I have been chatting a bit with a new found friend on VR and the new movie World Trade Center came up. It made me think back to where I was when the towers collapsed.
I was a freshman in high school, sitting in my third period Journalism class when the news finally came to the student bodies attention (I'd say around 10:15 AM or so... a while after the planes crashed into the buildings). We had no idea what was happening, so naturally when one of the teachers went rushing passed the classroom screaming "The second tower just collapsed" we all thought she was going crazy. But then, just minutes after she passed, the principal came over the loudspeaker and told us what was going on in the most grim way imaginable. The class just listened and shrugged it off, went back to bull shitting our way through the period as usual. Our teacher then brought to our attention how serious the situation was. Suddenly, the classroom was in mixture of shock and hysteria. I rushed from the room to use the phone and call my dad, as he travels the tri-state area because of work. I grew more and more upset every time he did not answer his cell phone. For the rest of the day, students and teachers watched the news. We relived the planes crashing and the towers falling over and over. At the end of the day, we all went home where our parents made us relive it as well. It was definitely a day that changed everyones life.
This entry is just to update all those who wish to read on about me on what has happened in my life since my 20th birthday a little over a month ago. Who ever said bad things come in threes, I would love to suck the life out of.
It all started on November 21st, the day of my 20th birthday. Being excited for the start of a new chapter in my life, I was enticed to pamper myself. While shaving my legs, I took a good four layers of skin off of my ankle. Imagine how pale I must have gotten, seeing as I can't stand the sight of my own blood.
After that, for a few days at least, things went well. Until, of course, my father started his monthly cycle to drive me insane by making me feel worthless. As I strived to stay strong through the situation, I made due with what little money I had, seeing as my boss owed me three nights pay at this point.
Then, the ever fateful day came. December 4th, the day I lost my freedom. I was supposed to have met with my boss for the nights pay she owed to me so I could stay at home without my father rampaging, but after waiting 45 minutes for her, I grew impatient. It was then that I decided to grab a bite to eat. On my adventure, my already beaten up car was then pinned between an SUV and the car behind me that had accelerated into my rear putting me into a four car pile-up. After that I suffered whiplash for a week as well as mental abuse by the above mentioned.
The saturday following my accident, my boss begged me to work. Did she worry about my back injuries? Not at all. 45 minutes after arriving and doing what I could, my lower back went into spasms. It was then that I decided to go outside and refresh myself with a dash of nicotine. My boss came outside, yelling, which only made matters worse. She sent me away from the restaurant, claiming that it was the drugs that made me so "out of it." I believed that I had been fired.
Two days later, I found that I had not been fired but that she thought I was high (whether of an illegal drug or my prescribed meds, I do not know). I put my foot down and forced myself to quit the job, because I know as well as any other that working for someone who thinks the worst of you is not the best person to work for.
And that chain of events brings me to the end of my 20th year (thusfar, at least). The only assumption I can make is that I am quite possibly one of the most unlucky people in the world.