FortunateFool's Journal

FortunateFool's Journal


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7 entries this month

Moonie is Badass

00:04 Dec 25 2007
Times Read: 613

During my stay here, I went through the normal process of first despising the admin of this site (or most of them) to appreciating them. While all of Cancer's little elves are indeed witty and sarcastic, I must say the most badass of them all is Moonie. I always get a good chuckle when she shows 'em who's "boss."





23:54 Dec 22 2007
Times Read: 614

So I've finally found a great job with Petra Azar herself, owner of The United Heart jewelry line and breeder of a rare Arabian horse. This woman travels the world and needs someone who is computer savvy to keep track of everything for her, as well as someone to help her promote and advertise her products.

I'm actually quite pleased with myself. I loved restaurants, I hated and loved Ireland, but now I've gone and found employment with someone who is successful and interesting. Now doubt it will be hard work, and I intend to do my very best.




Honey, I'm Home!

13:36 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 616

Does anyone know how wonderful it is for me to be home? Even if we're about to get some monster snow storm that will bring us 8 inches, it's a beautiful thing. I've never been more pleased with it in my entire life. The whole trip made me realize how much I appreciate my family, I used to hate being in the house. Now I'm flippin' lovin' it.




Are you God?

01:07 Dec 14 2007
Times Read: 625

A member here on the rave has been leaving people these comments:

You also have horrible grammar and one of the worst profiles I've seen from any whelp thus far. No profile would be better than this one. Let me know if you update. I may come back to re-rate you. 1

Please fix your profile. If I see another one like this, I swear to God, I'll kill somebody. You spent absolutely no time on this. Your grammar and punctuation is horrible. You just threw together bits of information that don't even flow together to make the slightest bit of sense. With a profile like this, you really can't expect to get a good rating at all. And from the looks of it, you haven't been.. I've also checked your comments and no one else has said a thing. So, I thought I would. Your profile sucks and you need to fix it. There... done... that's it.. that's all I'm saying. And the rest of you gutless pricks who are too scared for your own ratings to help this poor person out can kiss my ass. At least I'm saying something. Other than that, welcome to the rave dear. I'm leaving you with a 4 for now... Let me know when you update. :)

Sweetie, English class is a good thing. It's what our hard earned tax dollars go toward..... Stop wasting our money! Try some proper grammar and spelling, add in a period and a few comma's, and you may just have something here. Because you know what? Right now, your profile is so unorganized that I can barely read it. I gave up halfway through it. Let me know when you update and I'll re-rate you. 6

Sweetheart, I'm sure you've made a profile before be it Myspace, VampireFreaks, whatever. Just copy and fucking paste. It's not all that hard. Just put together some basic info and there you go! Hello! Wake up! That and your grammar is horrible. That's the problem with kids these days. You never pay the fuck attention in class. Stop sleeping and pay attention! Stop wasting our hard earned tax dollars. Drop out of school if you have too. I want my money to go to someone who actually wants to learn. Oh, and FYI, TaLkInG lIkE tHiS iS vErY aNnOyInG.... So you probably shouldn't do it. Let me know when you up-date and I may re-rate you. 3

Now for Christs sake, I went ahead and rated the girl not based on her profile, but based on her attitude problem. It is one thing to give out criticism and be helpful, but quite another to be an outright jackass.




The Sky is Falling

23:14 Dec 07 2007
Times Read: 627

So this is one of those pivotal "my life is tumbling down" moments. Everything has gone wrong in a matter of 5 days.

Monday I was told that circumstances have changed and that I'm no longer needed here. That's fine, because I wanted to go home since I got here. I've hated Ireland since I arrived because of the people I was living for. But I still needed my passport stamped so I could stay until my friend got here and I could travel home with her.

I've been reminding these people for 2 weeks now, yet they still haven't gotten it done. Wednesday, they finally antied up and took me the local guarda who sent us to the garda in City Centre... but they decided to stop home between the two and doce about so that by the time we got to the City Centre guarda station the immigration desk was closed. They said we would do it first thing the next day.

