FortunateFool's Journal

FortunateFool's Journal


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18 entries this month


21:18 Nov 25 2007
Times Read: 635

I just had a very long, intelligent entry all written out and when I pressed submit, it got evaporated into thin air all because it took more than 15 minutes to write!






14:14 Nov 24 2007
Times Read: 640

I don't really know who that was directed to.

Nor do I really give a shit.

All I can really ask is who are you to judge another person just because of something they enjoy? Who is to say that a person who enjoys the unmentionable isn't just as smart, if not more intelligent, than you are. And why is that you feel the need to act like the token badass? I bet every night before you go to bed you roll around giggling with some fluffy teddy bear.

I'll leave you with this little tidbit, buddy.

"None of us are qualified to judge the lives of others."

I wonder if your small little mind know's who said that?





21:33 Nov 20 2007
Times Read: 643

So... it's been a great week so far!

The kids have been a royal pain.

My great uncle died of pancreatic cancer yesterday.

My birthday is tomorrow.

Thanksgiving, Thursday.






13:34 Nov 17 2007
Times Read: 649

So I had my first encounter with anti-American Irish men last night. Ducking twits. I was pub hopping with the lads and they got in fine, but the bouncers stopped me! Asked me for ID, I couldn't hear them and asked them to repeat themselves. Upon repeating themselves, I was more then happy to whip out my NJ Drivers license, which he was taking his sweet old time looking at.

Me: The date of birth is just up at the top of the card there.

Man: I know that, I have seen a New Jersey license before you know.

Me: (this is when I start getting snippy at the 'tude) Well I'm sorry, it's foreign and I didn't know you've seen one before.

Man: How much have you had to drink?

Me: One pint. (Getting really snippy now)

Man: One pint? Sure. Why don't you just go elsewhere.

At that point, the lads were all watching me get pissed off at the guy and his sass, so they were quick to walk back down the stairs and walk me away because they knew I was a hop, skip, and a jump away from giving the bouncer a load of shit.

Then they wrecked my head, elsewhere. Men.




Conor Larkin

20:17 Nov 14 2007
Times Read: 653

So, theres this book that I read called Trinity, by Leon Uris. In this book, one of the main characters, Conor, pretty much sums up the perfectly imperfect man that I want. Tall, dark, handsome, intelligent, opinionated, headstrong, weak spots, brute strength... Irish.

Now, as most of us ladies out there know, there is NO SUCH MAN anywhere in the world. But... I think I may have found him.

The night of the Blarney Stone kissing, I met with students from University College Cork and went to this little hole-in-the-wall pub where people go play cracked out Irish music and just chill out. And there he was, playing the fiddle (yes, go ahead and laugh, I am right now at this crap). Even though the other fiddle player looked JUST LIKE Collin Ferrel, I could not stop staring at this guy. And of course, every time I made eye contact I got flustered and looked away, pretending it didn't happen.

Should I haunt this pub and wait for the opportune moment?




The Difference between Balooney and Blarney

22:41 Nov 13 2007
Times Read: 655

So I did it.

I kissed the Blarney Stone yesterday.


Am I eloquent yet?




Yay DA!

16:37 Nov 12 2007
Times Read: 657

::NOTE:: You may want to read this series of messages from BOTTOM to TOP.

yeppers lol I hear you there OK sweetie Im off to go run and do a few things I hope your doing better... Ill be back in a few if your on {{{huggs}}}

On 16:32:13 Nov 12 2007 FortunateFool wrote:


What can I say, I'm all for the hair...


On 16:30:19 Nov 12 2007 DarkAngel30 wrote:

LOL you know I never would do that but I had to give you shit lol I saw your comment on his page lol so I was like ohhh I have to ... you can tell hes a young one lol

On 16:29:02 Nov 12 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

HAHAHA! Awe, I love him! You can't have him!!!

My little greek boy. :) I bet you wouldn't believe by those pictures of him that he's only just under 17. He's a big sweetheart, I'm so flippin' happy I found him because he's the biggest help with the coven! Savvy boy.

On 16:26:37 Nov 12 2007 DarkAngel30 wrote:


I was checking ppl on line... I almost fell off my chair lol lov the long hair..... my one BIGGGG weekness lol

On 16:25:35 Nov 12 2007 FortunateFool wrote:


Which member?

On 16:20:10 Nov 12 2007 DarkAngel30 wrote:

omg hun lol Im guna rob you of one of your members lmao can we say OUCH lol holly hell lol ya Im bad I know lol





21:10 Nov 11 2007
Times Read: 658

So... I get the day off tomorrow.

My plan:

Go to the Blarney Castle.

Kiss the stone.

Take loads of pictures.

Come back to Cork.

Go to internet cafe to put up said pictures.

Go to pub, drink a lot.





15:50 Nov 11 2007
Times Read: 659

::Laughs evilly::

I made the children eat fish.

Cod, to be exact.

All I got were complaints.


Well thats not true, you little shits.

You eat fish fingers.









10:15 Nov 10 2007
Times Read: 661

I think I'm going to go cross eyed, soon.

I am NEVER, EVER signing on to watch all four children for the whole weekend again. Seven in the morning is NOT the right time to get up in the morning, it takes far too much coffee to keep my eyes open.

