There are children in other parts of the world that take care of whole families on their own. Yet, here their are men who won't even see their children. While we spend our life trying to get the newest shoes and most expensive purse, people are dieing. While we torture eachother for not having the best, they have none. Yet they can look past those things and still find love. But not us, no, we start wars and hold grudges against eachother. This is the hell we've created. Our own personal fire. No one feels love, because love is unconditional. We need forgiveness and understand that we may never have. My heart aches for how we are, for how we could have been. Ill be true to my self, give love and forgiveness, until finally I escape this damned place.
18:54 Sep 02 2009
I wish I could tell you something but nothing can take what is true away.
But I want to take you on a date sometime when I get back and you are 18 and all.
If you agree that is of course and all that and just wanted to leave this in case my time runs out and all.