Thursday rolls around and it doesn't happen. I go out at some point and get in around 11, wait for their show to cut to commercial and ask them when we could go. Then, Marion sprung to the attack for 45 minutes, not letting me defend myself as she screamed and yelled and made me out to be the scum on the bottom of her shoe. It ended with me in tears trying to talk and her basking in it. It wasn't even rational, nor avoidable. She had my way out blocked and I had no choice but to sit there. She kept asking me questions and when I tried to answer she would interupt to make some snide remark on how that's so unbelievable and wrong. Not even AJ could stop her.

Then, today, I made AJ take me to the guarda station. I knew my best friend would be here on the 14th, so I asked for them to give me the most time they could. They would only give me until the 12th. Now I was screwed. Not only was my mother jumping on me to get out of there, but because of all this I unintentionally burnt the best bridge I've ever had. Now, here I am, stuck here with only 50 euro in my pocket that I have to save until tuesday for my flight home that I am dreading because the one person I've been counting down days to see here in Ireland is not only going to nix her trip to Ireland just because of me and my uncontrolled circumstances, won't even want to see me when I arrive back in the states.

I wish I never fucking went to Ireland.




Another Great Conversation

21:03 Dec 06 2007
Times Read: 631

Again, best if read from bottom to top.

LOL - now thats the cop out. lol

I would so join you in a bar of chocolate.

On 20:15:07 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

hahahaha no no no. I'm so not the emotional type.

He's gone now anyway. I need chocolate.

On 20:14:03 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

Julie its so not a cop out -- you girls need to separate love and sex and not get so emotional. LOL

On 20:06:53 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

Oh thats such a cop out...

On 20:00:37 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

Ohhh you wimp --- its not about love...... just talk to him....a physical bit of fun is what you may well need now

On 19:54:16 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:


theres a ring!

On 19:49:00 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

LOL - Irish luck to you. lol

On 19:47:14 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

thats if he smokes... lol. its so hard to hit on people at a computer!!! especially without looking desperate! dammit! Alright, I'm going to get up and pray. I'm logging off for a few minutes, but I'll be back!

Dum dum dummmm!

On 19:45:34 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

you could even ask for a light...lol

On 19:44:45 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

i can't walk while on the phone, I'm attached to the computer. but i'll get a cigarette and try to bump into him a little... making it look like an accident will be challenging.

On 19:41:41 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

make sure you get up and walk around *hint hint* always good to accidently brush past him and back again -- and dont forget to apologise. lol

On 19:39:35 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

Ah I love the phone! :)

On 19:35:40 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

its too obvious -- just a shy smile

On 19:34:04 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

wait- why can't I grin?

On 19:32:58 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

yea, do that, and make a point of smiling *but not grinning* -- and do the New York "hi. how are you" bit when you're done

On 19:31:23 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

OR I could make a phone call and he'd be forced to hear my accent, which only ever maintains interest.

On 19:30:07 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

ring? RING??? - sod the ring.....ask for help, tell him you dont understand what the 'enter' key is *with enfisis on the accent*

On 19:27:22 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

Lol... I keep glancing over to see if there's a ring on his finger.

God lord, just my luck too- the breeze keeps sending wafts of his cologne at me.


On 19:26:03 Dec 06 2007 BLOODLIFE wrote:

I would say it's his loss -- GO JUMP HIM!! lol

On 19:23:54 Dec 06 2007 FortunateFool wrote:

oh jaysus. Conor Larkin just sat next to me--and he smells intoxicating!

Poor guy will be lucky if I don't jump him.




Dusty Bluebells

20:11 Dec 03 2007
Times Read: 635

I just found out today that I'm not needed anymore here, as the situations are changing. The father is taking on a new job that entails travel but less hours when home and the mother is going to quit working since she only works two days a week anyway. So... now I'm in Ireland and I feel as though I came here for no reason. I have two choices... find another gig in Ireland or the UK, OR go home...

It just kills me, there is so much I haven't gotten to do yet. I hated being here for the longest time because I felt as though I was being taken advantage of, yet now these people have wormed their way into my life and I have become my friends...

Jaysus... I'm getting emotional...



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