So I am creating a book of Shadows for a is proving to be more difficult then I had ever thought it would be. Any Suggestions??
I have the basics her case the Wiccan Rede..Candle Magick, Herbs ( more my thing then her's but I thought it would help) I really don't know what else to put in there..Sigh I need help!
16:42 Mar 01 2011
I used to make custom Book Of Shadows for people. Normally the content was up to the customers however here's what this Triplicity Pagan had in hers...
The first few pages were basics like Color meanings, candle color meanings, Planetary aspects, Astrological meanings (plus moon charts), Metal meanings, Time aspects, Herbal index and meanings, Tarot meanings, Gods and Goddesses, Weather working/direction and meaning and even Altar set ups.
03:23 Mar 02 2011
OH...that is good stuff, haven't even thought about the metal and color meanings..I love the altar set up in the BoS :)