will i ever become the best i can be?
will i ever live up to what people expect?
i feel like im lost. like my mind is a wreck.
i wanna make you proud i wanna make you see.
that i am trying my hardest to be the best me.
its hard at times and i want to give up.
but i feel half measured.
i feel led astray.
i just wish all of my wounded past and dark thoughts would just go away.
i wanna find my purpose. the reason why im here.
i wanna succeed not quit and not have fear.
will you be the one that helps me dig myself out of this hell hole.
to help me be free and release my demented soul?
i need your help to be the best i can be,
question is...will you help me?-
16:48 Jul 31 2012
I love your poem. It speaks to me.