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14 entries this month
Dog Fight04:19 May 31 2007
Times Read: 599
Alas, my puppies have gotten into the ultimate battle. My chow chow/golden retriever mix and my irish setter. Most who know about chow's tendencies know how this fight worked out. Gidget (Chow) totally almost killed Tassie (irish setter) and bit my dad (moron) because he got in the middle of it. Right on his wrist and into an artery. It was horrible. I had to call 911 for the first time ever and the cops were stand-off-ish as were the EMT's. They didn't even take him to get checked out, the man was pumping blood. Then, after I cleaned up all the blood and everyone was settled, the cop showed up again to serve me a 10 day confinement for Gidget because she's not up to date with her rabies shot (she was due in september, I believe).
For my readers, Gidget is just for a single dog family. She is the sweetest pup you'll ever meet. She's now up to date on everything, fixed, etc. I'm really trying to find her a good home, if anyone knows anyone who would meet her criteria please let me know because I love this dog. Take a look at her and tell me you dont melt.
But why is the rum gone?!
18:05 May 25 2007
Times Read: 604
First off, I would just like to say that Disney is fucking genius. POTC3 was nothing short of amazing. The graphics were great, they were completely consistent with both of the first movies, and the cast was absolutely perfect.
I must say that my favorite aspect of the movie is Davey Jones' Locker. I thought it would be something absolutely treacherous, but turned out to be 1. every woman's dream and 2. much like an acid trip (not that I know what an acid trip is like).
I can't tell you people the best parts of the movie, because they would totally ruin it for you. But I will tell you this, Keith Richards and Johnny Depp are great together on screen. Johnny totally had his moves down pat, now that I've seen them together.
All that and without a single drop of rum!
A Right of Passage? PSH!
21:45 May 22 2007
Times Read: 612
Disclaimer: The nature of this entry may be somewhat upsetting to some people. Viewer discretion is advised.
I've come to find that every single girl out there has been molested or raped. How did I come to find this, you may ask. It all started today when my friend and I were having a heart to heart about our first sexual encounters. Now, it started out as a sex discussion, but then we took it a bit further and started talking about negative/first experiences. I learned something new about my best friend of 3 years now. She was molested by her father at age 3 and apparently it continued for damn near a year. That got me thinking. Another friend was molested by her mothers boyfriend, my cousin was fucked with while passed out drunk, even I was raped this past year. Question is, why do so many people let things like this slide? How does it stay a secret like it does? I know I kept it a secret to my real life peeps (who have absolutely no idea this website even exists), and my best friend kept her experience hidden from her mother until she was 12. Is it because we fear the perpetrator may come after us again if we slip, or do we fear the negative attention it would bring?
Oye... made me giggle this morning :)16:17 May 22 2007
Times Read: 620
Profile for CountessMoon
Vampire Rave Dominar
May 21 2007
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lol Booze and VR don't mix ;)
On 04:49:18 May 22 2007 FortunateFool wrote:
Thanks! lol, that is a lesson learned. Read first, submit second.
On 04:47:05 May 22 2007 CountessMoon wrote:
lol yes I can.
On 04:46:32 May 22 2007 FortunateFool wrote:
MOONIE! I was just drunk posting in the forum (Can Dreams Kill?) and made a double post in my thread to respond to someone, but tried to stop it the first time around... and it posted anyway. Could you delete my first response...?
But why is the rum gone?!
04:22 May 22 2007
Times Read: 621
I just drank 3 bottles of rum with a few close friends in the name of Jack Sparrow, AKA THE SEXIEST MAN IN HISTORY (even though he is a fabrication of disney imagination).
This makes me a very happy girl.
Shot Down
07:15 May 20 2007
Times Read: 623
Why is it that every time I think of something I would like to do with myself as a career, someone of a higher standing than me shoots it down? Every single time I think of something that I could do with my life that would make me even remotely happy. I've had so many different ideas for my life, and there is something wrong with each one. In fact, the only time I ever received any type of backing was when I was in middle school and wanted to be on Broadway. Ridiculous.