And these fucktards, that left me with the children left me with no food in the damn house, only left 30 Euro to buy said food with. What the hell is that going to get? Shit in this country is far too expensive.

AND I had to dig into my car payment savings just to take a cab to get one of the children to her gymnastics at the crack ass of dawn this morning.

How the hell am I suppose to keep all this up when they don't leave me room to make my payments?

All I know is that they had better pay me back everything I spent tomorrow when they get back, because I have a payment to fucking make.

I bloody hate the Irish.

I want to go back to New Jersey! At least people are sane there!




Decisions, Decisions

17:55 Nov 09 2007
Times Read: 666

So, after much thought and consideration based on what I was told by a Dominar... I have decided NOT to go and open a thread in the main forums ABOUT the main forums.

My decision isn't based on the fact that I would get in real trouble, because from what I understand the worst that would happen is the thread would get moved or deleted (like most do anyway)... BUT... I really don't feel like

A. Bringing attention to myself, in any way.

B. Don't feel like starting a thread that would turn to shit, as they all do.

C. It would kind of end up like Be Ye Warned

D. ...I just don't feel like putting in the effort.

Honestly, it's not worth bitching about the way people respond to topics without reading the thread and bringing some new ideas to the table, because it wouldn't change a thing. But, personally, perhaps a new system should be worked out by way of what level a person can post in the forums at.

Perhaps a Shadow should be limited to the Sandbox, because most of the youngster's responses are shit. The Sandbox is like... VR Forum Preschool.

Then, you graduate! Congradulations! You've just moved up to the Mascara and Events sections as a Marplot!

And, as you blossom into a Caitiff, you are finally allowed to play with the big kids in the General Discussion forum, where all the good stuff is.

Honestly, there are enough rules, regulations, and stipulations put in place on this website that it is quite honestly not a bad idea. Everything is getting very strict, EXCEPT the WAY people respond. The only thing different now is 2 word responses get deleted. Woopity-fricken-doo.




Of Mice and Men

20:44 Nov 07 2007
Times Read: 669

I am so getting tired of these rotten brats. I thought American kids were poorly behaved... but Irish kids? They put a whole new perspective on the term "brat."

-No matter how many times I tell them to wait for me at school, they don't.

-No matter how many times I tell them to take their shoes off at the door, they don't.

-When I say "do your chores" they always do it half assed and then get pissed when I call them back to do it right.

-When I tell them not to call someone or something a fag, they do it anyway.

-They seem to be quite alright with going through my purse.

-When eatting, more food makes it on the floor than in their stomachs.

I'll spare you the rest, because I'm sure you've no interest in reading this. I know I sure as hell wouldn't want to, because it's just as bad as actually dealing with these fucktards.




Application Form

17:37 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 672

Because I have nothing better to do.

1. Are you allergic to cats? (If yes, forget it bud)

2. Do you like cats?

3. If your answer to number 2 is no, are you willing to put up with them anyway?

4. Did you go to college?

5. Did you actually FINISH?

6. Where do you work?

7. Do you want children? (If yes, forget it bud)

8. Are you willing to clean up after yourself?

9. Are you willing to stop making stupid man jokes?

10. True or False: I am the Queen. I rule you, the cat, and our house. What I say, goes.

::laughs:: Oh geez... I'm never going to get married...





16:03 Nov 06 2007
Times Read: 673

What the... do these people live under a rock or something of the sort? How the hell have you NEVER heard of the Seven Circles, let alone Dante's Inferno? Did they sleep through their high school literature classes, or simply just not go? I am absolutely dumbfounded (and very close to going off my rocker) by the posts I am seeing in the main forums.

On top of that, what happened to reading a thread before posting in it? Honestly now, is it that difficult to take five minutes and see what everyone else has said about the topic?

If the dimwit above actually read the thread, maybe they would have an idea as to what the Seven Circles of Hell actually are!

Fucking moron.




What happened to GOOD and bad news?

18:05 Nov 04 2007
Times Read: 678

So my grandmother is back in the hospital with Pulmonary Edema... Turns out she was admitted to the hospital this past Saturday morning. The Dialysis unit has been screwing up with her (this is her third one, mind you) treatment and fluid just keeps building in her right lung and the doctors have been looking it over.

I swear she's falling apart just as much as the American Healthcare system is... it's becoming my worst fear that something worse and life threatening will come over her, even more so that she'll die and I won't get to say goodbye because I'm in bloody Ireland...

Things just keep getting better.





17:29 Nov 04 2007
Times Read: 683

The day has come that I must be somewhat of a... well, I don't want to say it.

But after reading Moonie's last entry, I went to Sil's journal...

and... I agree too.

EDIT: And although things did get crappy... we worked through it!





01:06 Nov 03 2007
Times Read: 693

::bashes head on keyboard::

Need sleep...

Must fix profile codes...

Must have cancer stick...


Kill me now!





23:24 Nov 02 2007
Times Read: 695

I really hate it when I make a thread in the forums, have the first like 5-10 people who respond actually respond fully to what the thread is about, and then have a shit ton of people respond nonsense that barely has anything to do with the thread...

It's just so... eh.

Makes me wonder if I should even take the time to make a thread anymore.




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