Running from evil. In a park. Guns fireing. Feet racing. My heart pounding faster then normal. A race against destany. A way to cheat death again. If only I could run fast enough I could save us both. If only I could stop time. I could save us both. Stopping for no reason in a park that was sacluded. Green grass, great big oaks. The leaves all sorts of autumy colours. Turning around looking at the killer. Pausing takeing a deep breath. I throw you behind me. A last fire is shot. I put my had out streached in front of my heart. The bullet flying threw my hand as if it was paper. Threw the other side into my heart. Unknown if it really hit. Serveral gun shots in the air. My killer is dead. The guardians of justice made sure. He couldn't return. I lay countious in an ambulance. You by my side. Two rings that match on our fingers. Though I see a siloute of you. I still know it is you. You hold my hand telling me to hang on. I grasp yours. In my palms, I'm still breathing. There is still hope. I will not let this be the end of me. I will not give up. Then I awoke. This dream has happend twice more is added. The outcome the same. Something changes in me. These are all good as far as I can see.