The Anti christ will be an individuel who has a great deal of common sense and does not need an army for he shall steal the minds of the people even the ones who will not beleive will eventually die and there children will beleive for it will be the truth why must we live by the standards of the old do gooders who are dead already 36 is the motivating factor to knock over sacred cows and beleifs in not indulging r carnal needs spiritualism is a hoax for r mind has standards of happiness for instance if i was taught to help old ladys across the street when i was young then my teacher of that witch could be a mother dies then when i help cross an old ladie across the street i naturally get an endorphine sent to mind that is literally a drug so there r no good or bad people just thought and products of enviroment by the way jesus was molested when tortured those romans sure loved the boys so the antichrist doesnt nesacerrly hate jesus yet jesus is the number one inspirer of murder and hate for when feeble live by good and bad they justify there hate which puts there hearts in it isnt funny how older generations couldnt mentally evolve due to imaginary beleifs the antichrist is the alien entity to save us yet humans call him the anti christ