NOt sure why I even come to this site anymore, it's boring compared to when it was fresh and had so many people interacting with it.
maybe I won't come back and itll drop my level to 100 again. I use to be 150 level wise now it been dropping for years of me being away to 139.99
so go forager.
Had my swab done cuz now they can check what your body processess better.
Maybe moving soon Idk.
This place is going to hell very quickly, and crime here has gone severely up. It's not even safe to walk to the store down the hill.
as there were some shootings going on.
Alone for a bit not sure how long. Probably 3 to 4 days.
Fun fact it's hard for me to make friends.
It's hard for me to flirt with anyone anymore.
I'm tired.
But I'm trying.