I have this really cool coin I found ages ago. I recently decided to try and find out which country it comes from. Ive been looking online and I think it comes from Egypt because they have a bunch of coins similar to mine. I have yet to find mine though so Im not positive. It would be really cool though :)
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hehe I made it to sire level on rating. yay :)
I need to realise that no matter how hard I try I will never right every wrong in the world. I can work hard and right some of the wrongs but will never be able to right them all. I wish I could but it will never happen. I can believe that I will but I know I wont. But Im going to work at it anyway and Im going to make a difference. Im going to right as many wrongs as I can. Then I can say that at least I tried.
Tip: Read from the bottom up
On 22:48:50 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) NocnaMora wrote:
Hmm ... don't think so. Unless, you know, a person dreams of playing shuffle board.
On 22:48:18 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) ladyakkera wrote:
lol yeah. do we get bored when we are sleeping?
On 22:47:37 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) NocnaMora wrote:
Aye lol. Then that would lead to worldwide insomnia
On 22:43:45 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) ladyakkera wrote:
yeah. it would probably cause a worldwide panic too. everybody would be trying to find something to do constantly
On 22:42:34 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) NocnaMora wrote:
Would be like the black plague.. o.O
On 22:41:47 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) ladyakkera wrote:
lol. they would probably have to make mass graves because there wouldnt be enough room to bury everybody
On 22:40:11 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) NocnaMora wrote:
Lol 'And in other news, Boredom claims another victim, bringing the Death toll to 1,205,634
On 22:39:06 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) ladyakkera wrote:
lol yep.be pretty pathetic though. On your gravestone it would say "another victim of boredom"
On 22:38:31 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) NocnaMora wrote:
Damn straight lmao. Beat out cancer and heart attacks.
On 22:35:58 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) ladyakkera wrote:
Lol I bet a lot of people would be dead. It would probably be the number one cause of death worldwide
On 22:35:19 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) NocnaMora wrote:
Indeed =P that would be very bad lol
On 22:34:40 Feb 15 2008 (-6 GMT) ladyakkera wrote:
Im glad its not possible to die of boredom :) lol
Well, sometimes we don't want to think someone is as bad as they are because there are so many things we like about them that we think they will change, and if our judgement wasn't clouded we would realize that there's no way they will. And when it finally hits us, it's usually way too late. But we learn from it and move on, hopefully not making the same mistake. In your case, it had nothing to do with you because he was the asshole. You just didn't realize it, which isn't your fault in my book.
I guess I just needed to know it wasnt my fault....
Your Status: Viper (Level 21)
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Posts Score: 5 x .10 = 0.5
Score: 20.8
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Referral Modifier: 1
Mark Bonus: 2%
Mark Modifier: 1.02
Total Score: 20.8
Ratings Score: 27 ( 9254 of 15429 or 59.98% )
Ive discovered that youtube is excellent for watching music videos that I cant seem to find anywhere else. Yay. I should have thought of it earlier...But either way Im still happy :)
Ive got a terrible bad habit. When I am bored I chew on things. It could be a pencil, or in some cases my mouse cord or my cell phone. Ive come to realise that this is completely stupid and I really need to stop. I accidently got the wrong part of my cell phone the other day and it made my tongue feel funny and have a horrible after taste. Ive decided not to chew on my phone anymore. Someday Im probably going to end up electricuting myself. XD lol. I should just stick to pencils. They are safer lol.
I am excelling in everything I need for levelling up but forum posts. I am level 21 for time spent and page views and level 27 on things rated. But forum wise I am at a pitiful 25 forum posts. And its probably never going to increase to as much as is needed. I find the forums very boring so I rarely post in the forum. I try to get everything up high enough to cancel it out. Sadly this will not work forever. Guess Id better get to work then, hehe. I might reach 30 within the next month or so.
It would be really nice if I would learn my lesson. But I dont and I probably never will. I am drinking a sprite and I lay it on my bed. Apparently I have issues getting it to close all the way. So it leaks all over my bed. Ive picked it up and tightened it but it still leaks. Ive done this about three times so far with the bottle. Ive finally figured out that sitting it on the dresser is a much better idea than laying it on the bed. XD should have realised that the first time....
It seems as if I always chase the impossible or near impossible. For example, I want to join the military but the only job I want in the military is special forces. Im female, which means I dont get to be in the special forces. Also, my biggest goal in life is world peace, even if it isn't achieved in this lifetime. Almost everybody says that world peace is impossible now and always will be.