But when I decided I wanted to do something with Egyptology and started to study the field, I got a bunch of shit about how it was a stupid idea, I wasn't smart enough for that, I didn't pull the grades to do that. So then, being an intuitive person, I decided to go for something more people oriented and sophisticated. I wanted to do psychological analysis for the government or what-have-you. I wanted to get inside peoples heads, understand them, help them, stop them from hurting themselves or others. But that takes too much vigilance and OCD tendencies for me to handle, I'm just not good enough for that.
So I moved on and got my first real job at a nearby Chili's. I loved it. People loved me. I found that I can be a very charismatic, socialable person, and that I loved the restaurant business. I put my all into learning how to please people, what to say to certain people based on their attitude or look. I analyzed them by my own standards and I got it head on. I'm great with people. And so I allowed myself to dream a little, and with that dream came a new inspiration that brings in enough money to be comfortable.
I decided to learn how to bartend, go to business school, and work for owning and running my own bar. Naturally, I didn't think twice about telling my boss' about this since they are like a second family to me. But low and behold, even they say that is too difficult for me.
I'm one of those people who will take things personally. In case no one has noticed the pattern here, every time I'm told I can't do something I give up. I'm sorry, but that's just who I am and how I operate. I know I am a very intelligent young girl, I just need to find my niche. And every fucking time I think I find something, I get shot down. I'm almost 21, I'm trying to find a direction, but if people keep dissuading me or stating that I'm not good enough, I'm going to be in the same place forever.
I just don't know what to do.
Forum Master
20:31 May 18 2007
Times Read: 626
Ahriman has made me a Forum Master in our coven (Obscure Quietus).
...And I just want to say that I freaking love my new coven, everyone there is truly kind and welcoming, everyone is very compatible, and I am so happy to have the chance to become part of such a tight knit family like that of Obscure Quietus. I promise to be as good to them as they are to me.
Keg Stand Position?
17:21 May 18 2007
Times Read: 627
So... last night was my best friends 18th birthday. What did her mother get her? A male stripper. It was great. He handcuffed her to a chair, etc. Lord. Everyone got a lap dance. I was pulled up by my feet into a keg stand on my chair, who knows what he was doing. Wanna know the best part? He came incognito as a cop, and as he arrived, the real cops parked him in! HA!
I'm too hungover to really write more... perhaps later.
Smells Like Whores
05:43 May 17 2007
Times Read: 631
Yet again, I have been proven correct boys don't become men before age 30. There's this guy who has made my life a living hell (brief history: egged my car, threw raw ground sausage at me in an open dining room, a two page fictitious essay on myspace, spit in my food, oh the list goes on...). For a while now, he's seemed to be bored with pissing me off. But since he had friends with him as I was leaving his house (his sister is my best friend) he goes "Sh, wait. Ready? Smells like whores." as I walk passed his bedroom door (which was wide open).
I hate boys. I wish I were a lesbian.
How do you...?
15:55 May 16 2007
Times Read: 634
To my few readers here... how on earth do you control your anger? How do you keep from just punching the people who so moronically piss you off? Teach me your ways, Yoda!
Welcome Moonie!
07:14 May 13 2007
Times Read: 641
My grandmother flipped me off today. :) She has this speech issue that is induced by brain surgery and because of her dialysis on top of that, her speech just isn't coming back. So she was trying to tell me to do something today and I was getting impatient (I've been taking care of the old bat for 4 months now. I just can't stand her anymore) so I piped up "T-t-t-today junior." I tell you, if looks could kill... I would not be here. And the best part was, before she got the whole middle finger thing, she tried her index and then her pinkie before getting "the bird" right and saying "you number one."
I really shouldn't take pleasure in her shortcomings (if you will), but hey, girls just wanna have fun!
I'm going straight to hell.
