Dammit, why is it that 6 out of 10 profiles I read say "I hate preps" and babble on about how much they hate them? Not for nothing, but maybe I'll put up a big flashing sign in my profile that reads "I hate HATERS!"
I mean, for the love of God, the whole prep thing is only what you wear, there is no "preppy" state of mind like there is a goth state of mind. So why, honestly why, do people have to have a problem with the way a person dresses why they despise those who dislike them for wearing what they themselves wear?!
P.S. In case you didn't notice... I love my "preppy" clothing. Dickheads.
Oct 30 2007
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hi cutie how r u?
Alright... this never ceases to crack me up, and not in a good way!
Someone of a low level trying to chastise Cancer and his minions (yes, I said minions, get over it. It's endearing and appropriate to this websites theme)... will the little ones running around on this website ever learn?!
Marplot (4)
Posts: 89
Posted: 13:32:51 - Oct 30 2007
Times viewed: 67
So..Whats basicly being said is, If you dont say something constructive you will be warned for it?
Isnt that abit Harsh? (Note the captial H)
Alot of the subjects on here have probably been discussed a 1000 times, take also into consideration that some people may just not find most the subjects interesting. Though, the more posts you post, the more "Experience" points you gain, are you really going to warn someone for trying to reach a higher level?
Well... what the Fuck? (Note the capital F)
I think my fingers may fall off any minute now...
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Yet again here I am, whining to no one in particular.
I am so ready to go home; theres no way around it. I thought moving out, leaving home (the town I lived in, really), would be the best thing I'd ever experienced. I was so wrong. I've given up almost 2 months now, and no matter how much I try to distract myself I still want to go home.
Since I got here I've been riddled with weird and sometimes scary dreams. I dreamt of my moms best friend in a car accident, my house being sold while I'm away (which seems to be happening...), of Jonathon of all people actually giving up his one sided war against me, of my biological father (whom my mother and I fondly refer to as the "sperm donor") giving up drinking/drugs and reuniting with me via Ashley. And on top of all this, for the past week I've dreamt of Kyle every night. He never says much, he just stays by me, kind of guides me a bit. It's strange. I knew the kid since we were 5, never formed any type of real friendship, yet he seems to be taking over my subconscience.
My sister sent me a video mail yesterday, and as soon as I saw and heard her talking to me, I started crying. She kept telling me that she loves me, and misses me, and she can't wait for me to come back home. Between her and mom, I can think of a thousand reasons to come home.
On top of that, I'm still living out of me suitcases. I don't want to unpack because it admits the defeat of calling this place home, and it's not at all.
I just want my life back, that's all. I want to be back in Jersey with my family and friends. I really thought I hated it at home, but now I realize the only thing I hated then was myself and my lack of initiative. Now that I have found that, I'm ready to go home and start my life again. The right way.
It's official. I hate girls. If I ever have a child (purely by accident, mind you) I hope to The Big Guy in the Sky that it's a fucking boy because I can't stand my own species. Why, you may ask? Because girls are drama queens. Girls, especailly prepubescent ones, strive and do anything for attention. Girls make scenes.
The next time I decide to au pair for a family, I'm going to make sure it's all sons because I am NEVER, EVER dealing with this shit again.
Well, I really don't have much to say for myself as of late. I've been reading a book "Trinity" by Leon Uris and it has completely enveloped my being (like most books do). I find that I'm more interested in reading my book at the pub with my pint than socializing. Thats the problem with books, they make me totally and completely anti-social. A bomb could go off unnoticed around me while reading, to boot.
On the flip side, I finally found my common ground between myself and the oldest boy... techno and comedy. FINALLY. After a month of nothing but the youngest three loving me to death, I've found what we have in common.
So last night I went pub hopping with Mark, and it has becoming VERY clear to me that he has intentions that I don't share. When we met he was already rather drunk, then we went to a pub and each had a pint. Then we left to another pub and each had another pint (I poured half of mine in the toilet because I took advil last night for a killer toothache that is still not giving up). So when I was almost done, he started insisting on buying me another, and I kept putting my foot down and saying no, because I had to get up in the morning to mind the kids for the whole weekend. After 15 minutes of saying no, and that I needed to go home, he still went to the bar and bought us both ANOTHER pint. Needless to say, I let my stubborn side come out and refused to drink the third pint, letting him know that he had to drink both now because I had already told him I had to leave. Then I had another 15 minute arguement over going home. He insisted on walking me (or hiking, as the case may be) back to my house but I didn't want that because he wouldn't stop touching me. He just wouldn't stop. I kept backing away, turning my head if he got to close, etc and he just didn't get the point. He was swaggering he was so drunk. In the end I had to pull the bitch card and started to push my way out of the pub/club we were in at that point and hailed a taxi.
I just don't get it. I don't send any romantic notions into his fucking brain but he still seems to think that I am an objection of his affection. Why are men so dense?! I just don't fucking get it. I never had this problem at home, ever. No always meant no to the boys back home (except Zack, of course) yet these boys out here just don't seem to know what that simple two letter word means.
And to put the icing on the cake, I'm pretty sure that he's not inviting the other guys along even when I ask him to call them and see who wants to do what. I always get the same answer from him, that no one is doing much of anything. Well what the fuck! If they're not doing much of anything, lets join them on that quest of nothingness! I didn't want to get trashed last night alone with him, and I certainly didn't and don't want to be alone with him pub hopping and getting drunk when there's no one else to save my ass if he tries something.
He kept saying "In Ireland things are laid back, 10 minutes or an hour, it doesn't matter."
Do I honestly need to say that I had to remind him that I am NOT Irish?!