okey... i'm not blaming anyone but... DON'T say welcome to me if I've been here longer! It's bothers me becouse if you go to a party and you se someone you know you don't say welcome to that person? In that case it's THAT person that should say hello.
maby it's hard do understand but it's... hmm.. the word wont leave my fingertips...
another exampel is:
you don't say welcome to the worl to a older person becoue that person have been there longer... maby that exampel is better to understand...
welll i hope people get the point of this message???
soon i will have blisterds on al my finger so hard am i working. many looks at me like i don know what i'm doing when i say *i work in a workshop'. but i like it i don't have to talk whit everybody, don't have to do things that you must use al you brain to (like to sit in my own little world...hehe) and soon i will be rich and go and buy thuings that i don't need! :D jippi!
well i will save some so i can get more conserttickets! of corse! i cant wait untill WT or, DT, pain, Nightwish (i'm going to se them next month but i must se them more than two times!!) yee...you get the point.
now i pist at my sister... she can choce the right boyfriends! she allways pick the ashole that cheat on her.. and then she come to me and thinks that it will be better , that i will fix it, even if I was the first one to wanr her! and i'm so polite that a cant be mean to the asholes!
well she can blame her self sometimes...