Ridiculous.15:51 May 11 2007
Times Read: 654
OYE! I'm so tired of it. Countessmoon was highly correct. THIS IS JUST A WEBSITE. Get passed the whole website thing, it's just cyberspace, it's not reality. People can be whomever they wish on the web, certain people choose to me normal, humble, rude, mean, coldhearted, sweet, kind, vampire, lycan, fairy, WHATEVER. Does it matter in the long run? No. Can we really judge a person by the front they put up on the internet? No. And really, who cares what someone you don't even know personally has to say about you, it doesn't matter in the long run. I'm hoping my dear coven mate reads this... because it is mostly for her. All I'm trying to say is don't take it too seriously, just ignore it, because thats the only way it will stop. If it really becomes a problem, report it! Anything you can do! Things are very misconstrued via the net, yes, but there is no need to deal with things you wish not to deal with.
The Nutjob, The Drunk, and the Hot Cop.18:12 May 03 2007
Times Read: 660
Tuesday May 1st is going to be ingrained in my mind for eternity it seems. Where to start... perhaps the events leading up to Tuesday? Let's give it a try.
Saturday a friend received a message from someone that said word for word "I'm eatting jelly beans that remind me of your dirty pussy. I hear you like it up the ass with no lubrication. If your name is ****** this is all true." I heard it and called the number back to find that it is the local nutcase and told him not to call again. TEN MINUTES LATER, he calls and tells my friend "I had my feet chopped off as a child to keep from being gay. I am now straight." When she asked what was wrong with him he said he wasn't taking his medication. She told him to get on it and never call again. Then silence until Tuesday evening when said friend, her mother, and I took the voicemail to the police (who was amazingly gorgeous). Why, you may ask? Because this man just got out of the mental institution a month ago for disembowling and dismembering his dog (whose eyeballs he propped on his picketted fence). The police said there was nothing they could do at that point, but if anything else were to happen to call immediately. Pause nutcase story.
Another friend of ours woke up angry and wanting to drink it away. And so he did... with a bottle of Jack Daniels and a case of Yuengling. By the end of the night, as we were toking in the previous friends room, Our guy friend got up and ran out of the house, drunk and angry now. He asked for a ride to his car, we picked him up, and told him we were driving him home. What did he do? Jumped out of our moving vehicle and run. As he jet down the street towards his car, he punched down signs and garbage cans. We called someone to stop him from getting in his car, and as we were doing that he turned and we lost him. We went to his car, parked, and we were about to get out to look for him when nutcase called again.
Resume nutcase story. He called from a withheld number, and said he was yet another friend of ours who just so happens to be very close to our drunken, angry friend. We asked if he'd like to speak to him and were told no. I then took the phone, "This is fucking Wally again, isn't it?" "Yea, it's Wally." "You were told not to call this number." He laughed and hung up on me. Pause nutcase story.
We then started to walk down the street to find our drunk friend and it did not take long. His keys were taken away by the person we called earlier, and we talked to him. He seemed to calm down for a moment but then pushed us away and demanded a ride home. We obliged. As we were driving him home, his breathing was very hard and he was practically growling while crying. Then the withheld number called again.
Resume nutcase story. My friend picked up (not the drunk one) and Wally said "Hello. I'm looking for an escort." "Excuse me?" "You know, a hooker." "You're going to get yourself arrested if you call this number again. Stop calling!" She then hung up. Pause nutcase story.
We let our drunken friend out at his house and he promptly ran straight into a tree headfirst followed by attacking a tent put up in his front lawn. We waited for him to go inside before leaving and returning to her mother to report the phone calls from the nutcase. Her mother immediately called the hot cop again and we sat in their pizza shop while waiting for the patrol cars. We told them about the phone calls, leaving out our drunken friend story. The cop was skeptical, but went to his car to get an Alpha David. When he came back, he was more sure. He had contacted the police that run the nutcases whereabouts and they knew allllll about him. He then demanded the Alpha David be on his desk first thing the next morning (which was not a problem, seeing as he was definitely VERY easy on the eyes).
To be continued...
Siblings = Birth Control05:14 May 01 2007
Times Read: 661
Oooo I could spit fire right now. I spent two hours, TWO LONG HOURS, cooking dinner for my younger siblings and what did I get? Shit. There was no thank you, but no thank you. Or a "I'm not that hungry." Want to know what I got? Rudeness. I hate children. They are just so obnoxious. It blows my mind. The things they said about my cooking... calling it poison and being serious about it! I did a damn good job if I say so myself! Damn Kids.