ForsakenMuse's Journal


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5 entries this month


Sink into Sleep

01:32 Aug 15 2010
Times Read: 496

Sink into emotions deluded by time

Fall into sweet oblivion

Forget about the good

Remember the bad

Relish in tear-stained words

Dream of a Nightmare

Sleep without a hope of waking





07:07 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 498

Yeah I guess I'm happy

After all it's what I'm supposed to be

We've won the many battles

That we had to face

our armor, it rattles

as we all take our place

Fear in the hearts

Of men brave and true

When this war starts

What will I do

Will I become a hero

Doing what is right

Or will I be the Villain

Killing upon sight

The records are only kept

By those who win

I never will accept

That we are killing kin

But what can I do

They are many

We are few

So we'll fight for our lives

Killing children and wives

The war is over now

But we have lost

I may have won the fight

But at what cost

I'm on the battle field alone

How I long to go home

I have no home no

No family or friends

You see this is what happens

When the war ends...




The Way the Story Goes

07:06 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 499

Such a mess we made

Through out the years

Who knew that I would cry

Blood red crimson tears

Words are spoken

Hearts are broken

What can I do

Am I lost too

I am all alone now

I am on my own wow

Who would've thought

That I'd come this far

Who would've bought

That I'm a rising star

No one I suppose

But that's the way

The story goes

Every single day

I wonder why

Why did I try

Why did you die

Why did I cry

Why do I care

Why do I dare

Why does it matter

Nobody knows

That's just the way

The story goes...




Forever Free

07:05 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 500

she can't believe

no she won't buy into it

I can't just leave

because I've already been bit

they crowd around

we look at the ground

we can't escape

oh 'cause it's to late!!

she's hypnotized

can't look away from their eyes

I'm one of their own

so they leave me alone

eyes closed tight

she wishes with all her might

longing to be free

her wish cannot ever be

grace like a bird

one of them steps forward

his skins so white

his clothes are as dark as the night

teeth pierce her throat

I'm sure later he will gloat

she touches her skin

this battle she didn't win

after all i said

she's now one of the undead

was she listening?

this lifestyle isn't worth living

it's the next day

and my dread won't go away

it slightly does seem

like it was all a bad dream

later, that night

when I'm sure that I'm awake

something isn't right

I see her and my breath intakes

It all happened

I'm so sorry my friend

I say to her

I didn't want this to occur

now it's alright

we're hunting down prey tonight


we will live forever "free"...




Exonerated Mistakes

07:02 Aug 13 2010
Times Read: 501

When did we loose ourselves to all of this?

False senses of what is considered right and wrong

Last hopes fluttering on the wings of a lost generation

Misunderstood motives of those never forgotten

One man hides away in his house, his last salvation

The neighbors all know their better off leaving him alone

Alone in that house with his painful memories

Do they know what they did to him?

Prejudice has taken over almost everyone’s fragile hearts

Does any one know what they believe anymore?

Years have past and still they live in figurative dark

Those who are different will live and die apart

Condemned to the court because of his skin

Accused of a crime that he could never commit

Forced away from his beloved family and his humble life

Found guilty by a jury with a fake sense of superiority

Time fades with a melancholy glee

Shadows haunt the souls of those who truly care

Lost in a world of pretense and fantasy

Will no one attempt to rid themselves of their masks?

The lady on the left tries the best she can

House burnt down to the ground but she will start again

Understands what is going on around her

But is helpless and shaken on the inside

Can’t anyone see the effects they cause?

Eternal winter within their minds, cold and dead

Afraid to let go and be themselves

They lie to escape an even worse fate

A woman weeps, tears streaking her beaten and bruised face

Hiding from her father, trying to give her siblings a life

She escaped yet another drunken rage

Just to end the breath of the only one who ever cared

Desperate cries and forlorn screams echo in the streets

No one makes a move to aid any of those in need

To concerned with their own affairs

Why would they care about a dwindling light beside them?

Cruel destiny has played another horrendous trick

A man doomed to lose now feels a tragic regret

His client is dead and a girl’s heart lie broken on the floor

Within himself he hides his pain and sorrow

Hidden in optimism, depression contaminates the air

Do they dare to make a move when it could be their last?

Can they assist a man before prophecy comes to pass?

Fear can not hinder them, not now

Supporting them as best she can

She becomes a make-shift mother and a helping hand

Life though decent now wasn’t always then

Even at current she feels herself falling away from faith

Dreams collapse shattered in the dusty roads

Change is coming, but is it s fast enough?

These actions couldn’t possibly be morally correct

But what else can their clouded minds do?

Young eyes see the incorrect motion

Children of the current but our saviors of the future

Colors blur and no longer matter to any

Kids merely respond to the choices that others have made

A wish for what will come from their mistakes

A distant anticipation for something better than they could think

Bitter feelings linger trapped by sturdy restraint

Will the past repeat itself of start anew?

A sweet bird chirps a silent song in a not so far away land

This independent bird lives forever free

For the death of it is unnecessary, what harm could it do?

Above the whole chaos induced town a mockingbird sings



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