your eyes that speak to me like a horse whisper speaks to his animals.
you look at me and i feel like you can see threw my soul with just one look.
your touch brings a shiver down my spine and a feeling in my core.
are you the one i have been searching for all this time?
is it possible you can read me like a book and see threw me?
that you can see and hear everything i am thinking.
your aura tells me be warned and stay cautious.
but your eyes, your body pulls me in.
you are such a beautiful being. so sweet so dangerous. i cant help but be attracted to you.
to want to know more and be closer. why is it the world has pulled us together at this moment in time.
why is it i feel such a connection such a need to be by your side?
a need to wanna know all i can about you. your intimating. you send mixed messages. i wanna run but i feel the want to stay.
Your eyes glow a smokey blue.
So compelling
Somehow i am hypnotized by you.
Just your presence makes me feel safe and sound.
Like no one can hurt me.
Like no harm can be found.
Your aura pulls me in saying its okay.
Saying i can trust you with every part of me.
I can trust you to lead me the right way.
Your body is smooth and your blood is sweet.
Your being is comforting.
I sometimes feel almost there is a reason why the world made us meet.
Everything about you just calls to me. it makes me want you more and more
I feel it in my heart down to my very core.
I love to kiss you. i love holding you tight.
Everything about us feels just right.
I promise to treat you like the prince you are.
Make you smile and make you feel good.
the darkness closed in as you walked away.
you left me hurt not knowing what to say.
i felt betrayed. i felt wounded and used.
i felt broken.
i felt abused.
i let you have the pleasure of tearing me down.
at least thats what you thought.
you thought you got the best of me.
thought you would leave me aloen forever.
but darling things change. and lessons are learned.
i soon relized that that i can stand without you.
i dont need you to lean on anymore.
a million doors opened up when you closed yours.
i now know you werent the person i thought you were.
my world is brighter and better.
im no longer hurt.
but something still has not changed.
i still have nothign to say to you.
but now my heart is back together. and my wounds have healed. you dont seem so angelic,
you dont seem so amazing or thrilling.
i dont want you.
i dont reach out to you,
mainly because, my sweet darling I DONT NEED YOU,