For a 3 year anniversary gift I was thinking of giving a couples cooking class! Something different and fun. Im looking forward to the reaction..
This is the first day on this web page. Im looking forward to seeing what the site has to offer. Is this a journal for myself? What is supposed to be written in here? Ill browse other people's journals. Ive been getting into making gothic/dark art alot lately. Im working on a painting of two vampires kissing eachother. Its a very famous picture. Ill upload my art if thats possible. The pain and nausea I have is really getting to me, people tell me to go sleep or take some pills. Well if you have chronic pain its hard to sleep but when I do its very helpful. I love sleeping during the day, Id love a job where I work at night, the earth is so calm at night for the most part and I feel at my best- I start feeling a burst of energy around 9 pm lasting about 1 or 2am. Im leaving for california tomorrow night. Very excited. Im going to the Queen Mary ship for dinner one night . I hear its haunted I hope I can feel some active spirits, my soul will be open for anything..I believe anything is possible and so does my partner - Id love to sleep there but its very expensive, that will definitly go on my Bucket List...unless I become immortal=)