I am Glad I am a Night Walker and carve to be in the night at all times. From what I have seen of all these so called people that walk in the Sun. They are so worthless. Well about all they are good for is one thing and that is Food. If I could be in the Night all the Time I would stay ,there for ever. Since I have seen some Death around me. The so called living are all worthless. I hate them all and every Breath they take. Since the Death of some of the Living. They are like maggots feeding off the Dead. They take they want they have to have. I want that. It was given to me. And so on , and so on. I am so Sick of them. Breed all you fuckers. The time for the Night Walkers tme is coming. And we will roam the Earth free. And we will Rule all. To only be in the Night and not ever see them again. Well maybe they are just good for one thing is to feed off them till they are Dead. Stake them and be rid of them. The ones that walk in the day light and feel the sun. Are not worth anything else at all.I have NEVER seen and heard so much crap in my Life. They living come out of the Woodwork when one of there kind Die. Man oh Man I wish I could be TURNT into a Full Blood Vampire. Man I will tell you this I would rid the Earth of as many as I could . And be done with all they Takers. So I put my self up to be trunt completely. To be out all night and Sleep all day. Sounds like a Great thing for me and all the Rest of us . Grow Strong and be many all of us Night walkers.Power is ours and we have been cast away in way and form they can to us for Centurys. It is time for things to turn things around. May the Power of the Night be for Us All...........
I sit and wonder ? Why are we here. Are we here for what we give? Are we here for what we need ? Are we here because we have to pay Taxes for a Country, where people do not work. Are we here to pay to feed Children, we did not have? Are we here to House and clothe those who are afraid to work ? Are we here just to take care of every one else. I say Fuck No. If we must pay for all we do not get any use of. Then there is ONLY one reason we are here for. And that is to take from all those who have taken from us for years. If we Feed them. Then they should be Food for Us. If we House them ? Then we should Live in there Homes. As we all know that there is always 2 things we can count on and that is Taxes and Death. Well then let Death Rule. Let Us choose who we want and need in the World ? And the rest will be OUR Super Market. Feed and Grow. We mite be small Now ? But let us Feed , Grow, And become Strong and Rule the World. I know we can Fucking Rule it better then the way it is Now
Who exactly is we?
Are you actually suggesting that we feed on the people with disabilities just because they are unable (not afraid...just disabled) to work?
When I did take a Nap today. I had what I would say out of that Normal Dream .And I am wondering if some one would be able to tell me what it means ? In my Dream I was sleeping in my Bed upstairs. I can to part way in my Dream to see a Friend of mine that I have not seen in over a Year.He was coming up the Stairs. He came around to the other side of the Bed. He got undressed and turn back the covers and slow got in. Covered up and was facing away from me. So I slow movied closier and did touch His Shoulder. He said your Hand is Cold. So took it in mine.And we movied closier. I did rest my Face on His Shoulder I could feel the Hot Heat coming from his Neck. And I could feel the Beat of His Heart in the side of His Neck on my Face. All I could think of and feel was the need to see if i could taste Him and His Blood. My Mouth felt funny and I took my Tough and I felt my Mouth and I had Fangs. So I ask do you trust me? He said YES. So I did slowly place my mouth on His Neck and my Palm on His Forehead and slow Sank my Fangs in. On my the Rush that went threw me at that moment. It was like leaving my body totally. And the Taste. It was so Hot ,Thick and did flow so freely. It was better then anything that I have ever felt in my life. It was all I could do t stop. I felt ever nerve in my Soul come alive. And the wierd thing is We have never ever been together . I did call Him and he said that He had been thinking about me and what I had been upto. Now keep in mind this was a Dream in a Dream. Man I wish I could Drop back into it at the same spot.
I wonder if there are many People out there if they give it much thought to the sayings we all have Heard a Hundred times over ? One that Sticks out in my Mind is, Do onto others as you would have them do to you ??? Well I would be more then Happy to do alot to Some... But would they have the Guts and the Will to do the same for me ??? I Think NOT. My Name ( Giver ) has alot that goes along with it. I know what I would LOVE to have done to me . MMM Could you handle it from me ?? Better yet are you my Type and do You meet my Needs ?? So lets give alot of these so called sayings some thought .
In the part of the country I grew up in. I was told by my Grandmother that when she was a Child and growing up in the Hills around here.Many a time did Her Father(my Great Grandad) would have to go out at night with a Shot gun and fire it in the air to drive off Packs of Wolves. And One night when Her and Father were coming Home late at Night and driving a Horse and Buggy threw the woods to get Home a Black Panther jumped from the tree above and did land on the Horses Back. And Her Father had to take the Buggy whip and use it on the Panther to get Him to let His claws loss out of the Horse's Back. And We also did a Family tree search and come to find out my Granmothers , Granmother , was Elizabeth Clark . She was the mother of the team Louis and Clark that did Map the whole USA. So I guess I have some Family History in this Country. I also know my Granmother did beleive in casting a Hex on People from time to time for the wrong that had been done to Her. So knowing this and seeing Her mix and make things to care out Her Hex's began to make me think that maybe there mite be more in the Old Family Tree then what was being told. And maybe that is why I have such a Strong Hunger for the Night.And the Feeling I have now. I use to think I was diffrent for a reason. But maybe some were and some place there is a Reason for Me for being this way.The ways of the Old World and ways have a Strong pull on what dwells deep inside me. And I do know from things in my Life . That when I get a Strong feeling or my Body feels a certain way . I can tell some thing is Up and is Going to Happen . And with in a short time it Does. So I am hoping that in time I will be Trained on how to draw more of this from deep inside of me. And be able to us it to my personal Benefit. And make it Stronger
I am one thats longs for the Night. When I am Free of the Day. I feel in my Heart that if I could be who I Truely am . The Night is where I would alway be. Cause I am free of the Daily boredom. My Mind fills with thoughts of years that are gone by, My Soul is free . I have always Loved the Night ever since I was a small Child. I do not fear Storms or Rain or wind that comes with them. I set and watch them and wonder and think in my Mind of all the Strength that they have and the Power to Chance a Town or City in a Flash. Oh to just have 1 hunderth of that kind of Power . Oh the things I would Change not just for me by for all those who are like me. I know I am diffrent. And just to be able to Prove it in some small way or matter. Would make the World look at us all alot Diffrent