take things and say "i like to take things slow", or "whatever pace is fine" or this is what i'm looking for etc.. because people unknowingly it can happen or deliberately again string people along hoping; KNOWING that they aren't the one, that this person will peak their interest or libido by knowing what exactly? Until what end? They are people and deserve the truth and their life back, meaning don't waist their or your time. People won't always be single or there for you when you are ready, but it doesn't mean that you must deceive them and not put 100% of yourself into in that friendship, relationship or your partner.
well i've noticed, people are going to do what they are going to do regardless, good or bad, intentional or not, I suppose reason being... we've probably been used to doing things for ourselves for whatever time, when someone comes along that just throws a wrench in the mechanics of things. So, depending on what you lack in life or are looking for, thats what you need from them, or you... I'm just sorry I wasn't patient, but when I see something worth my everything someone wonderful it kind of makes it easy wanting to be with them... hopefully they feel the same.... and at the same time...
:-( ... mon sacré bleu
01:24 Dec 11 2008
OMG *shakes your hand hugs you and gives you a big peck on the cheek* For saying exactly what I was thinking. People do not realize exacty how true that list above is.